FFF Member Awards 2016 - Nominations!


May 9, 2013
Divinus Smifficus
FFXIV Server
Huzzah! It's here - the chance to nominate and be voted as the greatest in the (FFF) world at a particular thing!

We've mixed up the nomination categories this year, just in case they were getting a bit stale - But I expect much better participation this year you lot! Last year we didn't even get enough nominations to make voting polls! Tut tut tut. :mokken:

Why should you bother? Well - not only is there some kudos (bronze award) for nomination but for actually winning the award you get a shiny silver FFF Shield Award - Equivalent to 3gp and 50 gil! (http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/vbactivity.php?do=allawards for more information)

As if that isn't good enough just for being recognised as being awesome by everyone else on FFF, these awards also contribute to the milestone awards too! (http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/threads/62686-vBActivity-Awards)

So let's get down to it - the nominations are.. (and dont forget to tag them, with '@' and their username!)


FFF President:
Best Username:
Best New Member:
Best Morale Booster:
Best FFXIV Player:
Best FFXIV Mentor:
Most Clueless Member:
Most Active Member:
Most Enthusiastic Member:
Most Sociable Member:
Friendliest Member:
Craziest Member:
Drunken Master:
Final Fantasy Fanatic:
Member you wish would post more:

The Jock:
The Punk:
The Nerd:
The Artist:
The Cheerleader:
The Average Joe:
The Peacemaker
The Lurker:
The Youtuber/Streamer:

Also; we'd like to get your feedback! So if possible, please nominate for the following too;

Best FFF Event:
Best Item in MogShop:
FFF Feature you'd most like to see:

Nominations close on the 20th of June and then the polls will be up for a week after that, so get in there before it's too late!
FFF President: John Cena *plays music* too be serious: Mitsuki
Best Username: BustaMo
Best New Member: shivas
Best Morale Booster: .Mosh
Best FFXIV Player: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Best FFXIV Mentor: N/A
Most Clueless Member: Razberry Knight
Most Active Member: N/A
Most Enthusiastic Member: N/A
Most Sociable Member: N/A
Friendliest Member: Lord Sesshomaru
Craziest Member: Sice
Drunken Master: N/A
Final Fantasy Fanatic: ‎Dionysos
Member you wish would post more: DPtheGod (I’m sure once FFXV comes out, this won’t be an issue)

The Peacemaker: AuronX
The Jock: N/A
The Punk: N/A
The Nerd: Mitsuki
The Artist: Six
The Cheerleader: Linnaete
The Average Joe: Westershire
The Lurker: Belazor et Britannia
The Youtuber/Streamer: Cabbage
FFF President: Mitsuki
Best Username: Bambi
Best New Member: classicgamer
Best Morale Booster: Galadin
Best FFXIV Player: randomrosso
Best FFXIV Mentor: Harlequin
Most Clueless Member: N/A
Most Active Member: Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: Mitsuki
Most Sociable Member: Galadin
Friendliest Member: (ahhh everyone in here tbh)
Craziest Member: N/A
Drunken Master: N/A
Final Fantasy Fanatic: N/A
Member you wish would post more: FinalxxSin

The Jock: N/A
The Punk: N/A
The Nerd: randomrosso (pffft)
The Artist: Six
The Cheerleader: Galadin
The Average Joe: N/A
The Peacemaker: Mitsuki
The Lurker: N/A
The Youtuber/Streamer: Cabbage

