What do you sound like?

Will Graham

Hello, Dr. Lecter
Aug 10, 2010
Salinas, where the women go forever
I checked and didn't see a thread like this, though that normally means there definitely is one

So I just got to thinking about what people on here sound like when they speak. I guess you could just write down your patois, accent, tone, volume etc. or just record a sample with a microphone if you have one

I tend to speak very formally using archaic words for someone my age, I rarely use contractions such as "can't" or "don't". I don't use bad words very often either, preferring things such as frick or flip. I also have a bad tendency to pronounce words that begin with a 'qu' as a 'keh sound, for example question would become kestion.

My friends tell me my voice sounds like I'm being sarcastic or mean a lot of time, but I'm not sure if that's true.
That's so true. :D

I'm sure half of us don't type anything like how we actually sound in real life.

IRL I have a tendancy of making that "Tsk" or "Tut" noise with my tongue when I'm upset. For instance, if I "tsk" at my dog, he knows I'm mad at him. XD
I'm sure it gets annoying. I'd hate it if someone "tsked" at me.

I hear it from my Dad and my S.O. a lot that I slur my words together. I'm not sure if I talk to fast, or if I just have bad grammar. My Dad always has to tell me to speak louder, and he says he can't understand half of what I say because I mumble. XD

Also, I don't do too much cursing on the internet, but IRL, I curse a L-O-T.
:hmmm: My voice... I can't really tell what my own voice sounds like because what I hear is apparently completely different to what others hear.

I hear a very plain voice with a bland tone.

Other people tell me my voice is quite squeaky, and I sound like a 13 yr old boy. I pronounce words retardedly like 'TV' I pronounce "teeahvee"
I've also been told I don't have much of an accent at all (I am from Australia)
Uhm well i definately say the f word a bit too much. Typical scottish i suppose. The R's get rolled a little bit and words like world come out like wuh-ruld
Typically i speak in the Doric dialect aswell which i really cant be arsed explaining. It sounds like another language to most people out of scotland.
I sound very plain. No accent really considering Australian is very bland and has no edge to it.

I say fuck way too much and I'm trying to stop so I don't sound too boganish.

I tend to take on Kiwi and Pomi accents unintentionally when they're around and am quite good at it. It's fun saying words differently. Sometimes if I've been around the person long enough the accent stays with me for quite a while.

Can't think of anything else to say about what I sound like.
Personally I think that I sound very ordinary and boring, though that seems to be fairly common for people to say about their own voices. I can be slightly prone to mumbling and slurring on occasion though, as though my laziness wants to manifest itself through my speech. Whenever I hear recordings of myself, I think my voice sounds younger than it should. Not that it's high pitched in any way, but I just think it sounds like a 15 year old voice or something.

Accent wise, I sound very British. A lot of people have remarked that I sound quite posh at times, though I'm going to put that down to the fact that I'm a southerner living in the north, where the view is that any urban southern accent is automatically posh, especially if you come from London like me.
I drop H's and t's, still got quite a broad Oldham accent considering how long its been since Ive lived there. Proper common sounding lol

Just watch Corrie, I sound like folk on that

Except I swear. Alot.
Personally I think that I sound very ordinary and boring, though that seems to be fairly common for people to say about their own voices. I can be slightly prone to mumbling and slurring on occasion though, as though my laziness wants to manifest itself through my speech. Whenever I hear recordings of myself, I think my voice sounds younger than it should. Not that it's high pitched in any way, but I just think it sounds like a 15 year old voice or something.

Accent wise, I sound very British. A lot of people have remarked that I sound quite posh at times, though I'm going to put that down to the fact that I'm a southerner living in the north, where the view is that any urban southern accent is automatically posh, especially if you come from London like me.

Deffo, I come from Nottingham and i have a posh urban accent. Problem is all my friends dont so i keep correcting them on words they dont say right.. aparantly its annoyin ... er i mean annoying lol. x
I sound like an angel.

