FFF Member Awards; It's back!

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May 9, 2013
Divinus Smifficus
FFXIV Server
Not all returns are a good thing (Love Island in the UK, anyone?) but this one is! - If you aren't aware there's a preliminary 'nominations' phase first and then the final award polls are posted with a narrowed down selection to pick from.
Date for nomination entries is the 17th - please post or PM me nominations before that date. Voting will close 28th then winners announced 30th! 1 CT and 1 BWP awarded to the winner of each catagory! You also get 1 CT just for submitting nominations!

So let's get down to it - the catagories are.. (and dont forget to tag them, with '@' and their username!)


FFF President:
Best Username:
Best New Member:
Best Morale Booster:
Best FFXIV Player:
Best FFXIV Mentor:
Most Clueless Member:
Most Active Member:
Most Enthusiastic Member:
Most Sociable Member:
Friendliest Member:
Craziest Member:
Drunken Master:
Final Fantasy Fanatic:
Member you wish would post more:

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)

Best Site Feature:
Best Skin:
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/):
Best Quotable Member:
Most Forgetful Member:
  • Like
Reactions: sly
I'll fill all these in later

FFF President: @Mitsuki
Best Username: @GRI3V3RAY - I like the name
Best New Member: @GRI3V3RAY - Latest member I've seen
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos - Always positive and openminded!
Best FFXIV Player: N/A- I don't play
Best FFXIV Mentor: N/A - I don't play
Most Clueless Member: @Rey - Because I had to :troll:
Most Active Member: @Linnaete - she's here alot
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Mitsuki
Most Sociable Member: @Espurr - always welcoming
Friendliest Member: @Dionysos - Top lad
Craziest Member: @Six - She scares me sometimes... 0.0
Drunken Master: @Soulcorruptor - because he drinks alot tbh
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Rey - Adriano is really one of the main people who directs conversation towards FF on a regular basis!
Member you wish would post more: @Sprout I miss you. :(

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @Shu
Grumpy: @Belazor et Britannia
Sleepy: @Linnaete
Happy: @Dionysos
Bashful: @Espurr
Sneezy: @Paddy McGee - I am literally crying due to allergies atm
Dopey: @Sprout

Best Site Feature: The new upgraded SB is real cool
Best Skin: Shades of Grey(teal)
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/): The chickenosaurus Rex
Best Quotable Member: @Linnaete - she writes the articles after all...
Most Forgetful Member: @Sprout YOU FORGET TO BE HERE :cry:
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FFF President: @Espurr
Best Username: @Seven
Best New Member: @charmy
Best Morale Booster: @Shu
Best FFXIV Player: @Ross
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Harlequin, though you're technically not a mentor. Sitting through crafts calculating my next move lol.
Most Clueless Member: @Mitsuki
Most Active Member: @Dionysos
Most Enthusiastic Member: x
Most Sociable Member: @Paddy McGee
Friendliest Member: @Steve-O
Craziest Member: @Soulcorruptor
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @shivas, you know pretty much every FF!
Member you wish would post more: @daredevil

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Grumpy: @Belazor et Britannia
Sleepy: @Mitsuki
Happy: @shivas
Bashful: @Sprout
Sneezy: @Linnaete
Dopey: @Paddy McGee

Best Site Feature: Articles
Best Skin: Omni - Slate Grey
Best Cegling Mascot: :chickenosaurus:
Best Quotable Member: @Linnaete
Most Forgetful Member: @Mitsuki
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Let's bloody do this

FFF President:
@sly he will surely make FFF Adequate Again
Best Username: @Abstract Debauchery
Best New Member: @Duhemsounds
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player: @Ross
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Espurr
Most Clueless Member: @Mitsuki
Most Active Member: @Soulcorruptor
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Cardinal Copia
Most Sociable Member: @Paddy McGee
Friendliest Member: @shivas - she offers to give me hugs which is something my mother has never done =(
Craziest Member: @Belazor et Britannia
Drunken Master: @Bambi
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dionysos - going by the sheer numbers of magazine articles he's contributed and the Mythology Manual series
Member you wish would post more: @JigoKuu

The Seven FFF Dwarves [insert obligatory Liv is smol joke here]

Doc: Credits to Kira for this one: @Harlequin
Grumpy: @Six - look I don't care how much she denies it
Sleepy: Definitely not @Six so probably @Ross
Happy: Definitely not @Six either so @shivas
Bashful: @Martel
Sneezy: @Espurr
Dopey: @Rey

Best Site Feature: A much, much, much improved articles system, because good grief, the old one was horrendous and unintuitive
Best Skin: Omni Mist (when completed), otherwise Shades of Grey (Teal) at this time of typing
Best Cegling Mascot: :chickenosaurus: quite clearly
Best Quotable Member: @Belazor et Britannia
Most Forgetful Member: @Mitsuki
(I'll fill in the rest whenever I come up with answers :P)