Best FFF Event: Birthweek!
Best Item in MogShop: the 150x150 avatar combo
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: N/A
FFF President: @sly; there can be no other choice. In fact, make him site owner.
Best Username: @Cabbage; soon he will evolve into a bush next or something.
Best New Member: @shivas
Best Morale Booster: @Shace paissa
Best FFXIV Player: Ooooh, err.. @Harlequin
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Harlequin; his vast reams of text in chat when explaining a fight is second to none. There is no way this group can't clear this fight now! And also because he had to put up with me when I was trying to learn how to craft a year ago. Bless.
Most Clueless Member: I have no clue.
Most Active Member: @Shace paissa; like a bad rash, this filthy rat just won't go away. Sickness must be purged.
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Sice; he enthusiastically kills people in the SB, that's for sure.
Most Sociable Member: @Paddy McGee; you absolute bastard. You're (nearly) always here to endure my mad ramblings. :sad2:
Friendliest Member: @Dionysos
Craziest Member: @Linnaete; oh wait, I can't nominate myself.
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee; any other answer is wrong, though @iSmiff has a good chance of going after his crown.
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret; not only he is one of 3 people here excited for FFXV (the weirdo), but he's named himself after a FF waifu again. I'm just shocked he passed over Elena Fisher.
Member you wish would post more: @hodjimon and @RFair; you guys should pop in more often when you can!
The Jock: errr.. @Shu?
The Punk: Wait, what? I have no idea right now. xD
The Nerd: @Linna- oh yeah, I keep forgetting that I cannot nominate myself. Err.. @Rich Uncle Pennybags?
The Artist: @Six for GFX; @shivas for her artwork <3 <3
The Cheerleader: I'll get back to you on this one.
The Average Joe: @Galadín; but for all I know, she could actually be an insane person and this sentence could turn out to be horribly erroneous.
The Peacemaker: I read this as "pacemaker" at first and was confused. I nominate @Mitsuki.
The Lurker: @Nicus; he pops up when you least expect it. :ahmed:
The Youtuber/Streamer: @GothicSyn

Best FFF Event: Anything involving Dan's doodling. :argor:
Best Item in MogShop: :paissa:
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: An article that has people contributing a paragraph of their own to. How about an actual collab effort? :ahmed:
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FFF President: Mitsuki
Best Username: Dean Winchester
Best New Member: shivas (if you can call a year's membership new; but she's awesome so why not!)
Best Morale Booster: Shu
Best FFXIV Player: Harlequin
Best FFXIV Mentor: Harlequin
Most Clueless Member: N/A
Most Active Member: Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: Sebastian Michaelis
Most Sociable Member: Linnaete
Friendliest Member: Mitsuki
Craziest Member: Shace paissa
Drunken Master: Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Member you wish would post more: Dionysos

The Jock: Shu
The Punk: FinalxxSin
The Nerd: Belazor et Britannia
The Artist: shivas
The Cheerleader: Shace paissa
The Average Joe: Ew, talk about months of therapy waiting to happen...
The Peacemaker: Mitsuki
The Lurker: Nicus
The Youtuber/Streamer: GothicSyn

Best FFF Event: Haunted House (although all Dionysos' games are brilliant)
Best Item in MogShop: Profile Music Player
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: An automated music feature that would play Final Fantasy themes on the forum home menu. ♥
FFF President: Mitsuki
Best Username: Linnaete
Best New Member: shivas
Best Morale Booster: Six
Best FFXIV Player: N/A
Best FFXIV Mentor: N/A
Most Clueless Member: N/A
Most Active Member: Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: Cabbage
Most Sociable Member: Shace paissa
Friendliest Member: Mitsuki
Craziest Member: N/A
Drunken Master: Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Member you wish would post more: N/A

The Jock: Shu
The Punk: Linnaete
The Nerd: Cabbage
The Artist Six
The Cheerleader: Linnaete
The Average Joe: Is anyone even average?
The Peacemaker: shivas
The Lurker: N/A
The Youtuber/Streamer: Cabbage

Also; we'd like to get your feedback! So if possible, please nominate for the following too;

Best FFF Event: N/A
Best Item in MogShop: N/A
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: N/A
FFF President: @Mitsuki of course!

