[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I am currently on a first real play through. This will be my first time playing I-VI. I just finished FFIII (original NES game which is fan translated to English on a NES emulator). I'm playing FFIV right now. It is the FF Chronicles version that released with the PS1. I'm also playing this with an emulator. I'm still early in the game. I just past Mist Village and I'm in this village in the desert and found Rosa who's sick and needs a cure. The versions of FFI and II I played on my PS3. I have purchased the downloads of Origins, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. I've owned the discs before but have sold them long ago. They are now forever bonded with my Playstation account HAHAHAHA. nerd moment. So far IV is my favorite. Story so far I rank from best to worse ( IV, II, III,I) Gameplay rank (IV, III, I, II). Not having played I-VI is a good reason but FFX HD remaster is coming

Also I don't know what happens in IV-VI yet so NO spoilers please.
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I have just defeated Final Fantasy IV recently.
I am now playing Final Fantasy V, and I just got the fire boat going with the help of Cid and Mid but mostly Mid as Cid wallowed most of the time.
Moving further through the rite of passage.
May I also add I love the game-play of V so far.
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Been years and years since i last played this. ITs the ps1 copy and them menu screen loading times are pretty painfull. Especially when you need to heal after every battle -___
Im currently in the ruined world collecting my party members again.
FF8, since I was determined to actually beat it this time.

However, playing through it, I realized how awful the dialogue and some of the scenes are :( Some of the scenes lack a true flow that a real conversation would have, and goodness some of it is so unrealistic.

Like...in Timber? Really, 3 teenagers can just waltz into a tv room where the PRESIDENT WAS JUST BROADCASTING :gasp: and even a bigger issue, how the heck did Seifer get all the way to Timber and force himself into a conference with the president. I mean, security would be KINDA maximum :rage: And then later Edea, in Deling City, is speaking to the massive crowd calling them fools and idiots and then kills the president- and they don't do a thang---um wut. Mind control? I NO UNDERSTAND. Not to mention how was Rinoa even able to get to Edea's room? Once again, where is the security :rage: Not to mention- note to Rinoa's General Dad, usually one does not discuss a plan to assassinate someone in public. Shouting it across a square. Just a tip.
Choppy, nonsensical dialogue. Example...um how bout Galbadia Garden, when Squall, Selfie, Zell, Quistis, and Rinoa talk about how Seifer is probably dead. Squall's anger comes on so fast it's irrational and then he runs away like a mad 8 year old. Come on Squall...I remembered this scene but not like this. I guess now that I'm older...What else. The casual sweeping away of the fact that YA'LL PASSED OUT AND HAD THE SAME EXACT DREAM. AND IT WASN'T EVEN LIKE A DREAM! YOU WERE LIKE TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER UNIVERSE WHERE YOU LIVED IN SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY! AND WHAT DO YOU DO? In less than 3 lines you ignore it and say "Let's think about it later." Hehehehe um what?

Other than that I'm enjoying my playthrough again thus far :grin:
FF8, since I was determined to actually beat it this time.

However, playing through it, I realized how awful the dialogue and some of the scenes are :( Some of the scenes lack a true flow that a real conversation would have, and goodness some of it is so unrealistic.

Like...in Timber? Really, 3 teenagers can just waltz into a tv room where the PRESIDENT WAS JUST BROADCASTING :gasp: and even a bigger issue, how the heck did Seifer get all the way to Timber and force himself into a conference with the president. I mean, security would be KINDA maximum :rage: And then later Edea, in Deling City, is speaking to the massive crowd calling them fools and idiots and then kills the president- and they don't do a thang---um wut. Mind control? I NO UNDERSTAND. Not to mention how was Rinoa even able to get to Edea's room? Once again, where is the security :rage: Not to mention- note to Rinoa's General Dad, usually one does not discuss a plan to assassinate someone in public. Shouting it across a square. Just a tip.
Choppy, nonsensical dialogue. Example...um how bout Galbadia Garden, when Squall, Selfie, Zell, Quistis, and Rinoa talk about how Seifer is probably dead. Squall's anger comes on so fast it's irrational and then he runs away like a mad 8 year old. Come on Squall...I remembered this scene but not like this. I guess now that I'm older...What else. The casual sweeping away of the fact that YA'LL PASSED OUT AND HAD THE SAME EXACT DREAM. AND IT WASN'T EVEN LIKE A DREAM! YOU WERE LIKE TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER UNIVERSE WHERE YOU LIVED IN SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY! AND WHAT DO YOU DO? In less than 3 lines you ignore it and say "Let's think about it later." Hehehehe um what?

Other than that I'm enjoying my playthrough again thus far :grin:

You know... All the times I played FFVIII, I never thought of that :wacky:

Right now, replaying FFIX... why? Cause I love it! (that and I'm too lazy to go to the store to get FFX HD right now...
I'm playing the FFX HD remaster!

:lew: I'm quite chuffed about it. First time in a while I've actually REALLY enjoyed both playing a game and taking it slow.