Obviously. :mokken:

But okay, seriously, I'm an alto, so I have a lower voice. Nearly everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcastic, witty and most definitely ridiculous. My family banters a LOT, so this is a normal thing. I also tend to use very elaborate words and phrases, exploiting my vast vocabulary quite unconsciously. Some people say this makes me sound snobbish and arrogant.

I just tell them I'm unaware of any words minute enough for them to comprehend. :smartass:

Since I come from Michigan, I have an Inland North Accent. Basically, you know the "neutral" sounding accent most actors have in big movies? Well, that's the Inland North accent. :wacky:

Crazy and random hilarity is my hourly by-product. I'm bluntly honest and give my frank opinion when asked for. I swear a bit, I'm sad to say, but usually it's "heck" 80% of the time. The other 20% is when I'm pissed, and that's when I get much more creative! I also become very, very, very articulate and calm when I get mad. I almost sound like a scholar or professor. :dave: Heck if I know why.
I sound like an angel.

Obviously. :mokken:

But okay, seriously, I'm an alto, so I have a lower voice. Nearly everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcastic, witty and most definitely ridiculous. My family banters a LOT, so this is a normal thing. I also tend to use very elaborate words and phrases, exploiting my vast vocabulary quite unconsciously. Some people say this makes me sound snobbish and arrogant.

I just tell them I'm unaware of any words minute enough for them to comprehend. :smartass:

Since I come from Michigan, I have an Inland North Accent. Basically, you know the "neutral" sounding accent most actors have in big movies? Well, that's the Inland North accent. :wacky:

Crazy and random hilarity is my hourly by-product. I'm bluntly honest and give my frank opinion when asked for. I swear a bit, I'm sad to say, but usually it's "heck" 80% of the time. The other 20% is when I'm pissed, and that's when I get much more creative! I also become very, very, very articulate and calm when I get mad. I almost sound like a scholar or professor. :dave: Heck if I know why.

i find all of this hard to believe...:hmmm:

Uhm well i definately say the f word a bit too much. Typical scottish i suppose. The R's get rolled a little bit and words like world come out like wuh-ruld
Typically i speak in the Doric dialect aswell which i really cant be arsed explaining. It sounds like another language to most people out of scotland.

this except im probly a bit posher sounding and i swear more. im a fan of the old swear words so i am. and i think i might sound sarcastic a lot of the time? :hmmm:
I have no idea. :wacky: I don't have an accent in anyway... at least, that's what I hear when I speak to locals. I guess the only one that can judge that is Harlequin, since I at least played with him on xbox before. :wacky: watch...
he'll say i sound like a man...

I'm not gonna say I use long elaborate words... cuz it'd be a lie. I talk very causally. I usually say words that fall along the lines of 90's beach heads. I use the word epic, stoked, awesome, sweetness, and knuckle-touch a lot. Sometimes, I tend to jumble up my sentences cuz I'm dyslexic. No i don't talk backwards but I'll confuse where words are supposed to be and misplace them.

"Omg did you see that boat on the yellow" when it's supposed to be "omg did you see that yellow on that boat." and it gets a little more extreme than that but I don't feel like typing out what exactly I do. :l

It can be a lil hard for people to understand me because I can't say what I'm meaning very well. So I guess all in all... I'm dumb :wacky:

I don't talk like how girls do that "fake" voice on t.v., that's for sure. How I sound usually depends on my mood.

If I'm happy, my voice is more cheerful and higher pitched, so much so that when I notice it, I go "why am I sounding so happy" & people usually comment on it and can tell when I'm happy cuz I start talking a lot... and I mean a lot.

Hmm, if I play a game like Halo/Call of Duty I can get a bit more aggressive :wacky: Not the way you think though :hmmm: I don't shout cuss words or anything. My parents would hear and give me a big lecture of how "you're such a pretty young girl you shouldn't speak nasty" so I skip it. Unless I'm joking around and I say "bloody hell" or "damn you. You burned it up. Damn you all to hell." I usually shout when I lose on a game...

If I'm sad/angry/depressed I talk very very little. I don't know why but if I cry my throat kinda locks up and it becomes very very hoarse.
I'm still not entirely sure. I've tried catching my voice in my hands and throwing it into my ears, but that never works.