Best Username: @Six duh
Best New Member: @JivelyGames
Best Morale Booster: @Galadín always making me wanna improve my art :hug:
Best FFXIV Player: @Ross <the legend>
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Ross (yes you get both for helping me with ex trials all the time :cool:)
Most Clueless Member:
Most Active Member: @Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member:
Most Sociable Member: @Shu
Friendliest Member: @Setzer Gabbiani
Craziest Member: :8F:
Drunken Master:
Final Fantasy Fanatic:
Member you wish would post more: @JigoKuu come baaaack

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: i'm gonna pick tom too @Harlequin
Grumpy: @Belazor et Britannia :p
Sleepy: @Ross lmao
Bashful: @Sprout
Sneezy: @Paddy McGee you were talking about allergies i had to

Best Site Feature: SHOUTBOX (I miss the old one but still)
Best Skin: SHADES OF GREY (ORANGE) fight me
Best Cegling Mascot: :dantelope: I have to pick one of my children duh
Best Quotable Member: @Linnaete
Most Forgetful Member: @Mitsuki :hug:
I'll finish this off if I get time tomorrow.

FFF President: Madam President @Mitsuki
Best Username: @sly (a simple and accurate username)
Best New Member: @JivelyGames
Best Morale Booster: @Duhemsounds (because a new Duhemsounds track improves my mood)
Best FFXIV Player: @Ross (hence the magazine article (page 48)!)
Best FFXIV Mentor: @shivas (I haven't been on in a long time, but she gave me a tour of FFF's FC house via a stream and introduced me to the carnivorous fountain)
Most Clueless Member:
Most Active Member: @Soulcorruptor
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Mitsuki
Most Sociable Member: @Espurr
Friendliest Member: @Setzer Gabbiani
Craziest Member: @Bambi
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @daredevil
Member you wish would post more: @JigoKuu

The Seven FFF Dwarves:
Doc: @Linnaete (technically Liv is too small to be a dwarf, but on a stool she can pass as one)
Grumpy: @Six
Happy: @Shu
Bashful: @Rey
Sneezy: @Sprout (vegetables get human fever far worse than humans get hay fever)
Dopey: @Shaissa

Best Site Feature: New articles system.
Best Skin: Shades of Grey (Teal)
Best Cegling Mascot: Dinny Sore :dinny: (if I didn’t say that, I’d get shot)
Best Quotable Member:
Most Forgetful Member:
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FFF President: Fil, he's already an evil overlord
Best Username: @iSmiff just because of the i
Best New Member:
Best Morale Booster:
Best FFXIV Player: havent played XIV in ages so leaving blank
Best FFXIV Mentor: havent played XIV in ages so leaving blank
Most Clueless Member: @Rey
Most Active Member:
Most Enthusiastic Member:
Most Sociable Member:
Friendliest Member: @Setzer Gabbiani
Craziest Member:
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee only other person to drink as I do and be vocal about it
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dragon Mage guess she changed names but she knew a lot
Member you wish would post more: Channy she hasn't been on on ages though

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @Dionysos
Grumpy: @Martel
Sleepy: @Sprout always bugging off to sleep
Happy: @shivas stop being so damn chipper all the time
Bashful: @Espurr
Sneezy: @Linnaete other person I see on allergies and since green is nominated for a dwarf cant give him two
Dopey: @Rey

Best Site Feature:
Best Skin:
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/): :panterpaws:
Best Quotable Member: @Linnaete
Most Forgetful Member: @Mitsuki
FFF Overlord: @Linnaete :nudge:
Best Username: @Six All Sixes and Sevens, that one.
Best New Member: @cloudy_bae shows up as a new member. Don't let me down.
Best Morale Booster: @Mitsuki I still don't think you keep your desk that clean.
Best FFXIV Player: @Harlequin He yelled at me for not taking crafting seriously.
Best FFXIV Mentor: @shivas cause one time Tami took me out to power-level me and let me die.
Most Clueless Member: @Rey Well, it has to be somebody.
Most Active Member: @Belazor et Britannia Hey, I need you to fix the.....
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Shu puff
Most Sociable Member: @Dionysos legendary paint skills.
Friendliest Member: @Shaissa Person for the Ethical Treatment of Paissa, catchy huh?
Craziest Member: @Sprout Cuz Vivian, that's why.
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee NOBODY understands Gerry.
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Ross When's the last time you logged off?
Member you wish would post more: @Bambi Just not putting in the effort, clearly.

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @AuronX Doctor of FFology.
Grumpy: @Lord Golbez Sounds like an angry name.
Sleepy: @Espurr Purring makes me sleepy?
Happy: @Soulcorruptor I'm just filling in names at this point and we have a child together.
Bashful: @Galadín I think you blushed one time. Right? No? Okay then.
Sneezy: @Ilyena I'm worried that Zazu will try to eat you.
Dopey: @iSmiff Obviously Will Smiff.

