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  • haha I have to ask (I'm so curious) but are you a Philologist by chance? :D
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    Reactions: Dionysos
    Your thesis sounds very cool. Off the top of my head I can think of several myths containing cannibalism, and also tribes reported by the historians. I can imagine that being a very interesting area to explore.
    Oh! Those conferences sound fantastic. I'd love some of the connections I've found and research I've undertaken to be used in that sort of context. Currently they are listing last year's calendar, so I'll keep an eye out for updates.
    I'd been drafting an article/s for this site about Greek refs in Endwalker but had to temporarily shelve it to deal with other things and another project which stole my time. There's lots to discuss there!

    [Very sorry about the multi-message spam... The joys of profile messages only allowing 420 characters.]
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    Reactions: Osmium
    Happy Birthday Dan! Hope you have a lovely day and manage to make the most of it!! :cheers:
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    Reactions: Dionysos
    Thank you!
    Yeah, lockdown birthdays are strange but it has been okay. :thehead:
    For sure they are, but I'm glad to hear you're having an okay time :cake:

    Next year everyone should hold extremely lavish birthday celebrations just to make up for lost time!
    Can I just say that your mythology manual posts are really interesting! I don't know how much time you put into them (it looks like a lot!) but I love reading them. Thanks ^^
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    Reactions: Dionysos
    Thanks for saying that! :) I'm happy some people like them.

    I do put a lot of effort into those articles. I had to take a long break halfway through writing the recent Brothers article (to do things like FFF's magazine) but I'm glad I saw it to the end. I have others planned and started so I hope to get them posted in the not too distant future.
    Looking forward to it!
    Was an absolute pleasure meeting ya pal. I left Glasgow on Sunday morning with a very sore head hahah
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    Reactions: Dionysos
    Yikes! You woke up worse than me then. I was flat out like a starfish on my bed.

    Exactly! I often end up as the guy who looks after the drinks while everyone else is up there dancing, so it's good to not be alone in that. 👍
    Though at least I did the conga... Sort of. It was more like chasing a line of people than dancing.
    Big Casino
    Big Casino
    Hahahah you did well mate. Chasing a line of folk is a good description lol. The guy who was hosting the event tho...Fair play to him for organizing something of that scale but he was an absolute embarrassment. That game of deal or no deal went on waaaaay too long. He had some issues to work out within himself i think.
    Ha ha. He was very drunk very early on in the evening... If I remember rightly he had Kelly's lipstick on within an hour of the evening event starting! I spoke to him after breakfast and he was fine by then and you wouldn't have thought the previous night had happened at all. Like many people, I believe he's been cringing at some of the photos and footage posted on Facebook and Twitter though.
    Hi Dan,

    Is there a specific thing I need to do to get the URL of my twitch channel changed on the forum? (https://www.twitch.tv/colourmesix) I don't know if that's something I have to repurchase if I'm just changing the URL. If not, could you please change it for me? Let me know. Thanks! :)
    nah, i figured it was just forgotten. it doesnt matter to me anyway. im just waiting until i can reset my name in march :lew:
    Its amazing. The whole thing was discovered by some Chinese farmers living in poverty. They tried to dig a well and ended up finding one of the biggest finds in history. I wont say anymore cuz you gotta read it. One of the best things ive read in a long long time. The Chinese were so far ahead of the world pre BC its unreal. There should be more documentaries about them on the tele. I dunno why theyre ignored =/
    I just read the most amazing book about the first emperor of China and how he formed the country and why the Terracotta Army was made to protect him after death. Think the book was by John Mann? I know your a history fan and I can't recommend it enough. The books called the Terracotta Army. You should defo read it. I'm trying to tell my mates about it but no one is interested lol. It's only my list of things to see before I die now
    Hi Dan,

    So I was just a bit overwhelmed trying to remember and I figured I'd just ask. Was there anything else that I needed to do for you? I've done the article banner, the Mythology Manual banner, was there anything else you needed done? I can't remember! Ahhhh! :gasp:
    Did you get my PM earlier about the Social Groups idea? I wrote a huge wall of PM regarding that, and I thought I sent it, but I don't see it in my Sent folders...
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