I think my voice depends upon my level of confidence, which fluctuates. I've been improving a lot (a bit) this past year, but I'm aware that I still mumble a lot, and occasionally stutter or lisp. This doesn't bother me much anymore, as I'm much more concerned about my mind not generating things to say than how I sound.

Basically I think my voice can be misinterpreted in many ways, but it's all still progress. I've put myself into situations now where I have to speak publicly, so in time things will progress.

As for accents, I don't know. I don't know how to describe a Redditchian accent. It's not quite a Brummie accent. Regardless, I don't think that I really have it. Being raised by Geordies, and by being a recluse in my early years I don't think I picked up a strong local accent, but just sort of made up some sort of Frankenstein accent taking random bits here and there. I really do not know, and things might have changed. Like I said, I can't catch my voice and throw it into my ears, and I freeze up on camera.
I sound like Ru-Paul :mokken:

People (namely my Dad) always tell me I sound like a "Valley-Girl" :sad3: I think that they only say it to make me mad though, because they know I don't like that.

I definitely talk weird -- i don't care if words arent real or not I use em anyhow; like "Talkable" or "Enjoyabl-er".
And I'll use words if I hear my sisters usethem first. I also talk in movie or show quotes a lot -- and to my grammar-ey family's dismay -- I say words like stupider, funner, and stuff.

I also have an irritatably high pitched voice, I know because I have heard myself on the phone, in video's and stuff like that; I'm all 'Izzat me!??!NOWAY!':gonk:
How I speak and sound depends on who I talk to really. If I'm talking to a Londoner I'll likely slip into abit of cockney but if I'm an outsider probably received pronunciation. In terms of deepness it kinda fluctuates between medium and deep. Even though sometimes if I'm happy or surprised I'll slip into falsetto :wacky:

As for how I speak I sometimes swear too much, but luckily I'm one of those people who can control when they swear so I won't swear when guests are around or during formal events or anything.

I have no idea. :wacky: I don't have an accent in anyway... at least, that's what I hear when I speak to locals. I guess the only one that can judge that is @Harlequin

It's not true she sounds like a thoroughbred kentuckian :mokken:
In terms of pitch my voice tends to fluctuate. I go from medium to low pitch, with a downwards inflection as I end sentences. However, I tend to squeak now and again. -__-

I don't have the stereotypical Irish accent (which is native to a totally different part of Ireland) I'm not sure of the general specifics of my voice, but there we go. XD
I think I sound very young, people tell me I sound older than I am. I think I sound rough, people tell me my voice is soft. I really don't know. I have somewhat of a stereotypical New York accent, except I don't pronounce the accented words very strongly so it's a little different. Dawg is more dug, while cawfee is more cahfee.

I speak in very short sentences and I rarely finish questions, as in "Did you finish that or...?" Other than that, I think I'm just normal.

Also, I was #3 in this year's FFF Voices. :sad3:
I don't get to talk a lot since I'm always in front of the computer but I think my voice is average, nothing special about it. Most of my acquaintance said that I am soft spoken.
Rather than typing away in an unnecessarily detailed attempt to properly analyse my speech patterns, dialect, and overall tone...here's muh Youtube channel. I've plenty of recordings of my voice on Youtube, so it isn't as though I can hide it. Derp
Although it's really hard to describe my accent, since I really don't hear it myself, it looks like my region of the US really does have one, which is the St. Louis accent. :hmmm:

Pretty much it's saying that we mispronounce nearly everything. :hmph: Which I kinda find true, like it says most say "wash" as "warsh" (my mom does horribly) and the like. I don't exactly hear it myself, but meh, I guess I do.

It's kinda southern-ish, though not like Mississippi and such type. Northern Illinois people I've talked to totally say I sound southern. :hmmm: If I had my laptop on right now, I'd probably record my voice, but once again, meh, I don't feel like it.
i sound more like a guy i guess... nothing else to put in here, oh and yeah, i sometimes mix words so people tend to not understand what im saying ._.