Best Site Feature: Shout Box
Best Skin: Shades of Grey (Orange)
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/): :angrybeard: My child.
Best Quotable Member: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/members/donald-trump.7778/
Thought we had a little longer to do this so dunno if it even counts oops. Buuuut here we go. :cool:

FFF President: @Mitsuki
Best Username: @Six
Best New Member:
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player: @Harlequin
Best FFXIV Mentor: @shivas
Most Clueless Member: (no comment)
Most Active Member: @Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: @JigoKuu
Most Sociable Member: @Paddy McGee
Friendliest Member: @shivas
Craziest Member: @sly
Drunken Master:
Final Fantasy Fanatic:
Member you wish would post more: @JigoKuu

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @Harlequin
Grumpy: @Linnaete
Sleepy: @Six
Bashful: @shivas

Best Site Feature: Shoutbox.
Best Skin: Shades of Grey (Orange)
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/): :rossmanian:
Best Quotable Member:
Most Forgetful Member:
FFF President: Definitely @Mitsuki
Best Username: @sly cause it is simple
Best New Member: @Duhemsounds
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos. I feel that Dan really does a lot for this category. Just a friendly guy overall and good admin!
Best FFXIV Player: I honestly have no idea so I abstain
Best FFXIV Mentor: I mostly mentored myself but I am going to say @Espurr for the tips he gives everyone.
Most Clueless Member: I dont know
Most Active Member: @Linnaete cause she's a nerd
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Dionysos for sure. The murder mystery games, the articles, and the mythology series. He's a very enthusiastic guy.
Most Sociable Member: @Paddy McGee is easy to joke around with :tearjoy:
Friendliest Member: @Shu @Dionysos From what I remember, Tyler is really friendly and really open to talk with. Dan is the same way. I cant put one
Craziest Member: @Linnaete because she's insane in a good way
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee :lew:
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Rey cause I bring up ff more than anyone else I find.
Member you wish would post more: @Mitsuki

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @Dionysos could take Elenaboko to the mines
Grumpy: @Belazor et Britannia cause he's the tech guy :lew:
Sleepy: @Linnaete
Happy: @shivas Dont think I've ever seen her get angry.
Bashful: @Sprout
Sneezy: @Paddy McGee I guess
Dopey: @Linnaete

Best Site Feature: Discord
Best Skin: Shades of grey (Teal)
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/): DINNY of course. :dinny: He will screw all the others up
Best Quotable Member: Whoever wrote the FFF magazine articles. Great job!
Most Forgetful Member: @Linnaete
FFF President: @Lord Golbez - c'mon now, he funds for the site and all.
Best Username: @Linnaete - probably because she's everywhere, I'm so used to the username now.
Best New Member: @charmy - technically she's been here since August of last year but still pretty new to me, all things considered. =] Love seeing her post!
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos - we all look up to the guy.
Best FFXIV Player: @shivas - there's a few of you but Ross and Tom needs another competitor. Enter Tami!
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Six - same as above...enter Kira! Plus she takes notes and shares them with me.
Most Clueless Member: Since I can't nominate myself... @Shu comes to mind. The many times I've face-palmed. =P
Most Active Member: @Linnaete she's everywhere, like I said. Home page, forums, shoutbox (used to be until recently), and now Discord.
Most Enthusiastic Member: @shivas Lol I've said this to her many times. I love it.
Most Sociable Member: @Setzer Gabbiani - the guy's friendly, greets people, helpful, nice to have around in the chat, what's more to say?
Friendliest Member: @Shu - Definitely think he's one of the most friendliest member out there next to Dan.
Craziest Member: I would like to nominate everyone but... @Paddy McGee seems a little loony to me. In a good way.
Drunken Master: @Rey - I don't actually know who's drunk these days but he seems drunk sometimes. Don't hurt me!
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dionysos - who can actually discuss Final Fantasy these days and still remain positive? Lol. Yep.
Member you wish would post more: @Galadín I love hearing her insights about anything, really. She has a knack of wording things positively without doing any damage but still acknowleges the situation, and sometimes I just really need that refreshing outlook.