Best Username: Obviously @Like Like. I'm kinda disappointed that I can't use it myself.
Best New Member: @sly. Haha.
Best Morale Booster: I'mma say... @Shace paissa.
Best FFXIV Player: Easily @Harlequin.
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Harlequin. He must know every fight in that game off the top of his head. Crazy xD
Most Clueless Member: @shivas. (Pffft!)
Most Active Member: Probably @Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Cabbage
Most Sociable Member: Hard to pick just one.
Friendliest Member: @Six
Craziest Member: @Six. She needs to be stopped D:
Drunken Master: Nooo clue.
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Surprisingly I never really noticed anyone o.o
Member you wish would post more: @shivas or @Galadín

The Jock: N/A
The Punk: N/A
The Nerd: I mean we all post on a Final Fantasy forum... I don't think it gets much nerdier than that!
The Artist: @Six for her graphics work and @shivas for drawings and stuff. Two votes but I couldn't decide. Hmph.
The Cheerleader: N/A
The Average Joe: @GothicSyn
The Peacemaker: @Mitsuki
The Lurker: N/A
The Youtuber/Streamer: @GothicSyn
FFF President: @sly
Best Username: @Bones
Best New Member: @shivas & @randomrosso
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player: The usual crew. :D
Best FFXIV Mentor: Harlequin, the patience this guy has with explaining mechanics is unreal. That or he just likes to hear himself talk/type. ;)
Most Clueless Member: @Shace paissa
Most Active Member: @Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: Can't name just one, really.
Most Sociable Member: Uh... Same as the above. Collaborative effort.
Friendliest Member: @Paddy McGee
Craziest Member: @Costello (♥)
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Dragon Mage
Member you wish would post more: @Costello

The Jock: @BustaMo
The Punk: Myse--- I mean... @randomrosso
The Nerd: @Harlequin
The Artist: @Mitsuki
The Cheerleader: @Harlequin lmao.
The Average Joe: @Paddy McGee
The Peacemaker: @Shace paissa
The Lurker: Too many. :ahmed: Losers, all of you.
The Youtuber/Streamer: @Cabbage, @Harlequin

Also; we'd like to get your feedback! So if possible, please nominate for the following too;

Best FFF Event: SOTW obviously!
Best Item in MogShop: Coloured threads.
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: I would still like to see a better SOTW history than what we currently have.
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Love the new categories! Good job @FFFStaff

FFF President: @Mitsuki. There can be nobody else
Best Username: @Linnaete because it is creative
Best New Member: @shivas @GothicSyn both of you have really made a great impression on the site, personally.
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player: @Harlequin Rich Uncle Pennybags @Myself Okay, no... but Tom and Al easily are the best and have the most experience.
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Harlequin. Tom helps out a lot
Most Clueless Member: Uhhhhhh, I don't know
Most Active Member: @Linnaete. The damn woman is always here :ahmed:
Most Enthusiastic Member: Dan @Dionysos and Deku @Cabbage
Most Sociable Member: Deku! @Cabbage
Friendliest Member: Always Dan @Dionysos
Craziest Member: @Linnaete.
Drunken Master: @Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Mitsuki
Member you wish would post more: @RFair It would be nice to have Rosa on the forum.

The Jock: @Harlequin
The Punk: @Six
The Nerd: Olivia is the only answer. She draws Leviathan on her homework @Linnaete
The Artist: @shivas because her art is amazing
The Cheerleader: @Linnaete lol
The Average Joe: Tyler @Shu
The Peacemaker: @Shu @Dionysos
The Lurker: Shy people???
The Youtuber/Streamer: @Cabbage @GothicSyn

Best FFF Event: Birthweek of course!
Best Item in MogShop: Yuna or Terra icon
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: FFF members singing on camera (lol)
Time for my own nominations! :mokken: 'n im gonna try and nominate someone new for each catagory :grin: - apologies if I mess up the tagging :sad3:

FFF President: @Linnaete - you're sounding more and more Trumpy every day :jess:
Best Username: @Dionysos
Best New Member: @randomrosso
Best Morale Booster: @Cabbage
Best FFXIV Player: N/A
Best FFXIV Mentor: N/A
Most Clueless Member: @Cabbage
Most Active Member: @Shace paissa
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Paddy McGee
Most Sociable Member: @Big Casino
Friendliest Member: @Dionysos
Craziest Member: @Six
Drunken Master: @Shace paissa - some of the stuff he comes out with im SURE he drinks.. regularly.
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dragon Mage
Member you wish would post more: @Master Cat

The Jock: The untaggable Jack's Smirking Revenge :hmph:
The Punk: @Sebastian Michaelis
The Nerd: @Jon Snow
The Artist: @Linnaete
The Cheerleader: @Shace paissa
The Average Joe: @Harlequin
The Peacemaker: @Six
The Lurker: @Rich Uncle Pennybags
The Youtuber/Streamer: @Belazor et Britannia

FFF Feature you'd most like to see: A Music player on the main forum page would be good.
I'll do more later.

