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Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
How often do you clean your personal space/home? How much mess can you tolerate?

I typically clean my place every other day. I can not stand dirty places specifically if it is the bathroom or kitchen. I get a little grossed out at other people's places so I always make sure to have mine clean.

I do not have much tolerance for messes at my place. I'm fine if it's someone else's home, but at mine, dishes have to be washed because I cannot stand when they pile up. Small spills need to be cleaned up immediately after they happen. And I have to vaccume at least once if not twice a week. John and his friends also like to leave empty cans lying around or food wrappers on the floor. I always have to pick those up right after they leave if they did not do so themself.

I guess I'm a bit of a neat freak XD
I constantly wash the dishes. I just can not stand when they pile up like you said. I may leave them for one day if I'm really tired and have no energy to bother but that rarely happens.

I just hate seeing them accumulate and it just puts me off wanting to do them when there is heaps more to do. Also ants like to come in if things like that are left around. :gasp:

I clean the bathroom each week or as needed. When it starts to look gross I just have to clean it. XD I can't stand people who leave things like that. I saw an OCD show once and this guy was so OCD about hanging onto things that it was beyond crazy. He never got rid of hair around his sink or emptied his sink water. :sick: It was disgusting.

Anyway I sweep the tiles all the time and mop only when necessary. I hate mopping.

Clothes are done when there is enough for a decent load to go in. I can not stand seeing clothes lying around and then not having what you want to wear hanging up nicely ready for you.

The bed must be made every day. I don't care if it's as soon as we get up, but at least a bit after that so it makes the room look tidy.

Steve is pretty good with not leaving food packets lying around. I immediately wake up in the morning and go and check the lounge to make sure nothing is lying around so that ants don't get in. XD Any cups etc are taken away and put into the sink.

And anything in general that is not in it's place will have had a place ASAP! :gasp: I am always a neat freak when it comes to my kitchen bench. Nothing is to be on it aside from the basic cooking items, such as microwave, mini stove cooker, spice rack etc.

Sunglasses etc will be moved to a more appropriate place. I just see it as if you clean as you go it makes it easier later on. Stuff leaving it all there and then coming back a week or so later to find piles of paperwork that need to be sorted and filed etc.

I saw one persons place that we're friends with and their kitchen table is packed with paperwork against a wall. They can't even sit at it. =/

/Long post
I fucking hate it. Im abit OCD with the kitchen though, I cant be doing with it being untidy in there, the sides are always wiped down and the pots are always done (I might leave them a day if im feeling extra lazy, but it really fuicks me off when ive got piles of pots)

I rarely hoover, I cant be doing with it. Il run the sweeper over the living room and kitchen, but as for upstairs, il leave it as long as i can get away with

I'm not dirty - id certainly never let the place get filthy, but I will put it off for as long as I can.

Always make sure the towels are changed regular, keep on top of the washing etc. I do however let it pile up on putting away though, haaaaaaaaaaate anything laundry related

Dust bugs me, and it dosnt take long to run over the place with the duster, I guess its just hoovering and putting my washing away i slack at really
I'm really OCD with my room.. the rest of the house, don't give a crap. But my room. Bah.

I tidied up today but even still the room wasn't messy, just a few things out of place. I'll straighten the tv on the stand to make sure it's centered, put away any amount of "clutter" (rly just a few pieces of paper or scrap things from my purse) on any surface to make it neat.. put away books or anything that's laying around.. I often dust and sweep, wiping down shelves and spaces periodically.

I hate dirt. -__-
Not as often as I should. I mean I tend to come back from work or playing sports and just toss my dirty laundry on the floor at first, or take forever to put my clean laundry back away, but I usually don't let it sit long like that.

Otherwise with garbage, doing dishes or food left around, I usually take care of that right away. That stuff I'm usually good at, but I'll be damned if I make my bed or at least make it look decent. I just mess it up the next night anyway!
I share a flat with 2 other people (used to be 3) and 5 others next year so it's split between us. My room HAS to be tidy though, the other two don't care but I get irritated if my room is a mess. The kitchen is pretty much always a mess, normally because of the washing and some messy crap we've just done (ie, preing). I wash my plates etc up straight after I've used them anyway to save doing a mountain of washing up later during the week. :edd:
As much as I hate it, I have to clean my kitchen and living room almost daily. Those two places have to be clean, no matter what. Now, when it comes to my work room, that place is a mess. Computer parts are thrown everywhere and are completely unsorted. My room is a mess as well, I only clean it if I have company coming over (if you know what I mean :kinky:)

Also, bathroom has to be pretty clean as well. I hate it more than anything, but if I don't clean it... It gets rather... Shitty. :wacky:
i seem to live in your stereotypical student house. there are empties all over the place, the carpets are filthy, there are plates and bowls lying about in odd places and one of the couch cushions is forever black, regardless of how often we wash it.
we clean the living room and kitchen every couple of months, when we finally get sick of the sight of our own mess, but we never give it a proper gutting; we just pick up the rubbish and hoover and wash dishes.
my own room is fairly clean considering. the carpet could do with a bit of a hoover, and the surfaces are all dusty as hell but nothing too bad.
I'm pretty obsessive about cleaning our place. I've always been sort of an OCD-type when it comes to cleaning. I'm very particular about how dishes are cleaned. I go around the place and dust it every so often. I'm a freak when it comes to organizing, though that's becoming harder and harder these days with someone else around. And I go as far as cleaning my floors with bleach, which is annoying as hell to smell after a bunch of cleaning.

