What cheered you up today?

Uh...I wasn't necessarily -cheered up- so much as my mood was lightened as I felt accomplished for having understood some mechanics regarding Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. I'm just starting out with the game, so it's nice to pick up on certain technical aspects before fighting online.
I've finally done the online enrolment and photo submission processes for university (though I can't seem to log out of the account after I uploaded the photo for some odd reason). Finally they gave me an email notifying me that enrolment for my course was now open as I've been waiting for that for a few days. If only they can send me an email at long last telling me about my accommodation and asking me to fill in an online contract for it now.
What made my week is I'm applying for colleges in the UK and Cananda and very excited. (But I'm still in a community college...so I have about two and a half years left). But excited about that a lot. Always like to plan ahead with things. It will be a great experience too because I've only been to the UK once when I was visiting my dad for 4 years and I DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE!!!:XD: (but then mutti would have a fit. Lol). And since then, I've wanted to go there somehow and hopefully, being a new international student will help a lot. The only thing I'm chicken is that I might live with another family(host family for international students). But, I'm a pretty laid back/understanding/open girl, so I think I can survive.

But then I want to go to college in Canada because I'll be closer to my mom(I get worried because she's almost 60 and my devil older sister doesn't have patience for mutti's spaciness and stuff. Plus going to school in Canada compaired to the UK would be WAY closer to Illinois). But at the same time, I want to study in the UK and possibly live there if I can after college. What to do? What to do? Oh well. I'll think of something before it's too late.

Btw, kicked my cousin's butt in Continum Shift and Tekken 6! Yay Lee!XD(I'm happy about this because it's usually the other way around)
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At the end of the working day, I was given a HUGE box of fruit... It was so nice considering I had been so focused for so long.
If your boss rewards you, it really does help the motivation levels of employees ;)
Also, chatting to peeps on here cheered me up. Made my long day at work go much faster. <3
I was treated to a meal at Wetherspoons today. Might not have meant much, but my friend wanted to get me something for my birthday on Sunday and I refused, so she forced me out literally! Had a good few drinks and had a right laugh. Great day overall.
It's Friday. The last work day of the week. No work for the next two days means football and video games, starting tonight.
Training is starting back tomorrow, so I am looking forward to chatting to some people I have not seen all summer. Mainly though sitting on my ass all summer has turned my lean body, into one that looks like an pregnant anorexic girl who's starting her second trimester
1. I got to sleep in without waking up at all! Usually I wake up a million times and then keep falling back asleep. I wondered why it didn't happen again this morning like every other morning and realised that I didn't have any coke or any other soft drink before bed last night. Shit come to think of it I didn't have anything to drink after I got home last night. 0_o Anyway I'm sure this must be what disturbs my sleep normally. >.<

I got out of bed as soon as I opened my eyes this morning and I feel great! Normally I lay there and just slob around for ages until I can be bothered to move.

2. It's a beautiful sunny cloudless day outside! I'm going to my mates and then to a 21st birthday party after that, so I'm glad the weather is awesome!
I took a babysitting job for tonight. I've been wanting to apply for a job lately anyway so I'm glad I found something that could potentially lead to more work, if you can even call babysitting work. There will be four kids I'm sitting from 7:30 to 11:30 so they should be tired out by that time anyway. I hope. :gasp: Feels good to be busy again after a long, lazy summer.
I found a goddamn burning program that will burn music CDs that the stupid family car will actually play. FINALLY I can listen to some civilized metal, rock and alternative instead of the tripe the radios play...
Today chatting with Caitlin and Elven on MSN xD twas a fun way to waste time and get idea's.Can always rely on them to lighten my mood =D.

Aside from that I got to read another of Caitlin's FFVII Fanfic's XD which was funny as well =D.All in all it was a day of laughs
The sheer fact that another Saturday is more or less over for me. Having to do an evening shift (and with how busy it normally is then) is just not the ideal way to spend a Saturday evening and while I acknowledge that I may like to exaggerate things from time to time (yes yes, work isn't actually that excruciating compared to what kind of other job I could be doing), I honestly am glad that today is coming to an end. Well, gone for another week which will shockingly fly by at this rate, but still - huzzah!

A very nice day for me, I just got the payment from one of my projects and definitely that cheered me up! ;)
I finally have internet again. Yay.

Also had a good day out for a meal, film and shopping with my housemate and his sister. Fun tiems!
The third volume of the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica OST was released today, and it has three tracks on it I've been itching to get my hands on ever since I heard them in the anime. Yes, good soundtrack is enough to turn me from being a sullen bitch into firing rainbows from my eye sockets :yay:

Also, being back at University has been enjoyable, and people are just so much more approachable. It's nice to see my lecturers again, and for once I'm not a nervous wreck socially. It's rather odd...
This may sound fat to say, but went grocery shopping today because I was getting tired of living off ramen and peanut butter and jelly for the past month and now I can't seem to close my fridge shut. Lol. Oh, well. Plus, got a job today! Yay! (Even though I already have one but need to save up for an apartment soon).
And got an 'A' on my European History homework today. So I'm supper happy abou that because last time I got an 'F'. Oh well. Good to improve.
I was farming Platnium Ingots in FFXIII and their a pain in the ass to get and rarely drop, but it really was my lucky day I was getting drops left and right and got 12 drops in 2 hours mad eme so freaking happy cause I got alot of weapons brought and upgraded im so close now, but I been in a good mood all day long :)
Three things:

1) I was able to go to the earlier seminar for one of my units, from 2 til 3:30, as opposed to 5 til 6:30. So, I'm home considerably earlier.
2) I don't really need to attend said seminar in the future, because it's practically identical to one of my undergraduate modules...the one I got the highest mark overall on.
3) My copy of Atelier Totori arrived a day early. I fucking love pre-ordering stuff off GAME~
Let's see...
-The FFForum shoutbox has made me very happy; I've made lots of friends today!
-I enjoy this forum very much and plan to stay a very long time
-I was complimented on being a good Mod on another forum, which is always great
-It's cold, which I absolutely adore!