FFF President: Shu - Kinda the big man on campus
Best Username: Autzerain - I like that word
Best New Member: @randomrosso
Best Morale Booster: @Cabbage
Best FFXIV Player: Harlequin - Tom takes names on that game, he brings the pain like there's no shame.
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Rich Uncle Pennybags - I remember him being very helpful to me when I actually played.
Most Clueless Member: Me!
Most Active Member: @Linnaete - she's always putting up articles/moaning in the shoutbox. I'm there to listen, sadly. :sad3:
Most Enthusiastic Member: Six - Kira puts her heart and soul into this place, so she's my choice!
Most Sociable Member: Hayabusa - I feel I can always have a conversation with you, when you're here.
Friendliest Member: None- all of you are not nice! :britt:
Craziest Member: Shace paissa
Drunken Master: Galadín - look, if I get it for being Irish, so do you!!
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Adri's long ass username
Member you wish would post more: N/A

The Jock: N/A
The Punk: N/A
The Nerd: Linnaete
The Artist: Six
The Cheerleader:
The Average Joe:
The Peacemaker: N/A
The Lurker:
The Youtuber/Streamer: Cabbage
FFF President: @iSmiff
Best Username: @Dionysos
Best New Member:
Best Morale Booster: @Shace paissa
Best FFXIV Player: @Rich Uncle Pennybags
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Rich Uncle Pennybags
Most Clueless Member: Not even touching that one
Most Active Member: @Shace paissa
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Cabbage
Most Sociable Member: @Six
Friendliest Member: @Galadin
Craziest Member:
Drunken Master:
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @Dragon Mage
Member you wish would post more: @Ed Elric

The Jock:
The Punk:
The Nerd:
The Artist: @Linnaete
The Cheerleader:
The Average Joe:
The Peacemaker: @Six
The Lurker:
The Youtuber/Streamer: @Belazor et Britannia
FFF President: Big Lewbowski / Lewdawg / Big Casino
Best Username: Cloud
Best New Member: shivas
Best Morale Booster: Cabbage
Best FFXIV Player: Harlequin
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Galadin
Most Clueless Member: Shu
Most Active Member: Six :grin:
Most Enthusiastic Member:
Most Sociable Member: Six :jimberry:
Friendliest Member: @Dionysos
Craziest Member:
Drunken Master: soulcorrupter
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Dragon Mage
Member you wish would post more: @Sneakerpimp

The Jock: BustaMo
The Punk:
The Nerd:
The Artist: Six
The Cheerleader:
The Average Joe:
The Peacemaker: Mitsuki
The Lurker:
The Youtuber/Streamer: Cabbage

I'm coming back.. I just know there needs to be a lot more people added to this.
Ah what the hell. Just this year, why not.

FFF President: @sly - I called it during that FC meeting.

