[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Just started up 8 again with my best friend. ^_^ We're having fun going through it and doing silly voice acting. Playing 6, 7 and 9 with my boyfriend.
well, I just started FFIV, I really like it so far. It has a feel to it that I'm really used to and love. But I also wanna try out FFXIII LR, I can't seem to get it away from my son though, might try bribing him with something later, till then, I'm more then content with the current.
Currently playing FFXIV (long story on that on, joined the FC and the forum the same day). Either way I am also replaying FFX, I am just past blitzball, I play it with my 6y/o son for a few hours on the weekend. He is the one really playing it, I'm just guiding him along... Does that count? I hope so! :)
I am currently playing 3 at a time those being final fantasy 8, Record keeper and dimensions. Out of all of them im mostly playing dimensions and so far I am loving it. Its a return to the old days of ff more specific its most like final fantasy 5 being that it has a job system and the classic "go defend dem crystals from evil yo"

The storys pretty good it matches upto the same standard as the pre ff6 games and its a worthy spin off. If you have a good enough phone or if you have bluestacks on your pc like me then go get it you wont be disappointed.
Final Fantasy 2 on psp for first time. Its probably worst and slowest level up system I experienced so far in FF series ugh.:monsmash: 2 hours into game and I've only got my parties hp between 65 (Maria) and around 190 (Minwu). Just at Porom now is the levelling up in FF II meant to be this slow or am I missing a trick? I must have spent over an hour already trying to level up the party.
124 hours into Type-0, still trying to unlock
L'cie mode, i have the play all the mission in finis mode (4 left!) also unlocked the instructor's outfit yesterday and it's ugly as shit

+ FF8 (3rd time this year)
Currently playing IX and XII. It's been years since I've gone back to either of these and XII is somewhat refreshing. It doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

Final Fantasy 2 on psp for first time. Its probably worst and slowest level up system I experienced so far in FF series ugh.:monsmash: 2 hours into game and I've only got my parties hp between 65 (Maria) and around 190 (Minwu). Just at Porom now is the levelling up in FF II meant to be this slow or am I missing a trick? I must have spent over an hour already trying to level up the party.
FFII's system is a bit of a naff one, yes. Sounds great on paper but in practice gets frustrating... for many people it is what holds the game down. With that said I don't think you need to worry about it all too much with the newer versions like the GBA or PSP. I managed to get through most of the game without needing to intentionally grind (I think the first time I did was before the tower with the giants and Ultima...). Just keep your fighters attacking, mages casting magic all the time (even if you find yourself wasting turns), and the HP and MP will mostly look after itself. Win every battle you come across (i.e. run only when you really need too), and only buy/use magic you intend to actually use and you'll find its not so bad after a while.
I've got 5 on the go!
Final Fantasy XIII, having problems in the Orphan's Cradle with that metal horsey with it's magic blade, that and I'm trying to remember where to get Greens from as I need the Chocobos on Grand Pulse.
XIII-2, one of the anomalies with the white plates in the ground is doing my head in.
Lightning Returns- Although in my last game I got the Purple and Dark Armour for her, I still haven't completed the entire game and this is about my 6th new game!
X-2. Made it to the Farplane and having trouble with a pre-boss boss!
And the less said about how ill prepared I am in X the better! Knew I should have made a new game and just grinded and grinded!
I'm currently at the place where you fight Seymour and that undead thing of his.
I wouldn't mind, but that was the last place I got to when I originally played it on my PS2! I think I was in such a hurry to get to where I last was, I might have not realised it's all about the grinding with game more than any other!
Still trying to complete Lightning Returns. I kinda rage quit for a while as Buhnivelza is just.. horrible. So, just trying to level Light up at the moment before I attempt to fight him again.
Currently re-playing VIII for the millionth time. Also working on a replay of IX, and I'm considering starting up XIV again :0
I actually tried FFXIII-2 yesterday and I honestly can't believe that this has fans :\ sorry but the game is just awful and it just makes me want to vomit, I mean FFXIII however bad it was, I was still able to suck it up and I actually enjoyed it to some extent later on, while I still think it is mediocre. That was not the case with XIII-2, I can't stand Serah or Noel for that matter and it just doesn't feel really interesting to me, I mean the time travel thing is one of my favorite concepts (Chrono trigger) but XIII-2 doesn't exactly have that interesting story for time travel to be sufficient to make it decent.
I actually tried FFXIII-2 yesterday and I honestly can't believe that this has fans :\ sorry but the game is just awful and it just makes me want to vomit, I mean FFXIII however bad it was, I was still able to suck it up and I actually enjoyed it to some extent later on, while I still think it is mediocre. That was not the case with XIII-2, I can't stand Serah or Noel for that matter and it just doesn't feel really interesting to me, I mean the time travel thing is one of my favorite concepts (Chrono trigger) but XIII-2 doesn't exactly have that interesting story for time travel to be sufficient to make it decent.