So far, I'm just after Operation Mi'hen... So, still somewhat early on!
Final Fantasy X HD! About to battle Seymour in Bevelle, just before The Spring scene! :yay: It took me about 40 hours and 5 years to reach the scene originally; my stats are already better than they were when I completed the game on the PS2 AND I've been playing for 27 hours. I've been exploiting the fact you can switch characters freely mid-battle in order to give everyone AP. :)

Anyway... regarding the changes, I wasn't too keen on Yuna's design originally, but I prefer her new look now. She looks more innocent, so the look suits her persona. I'm actually looking forward to trying X-2 afterwards, although I have no idea how I am going to get the Good Ending. It's such a faff! :hmph:
my stats are already better than they were when I completed the game on the PS2 AND I've been playing for 27 hours. I've been exploiting the fact you can switch characters freely mid-battle in order to give everyone AP.

I'm the exact same.

My Kimahri in this playthrough(at about 20 hours) is stronger stat-wise than the Kimahri I finished the game with on my first playthrough. 0.0

Yeah, switching characters is such a handy feature for grinding.
Well, since I played VII, my least favorite story wise, I decided to pick up my absolute favorite story wise, IX. I love this game, it's wonderful in every way. Even Ozma can be a good challenge, so there's my sense of challenge. Necron can still mess you up if you're not prepared for the random status ailments. And the scene where Garnet cuts off her hair :sad2:

I'm on disk four, about to head into memoria, but running some side things first.
I'm back to trying and finish Final Fantasy V. I just beat X-death in his castle. He was a pain in the butt the first time attempting him and he killed me as I was trying to figure out my tactics. I beat him with my second attempt. I was using a Samurai, White Mage, Knight, and Black Mage. I ending up defeating him by throwing money at him with my Samurai. Go figure. :confused:

Oh Final Fantasy IX how I love thee let me count the ways.
As some SB frequenters will have noticed, I'm currently playing through the original North American version of Final Fantasy I for the NES. It is a fucking nightmare of a game but I intend to finally see it through to the end. The PS, GBA, PSP and any other versions do not come anywhere near the level of difficulty and frustration that the original has.

I'm taking my time though. Using a party of Fighter, Red Mage, Black Mage and White Mage. I've restored the Earth ORB :wacky: and have reached Crescent, obtaining the Canoe. I am now grinding to upgrade my weapons and armour in prep for the Ice Cave or Mt. Gulag (haven't decided what would be easier yet...)
I just started play Final Fantasy IX again :yay:

I've become bored of Netflix for 1.

2. I needed a game to play on my free time

3. It's one of my favorites.

4. To get away from school.

I´m currently playing FF IX and I´m at the invasion of Clerya and the sudden return of Sir Fratley.
It´s a great game and I really like Freya´s theme song.
I´m playing it because I love these FF games and I haven´t played FF IX before, altho I have played FF VII + FF VIII.
Well, back to the game. You all take care!
Strangely, I'm not playing any FF right now :gasp:. I'm occasionally playing some FF8 HD but that's about it. I've just beaten the Dollet mission, by the way. This mission made me realise how annoying keyboard controls are for this game...run away is D and F together? What the hell? And hiding the in-battle interface for summon boosting is J or H? This is why controllers are just better than keyboards for games. Less complication!

I'm looking forward to Theathrythm 2 as well though. Hoping it's as good as the first! :monocle:.
I'm currently playing VI. I have just got to the funny octopus kind of boss after leaving the Returners' hideout. I'm still on my first ever full playthrough, which I restarted on my iPad because I just couldn't stand the loading times on the PS3 port. So far I like Terra because she's so mysterious, and Kefka because he's so funny and obviously completely insane. I haven't really developed an opinion on the others yet besides Edgar, who I think I'm going to like, if only because his crossbow kills things quickly at the moment.

When I'm at home (I'm abroad at the moment) I am also playing through X HD *again*. I will never get tired of this game. I've just got the airship and have started maxing my stats out. I have all the celestial weapons powered up fully except for Lulu's (surprise surprise) which will change when I get home on the weekend. After that I'll sort out armour for the fights against the Dark Aeons and then they won't have a clue what's hit them :)
Im about 70 hours into lightning returns and caius has handed me my arse on plate a few times.looks like ill be questing to level up for the next few days. I have really disliked the game so far but I'll persevere to the end
Currently playing FFIV: The After Years. It's a really pleasant surprise! I'm finishing it up right now (blind run), and it's way more in-depth, meatier, than I had expected. I thought it'd be slightly longer than Interlude, but it turns out that the content feels even more expansive than the base game. Maybe a lot more expansive.

I'm in the Lunar Subterrane of the moon that's heading towards earth. B11 and plunging on.
Somehow I have managed to excavate my old FF VIII saves again and so I've returned to Squall and the gang. I'm currently in the space station after Rinoa has been possessed and battling monsters of the same colour. I've finished FF X recently and so started FF X-2 again. I'm also on the second CD of FF IX. I bite off more than I can chew, obviously.