The Seven FFF Dwarves
Doc: @Ilyena
Sleepy: @Harlequin ("Is Tom asleep?")
Happy: @Espurr
Bashful: @Sprout
Sneezy: @iSmiff
Dopey: @Rey

Best Site Feature: Articles, definitely.
Best Skin: I don't have a favorite yet...
Best Cegling Mascot (see: ): :chocobuncle: He's not even my kid but I gotta say, he's my favorite design so far.
Best Quotable Member: @Linnaete - I can't count how many times I've laughed out loud irl reading her posts.
Most Forgetful Member: @iSmiff
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FFF President: @Lord Golbez
Best Username: @Noblesse Oblige
Best New Member: @JivelyGames
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player:
Best FFXIV Mentor:
Most Clueless Member: @Kei
Most Active Member: @Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: @iSmiff
Most Sociable Member: @Six
Friendliest Member: @Sprout
Craziest Member: @Harlequin
Drunken Master: @BustaMo
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dragon Mage
Member you wish would post more: @.Mosh

The Seven FFF Dwarves
Doc: @AuronX
Grumpy: @Belazor et Britannia
Sleepy: @Soulcorruptor
Happy: @Mitsuki
Bashful: @moogle
Sneezy: @Bambi
Dopey: @Steve-O

Best Site Feature: Shoutbox
Best Skin: Shades of Grey (Orange)
Best Cegling Mascot: :moombat:
Best Quotable Member: @Shu
Most Forgetful Member: @Coco
Sorry guys, been super super busy! Nominations extended until Sunday (24th) night, then i'll post the vote threads which will run for a week and close on the 1st July! Winners then announced officially some point after that!

FFF President: @Mitsuki
Best Username: @Abstract Debauchery
Best New Member: @Duhemsounds
Best Morale Booster: @Shu
Best FFXIV Player:
Best FFXIV Mentor:
Most Clueless Member: @Ilyena
Most Active Member: @Six
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Dionysos
Most Sociable Member: @sly
Friendliest Member: @Dionysos
Craziest Member: @Bambi
Drunken Master: @Bambi
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Rey
Member you wish would post more: @blakstang98

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @Shu
Grumpy: @Linnaete
Sleepy: @Mitsuki
Happy: @Dionysos
Bashful: @Abstract Debauchery
Sneezy: @Belazor et Britannia

Best Site Feature: The fact that it's mobile friendly
Best Skin: Shades of Grey
Best Cegling Mascot (see: https://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/chocobo-egg.63370/): Brahnetosaurus
Best Quotable Member:
Most Forgetful Member:
FFF President: @Ilyena
Best Username: @Shaissa
Best New Member: @Duhemsounds
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player: @Harlequin
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Belazor et Britannia (helped me learn how to play my PLD starting out)
Most Clueless Member: @Shu
Most Active Member: @Six
Most Enthusiastic Member: @shivas / @Sprout
Most Sociable Member: @Soulcorruptor / @Linnaete
Friendliest Member: @Setzer Gabbiani
Craziest Member:
Drunken Master: @Shaissa
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Linnaete
Member you wish would post more: @BustaMo + @Gabranth

The Seven FFF Dwarves (Winners get a nice account makeover in the style of their dwarf)
Doc: @Dionysos
Grumpy: @Six ( don't slap me! - again..)
Sleepy: @Mitsuki
Happy: @Galadín
Bashful: @Lireal
Sneezy: @Sprout
FFF President: @Mitsuki (organisation is the key to power and she has so many journals!!! :inlove:)
Best Username: @Sprout (it is an adorable name ♥)
Best New Member: @charmy (new is a relative term, but I always enjoy reading your posts, they're happy and hopeful)
Best Morale Booster: @Mitsuki (thanks for listening!)
Best FFXIV Player: @Ross (in awe)
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Harlequin (Thomas the Tank Engine forever!)
Most Clueless Member: I would feel mean electing anyone for this :lew:
Most Active Member: @Dionysos (Microsoft Paint :inlove:)
Most Enthusiastic Member: @shivas (where do you get your energy! :x3:)
Most Sociable Member: @Linnaete (Always says something infinitely quotable)
Friendliest Member: @Shu (Always welcoming basically everyone, would probably welcome Mitsuki if let!)
Craziest Member: @sly (because you always win at everything..apparently)
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee :cheers:
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dionysos (because you write manuals and in-depth articles and it leaves us in awe)
Member you wish would post more: @ZaXo Ken'Ichi (please :boogie:)

The Seven FFF Dwarves
Doc: @Shu (after reading through this it was clear who to nominate)
Grumpy: @Six (in a good way! I swear!)
Sleepy: @Mitsuki (doesn't get enough naps between the work load)
Happy: @shivas (seriously where do you get your energy!? :hyper:)
Bashful: @Rey (went with intuition and other people said it too so :yay:)
Sneezy: @Sprout (because you know what it feels like to be embarrassed here on a daily basis :lolwhack::grouphug:)
Dopey: @Shaissa :snoopy:

Best Site Feature: Streams
Best Skin: Omni Slate Grey
Best Cegling Mascot: :moombat: (look at that adorable cutie face! ♥)
Best Quotable Member: @Linnaete (because I said you were already)
Most Forgetful Member: @Shu (because you didn't post up your message count for P.O.S.T. :lew: ok, I don't have evidence of anyone else who forgets things now do I!?)
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