I felt the same way about XIII-2 that I did about X-2. That being, that I didn't really like it. It had a different feel from the first game, the mood was just ridiculous and while there were some things that I did enjoy (dress spheres were so amazing), the rest of the experience kind of overshadowed that.
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I felt the same way about XIII-2 that I did about X-2. That being, that I didn't really like it. It had a different feel from the first game, the mood was just ridiculous and while there were some things that I did enjoy (dress spheres were so amazing), the rest of the experience kind of overshadowed that.

Exactly, what made me complete X-2 was
the drive to bring Tidus back
since I enjoyed FFX A WHOLE LOT. FF13 wasn't that good but it was enjoyable at some point later on (Gran Pulse was something I liked), it is said that 13-2 was taking the feedback of the fans and all that but you still have in the battle menu the auto-battle and I honestly don't like the whole 3 ATB bars 3 actions things.

The characters have no depth to them, you get to play with Serah who you know that wanted to marry Snow and you wish to save her in 13, suddenly she is the main character, that I can't relate to, it's like BAM here you go and since we don't want you to think this is X-2 again, here is Noel, who you might try some NTR dialogue with and has a VERY sad background being the last of humanity, OMG you guys broke my heart. :sad2:

"Lightning disappeared all of a sudden, no one seems to remember her and no one believes me" - Did they really think I actually care? I don't even like Lightning enough to care about a game on how to get her back (The development of characters between X and XIII was a whole lot different) not to mention the dialogue between the two protagonists is just sickening to listen to and I actually don't like the bubbly-feel soundtracks.

I don't know, sorry, I just think this game was a mistake and it was just an excuse for Toriyama to see that waifu of his a whole lot more.
Just finished a playthrough of VIII. First time fully exploiting the Junction system and Card-RF along with low-levels (Beat the game in the level range of 15-20). Had exploited it before but not to the extent of refining the rare cards (always used to keep them) asap and usually ended up having my characters lv50+. Sure it made the game much easier but it was a cool run-through. Next time will be somewhat the opposite of that... :wacky:

Started IX again today (I missed out on some stuff I wanted with the last recent file so started again). I know it has always been this way, but after having Auto-Haste on all the party members from disc 1 in VIII, IX's ATB seems incredibly slow. Hopefully I'll get used to it again soon as I don't want it spoiling what I now consider the best installment of the series.
I just picked up a couple actually. I decided to give XII another shot after I gave up on it years back when it first came out. I think I was put off by the bad rep it had gotten about character development and weak storyline. I'm not very far. I've just escaped the Nalbina dungeons and am wasting countless hours grinding away before I continue on. I have a problem hoarding massive amounts of potions too and that takes Gil. Every time I get a license, more are available that I seem to have to have. The addictive nature of this game is no joke, y'all. I'm not doing well on the being strong and moving on front. : P

I'm also playing V. Only just got the Crystal Essences from the wind shrine. I'm doing THIS because I couldn't find my copy of IV at the time and I've decided to play them all from IV on in order to reboot my memory and knowledge. i used to know soooo much more! Here's to the long and beautiful journey ahead!
replaying VII on the Vita, though ive not picked it up in a couple of weeks, i forgot i was playing it lol. I've just arrived at fort condor actually, thats why i put the vita down in the first place as i couldnt be bothered lol. I guess il pick it up later and crack on with it. Gotta get yuffie... and while im looking for her il be levelling up my limit levels in the junon forests.
The last FF games I was properly playing was FFXIII-2, and was stuck on a battle on the Archylte Steppe! :P XD :')