So yeah, I clean a ton. I feel very out of place in an untidy environment.
I normally can't be arsed to go and clean my room since the only time I'm in it is usually at night. It's a little crowded, but I've seen worse bedrooms. :wacky: I'm always left in charge of cleaning the living room and kitchen if I notice its getting dirty or something's out of place. Ah, and I used to always had to clean the bathrooms, but considering that a lot of the messes are caused by my grandparents, they said that they'd do the cleaning instead from now on. People are always wondering where I get my Starbucks money from . :mokken:
I don't clean on a daily basis. There are things lying around that were either a) tossed there by me/a friend, or b) the cats knocked it over and I just don't care to pick it up at the moment. Hell, there's a bowl of oatmeal from two days ago sitting on the printer still. Don't even get me started on the dishes. I fucking hate doing those.

In any case, if I'm feeling panicky/anxious, I will clean. It preoccupies the mind and seems to help calm me down. That or I'll clean when someone is coming over.
I can't stand doing dishes either -_____________- For as long as I've lived I've rarely had access to a dishwasher, so I've had to do them by hand since I was a teenager, and it sucks. It makes your hands all wrinkly and washes all the natural oils off your hands, so that once you're done they're too dry, and whenever I get dry skin it gives me the creeps ._. Plus, for some reason, the dishcloths in my house smell really bad after only one day, so if you touch an old one by accident, it's impossible to get the smell off, and it's one of the worst things I have ever smelled in my life, it's like some sort of old canvas mixed with metal and broccoli odor :ness: Not pretty.

However, anything that can draw bugs has to be cleaned up right away or I get anxious, so whether I or someone else does them, the dishes have to be washed pretty frequently in my house. And since we and the cats all shed like crazy, if we want to not walk around on piles of hair, we have to vacuum pretty frequently as well.

Stuff that's not actually dirty/germy though, but is more like clutter, just sits where it lands for an indefinite period of time. We're living out of one small room right now and have all the stuff we've ever owned piled into that small space, so it's not like there's a choice; there's just no place to put everything, and no room to walk except from the door to the bed.
I'm only in charge of cleaning my room, and it's undergone abuse. I'm not a fan of cleaning up dirt; Every chance I avoid it, but I've got to clean it soon. Maybe tomorrow (often heard too many times.)

The last time I cleaned this place was, dare I say it, in January. Man, I'm a sloth. Technically, I'm not a dirty person, my cats the one that makes the mess >_>
There's only umm... a few dust bunnies laying around. Their kind of roaming around in their own little world. Cruising, if you will.

If this makes that last paragraph better, I clean the dishes atleast once a day if not twice! The thought of too much dirt and food accumulating in the sink is quite disturbing to me. Yeah, this is old school cleaning, no dish washer. I'm quite proud of myself over that.

I also have to clean the litter box every other day, can't let the house start smelling.x (Just thought I should include that.)
Well I like to keep things tidy but I usually leave my space all cluttered with things I need because I know it's all in one space! When it comes to things like vacuuming and washing up it's always done though.
I'm very lazy, especially when it comes to cleaning. Infact I have to do some cleaning today, which I'm not looking forward to. I've got to clean the kitchen which still has stuff in it from 2 days ago. I don't mind cleaning, it's not that bad once you get started.
I try and keep my room as clean as possible. I don't leave clothes lying around. I always make sure that virtually nothing is on my floor. I'll occasionally see little pieces of tid bits of things I'm not sure what they are on my carpet and I'll try and ignore it. But after about a week or so, I have to vaccuum. I don't like dirtiness. No, sir.
I tidy up once a day - as in pick up clothes, wash dishes, sort out garbage - and I clean properly - clean surfaces, hoover, do laundry - once a week, usually friday afternoon (I have the day off) or saturday morning.
I love cleaning. At home it was a family activity - we'd open all the doors and windows, put on loud music and just get on with it for a few hours. When I was 17/18 I was a Cast Member at EPCOT in Walt Disney World, Florida, and my job was basically to clean for a few hours and talk with guests. Best. Job. Ever.
So yeah, I put Disney songs or a Disney movie on, crank it, and pretend like I'm back in Florida.
This thread makes me feel really guilty :sad2: ...since I've been ill/worn out lately and I haven't had the time or energy to be able to do much cleaning at home.

If I could have an immaculate home I totally would...but right now its like one of the last things on my mind. School and work are coming first. If I can throw some laundry in while I do my reading or do some dishes while I make dinner...thats a good thing. I try my best to multitask.

Summer is going to be a whole different story though. I'm taking off this summer asides from work and I plan to do some MAJOR clean out the garage...wax my car and throw in my new car mats. We also got a new vaccuum/carpet cleaner thing and I'm STOKED about going around and doing the carpeting in the house :grin:

So cleaning is taking a back burner...for now. Summer is when I plan on catching up. I love cleaning when I have the time for it :monster:
I am more lax about my cleaning. I make sure the entire house is cleaned at least every Saturday.
Then during the week I will do small bouts of cleaning like, the dishes every second day or more if they pile up. Might vacuum a couple of times in the week if the puppies drag crap into the house.

I live with my BF and Sister who are very messy, I find if I am anal about cleaning I get really stressed out because they just don't listen. So I tried to be relaxed. So long as they know to clean on Saturday's I am fine.
I'm pretty lazy with my cleaning, but i mostly have cords all around my room. My dad on the otherhand is Anal about cleaning, he makes me and my sisters pretty much clean the entire house while he chats to his friends online, every 2 weeks (the weekend before i get paid).

For those who don't know: Chlorine or Methylated Spirits + Cleaning the bathroom = Food tasting horrible for a few days, minimum. Even after thoroughly washing my hands with soap for a half hour my hands still smell of Chlorine/Methylated Spirits. :sad3:
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