Best Username: @Linnaete - Because I know it's original. I dunno, I guess it just sticks.
Best New Member: @GothicSyn - There's a lot to name here, of course, but I'm nominating Mark because @shivas need that competition!
Best Morale Booster: @Dionysos - Again, there's a few to name here, but I've known Dan to keep things lighthearted no matter how hard the situation is, and I really look up to that quality trait. It's hard to maintain, and even I've lost my cool from time to time, but Dan has this unique ability to calm me down even when he's not trying.
Best FFXIV Player: Definitely not me! Probably @Harlequin He knows a lot of classes too, especially the crafting and gathering. Yep...it's him.
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Harlequin - I was trying so hard to think of one, but compared to him, we just can't...even...
Most Clueless Member: @Shu - Seriously, I think sometimes he's stuck in the past. I'll be talking about something current and he'll say go on and on about something that happened 10 years ago.
Most Active Member: @Linnaete - Sorry Liv, you really are active!
Most Enthusiastic Member: @shivas - She's so excited to be part of everything, whether that's FFF events, FB (heck she enthusiastically made an FB account for the FC FB group), staying up at 5 a.m. to hep us with Seph Ex, etc. I love her overall awesomeness.
Most Sociable Member: @Shace paissa - Very sociable all around!
Friendliest Member: @iSmiff - There's a whole lot of friendly members, but recently I can't help but think, "Wow, this guy is friendly."
Craziest Member: @Six - Lol no one even comes close. I mean, who would willingly agree to strip a stuffed Tonberry naked just because someone randomly asked?! That poor guy.
Drunken Master: I was going to put Ryan but he banned himself, that idiot. I'm still upset at him for it. I remember he got in trouble one time in staff for being drunk because he said something that made me face-palm. So.. @Paddy McGee (take it as a compliment)
Final Fantasy Fanatic: @FinalxxSin @ZaXo Ken'Ichi - they've been pretty active lately!
Member you wish would post more: @Dean Winchester - Ah, I miss his philosophy talk.

The Jock: @BustaMo - Athletic and all.
The Punk: @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret - I secretly think he's a punk when I'm mad.
The Nerd: @Belazor et Britannia - he became a coder because of FF7. I mean, if that's not a nerd then I don't know what is.
The Artist: @Costello (of course @Six and @shivas should be mentioned too)
The Cheerleader: @Harlequin - Wasn't he cheerleader some event ago?
The Average Joe: @sly - I called him an average Joe too. Hi, Joe. But seriously probably @Galadín
The Peacemaker: @Shu - Yeah he keeps the peace between staff and members too, especially back in the old days.
The Lurker: @Ilyena - Quit lurking! We've missed you!
The Youtuber/Streamer: Besides Greeny... @GothicSyn - Lol I'm always in his stream when I get a chance.

Edit: Okay apparently I fail at mentioning people!
I decided to vote people only once.. make it interesting/challenging

FFF President: Lord Golbez He shall be President forever!
Best Username: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Curse your very long name!
Best New Member: GothicSyn I think they are new at least….
Best Morale Booster: Mitsuki Keeps cheering people on even when they are sleeping!
Best FFXIV Player: Why do you all encourage killing Paissa’s??? :sad2:
Best FFXIV Mentor: You all are terrible for killing Paissa’s! :paissa:
Most Clueless Member: Shu Dictator Shu is so clueless :mokken:
Most Active Member: soulcorruptor Always around even when he isn’t around
Most Enthusiastic Member: Linnate Livi is very enthusiastic about her grumpiness :grin:
Most Sociable Member: Dionsys always is sociably weird when it is uncalled for! :wacky:
Friendliest Member: Six She is so nice all the time… it is very creepy sometimes…. I have to hide from her friendliness... :box:
Craziest Member: @GaladÍn She is the evil one that will make us go crazy
Drunken Master>:(Paddy McGee although he has been less and less Irish lately… next year I might have to vote someone more Irish than McGee :mokken:
Final Fantasy Fanatic: FinalxxSin Feel like he knows a lot about Final Fantasy..
Member you wish would post more: Not really sure what to put here…

The Jock: sly the name just sounds very Jocky! :mokken:
The Punk: Sebastian Michaelis you wanna be Punk Rocker! I know your game!
The Nerd: Rich Uncle Pennybags you nerd!
The Artist: shivas Love the work!
The Cheerleader: Cabbage He cheers even when you kill him 10000000 times
The Average Joe: The only average people here are all too crazy.
The Peacemaker: AuronX Feel like he always keeps the peace around here…
The Lurker: iSmiff I know you are around :watching:
The Youtuber/Streamer: I really only know a few youtubers and I don’t watch the videos that much so…not voting

Also; we'd like to get your feedback! So if possible, please nominate for the following too;

Best FFF Event: Birthweek!
Best Item in MogShop: Smiley purchase! Should be able to buy more smileys!
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: The return of Triple Triad! GET TO WORK YOU TECHIES! :scaryface:
Best Username: @Linnaete - Because I know it's original. I dunno, I guess it just sticks.

i came here for the mention

but my mention is a lie :'(
This is gonna be tough. I may just put names rather than usernames since I'm too lazy to look up exact spellings and stuff.

FFF President: @Rich Uncle Pennybags -
you may be a shitebag but you're a special shitebag.
Best Username: @Shu - I always loved the shupuffs and the way that you can make shoe jokes with it :lew:.
Best New Member: @shivas - Love the drawings and having you around :).
Best Morale Booster: @Six - You, ma'am, do a tonne of work around here and boost motivation a big ol' jot.
Best FFXIV Player: @Harlequin - You seem to know everything!
Best FFXIV Mentor: @Rich Uncle Pennybags - You've taught me so much on 14, right from the get go. Danke sir.
Most Clueless Member: @Paddy McGee - Clueless about potato growing. Shame on you!
Most Active Member: @Linnaete - Good to always see you around...even if you do send me murder threats in drawing form. Nightmares.
Most Enthusiastic Member: @Six - Again, always doing so much around here. Enthusiasm at its finest :).
Most Sociable Member:@Paessa - I ummm...I mean Shace here lmao. You always go for a chinwag when I come on :griin:.
Friendliest Member: @Dionysos - You make me chuckle. In a good way. Making light of the mountain cow who always tries to eat me :s.
Craziest Member: @soulcorruptor - I've prolonged this LP to avoid more death. I hope you know that :ahmed:.
Drunken Master: @soulcorrupter - I think this explains a lot. I really, really do :britt:.
Final Fantasy Fanatic: This could be so many people lmao. I think I'll take a stab at @Westershire .
Member you wish would post more: @Sneakerpimp - We used to have a good lol. Also @Ariana. And @Hal. And @Steve-O .
The Jock: @BustaMo - Ahahaha not only a surfer dude but a jock too. We all know it!
The Punk: General Beatrix. I can't remember your current username :s.
The Nerd: @Six . Nerd.
The Artist: @shivas - Such great drawings. I remember first seeing them on twitter and then you arrived :lew:.
The Cheerleader: I can imagine @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret grabbing those pompoms and cartwheeling to a bit of Toxic by Britney.
The Average Joe: Me. Completely average.
The Peacemaker: @Mitsuki - We couldn't ask for a better bluey. Thanks Mits for being around and taking care of us kids :).
The Lurker: @Bambi - Get your arse out in the open! :-)wacky:)
The Youtuber/Streamer: @Westershire @GothicSyn - You've both stayed motivated with it all in different ways and I love seeing your stuff go live/pop up in newest replies. Thank you so much for being around :).

Best FFF Event: Survivor! :-)ahmed:)
Best Item in MogShop: Profile music player - I need to get around to finding a new song to replace I'm Blue lmao.
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: More of those best of competitions. Best protag, best summon etc. Where they get elliminated.

I probably missed loads of people too. Sorry!
FFF President: Lord Golbez
Best Username: Nobless Oblige
Best New Member: Shivas
Best Morale Booster: Dionysos
Best FFXIV Player: Harlequin
Best FFXIV Mentor: Harlequin
Most Clueless Member: N/A
Most Active Member: Linnaete
Most Enthusiastic Member: Shu
Most Sociable Member: Cabbage
Friendliest Member: Mitsuki
Craziest Member: Shace Paissa
Drunken Master: Paddy McGee
Final Fantasy Fanatic: Mitsuki
Member you wish would post more: Galaxy Flare

The Jock: Shace Paissa
The Punk: Six
The Nerd: Mitsuki
The Artist: Nero Trinity
The Cheerleader: Linnaete
The Average Joe: Harlequin
The Peacemaker: Shu
The Lurker: N/A
The Youtuber/Streamer: Cabbage

Best FFF Event: Birthweek
Best Item in MogShop: Music Player
FFF Feature you'd most like to see: N/A
When exactly do I get the championship trophy for winning this thing?