Blitzball - Epic or Dull?

Blitzball - Epic Or Dull?

  • Epic

    Votes: 93 52.8%
  • Dull

    Votes: 69 39.2%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 14 8.0%

  • Total voters
To me blitzball was divided. In the cut scenes it was truely epic but in gameplay with you playing it was simply dull as anything.

i never played this at all as it did my head in.

Ok so im sure any ffx players remember the game blitzball! For people who dont know this was an underwater sport like a mix of soccer and football!

I really think they should make a final fantasy blitzball game just do to the prue fact it was awesome! I always loved getting a better team working on my current guys and such, it was so sick! am i the only one who feels this way?
I hated it. It bored me to tears.

If they made a stand alone game of it, I most definitely would not buy it, infact I'd buy it and use it as a coaster

Once you've won the first couple of battles, its just too easy and the matches last too long. I don't even scout for new team members you don't even need too

It's just...crap. If I didn't have Wakka in my main party, I wouldn't even bother with it. At all.

Also, the music gets on my tits :rage:

Also, welcome :wacky:
You're not serious are you? Blitzball is the dumbest thing in FF history and like Bambi it pisses me off and then some.

IT's nice that you find it enjoyable but I can't help but go "YOU CAN'T FUCKING THROW A BALL LIKE THAT IN WATER YOU JUST CAN'T :rage:" BUt then again FFX was stupid from the get-go :rage::rage::rage:

Don't mind me. Haters gonna hate -__-

Oh, and welcome =D
I understand it had many flaws, but think about how much potential it would have if they made a entire game for it?
Well, they had an entire game within the game, so it'd be kinda pointless really, seeing as you would just be buying what you already owned :hmmm:
I hated Hated HATED blitzball when I first encountered it....Then it grew on me and I became obsessed with it...I still have a save for it simply so I can play blitzball if the mood strikes
Yeah, I hated Blitzball at first too, but then I started to get the game, & now I really like it. I think it's probably the best Final Fantasy minigame to date.

As for throwing the ball underwater...come on. This is Final Fantasy, nothing the characters EVER do is possible. By comparison to the others, FFX is fairly tame.
I like the idea of it more than I actually like it.

I've only ever played through FFX once, and at the time didn't know that you were to use the blitzball feature to gain more attacks for Wakka.. so I never really played it.

I know you had to play at least one game in the storyline, and it was very confusing for me. That put me right off the sport. Haven't touched a blitzball since!
*Threads Merged*

I think I may have already posted in the Blitzball thread. But here's a recap: Blitzball was shit. That is all. :mokken:
Personally, I like the fact that it's so detailed that it could be an entire game all on its own. It kinda reminded me of Tactics. It took throwing ability, blocking ability, water resistence, & more into account.
I voted epic.

It's more than just a game, it actually makes you think about the actions you take and plot a strategy to win it. You also have to pick the right players the more you advance or else some of them could become a liability to any team.
I didn't like it at first, then I properly learnt how to play it, and then I over-played it, and began to hate it because it got boring. So I kind of went in a big loop :hmmm:
The only major issue I really had with it was that each game lasted 10 minutes. In VIII and IX a game of cards would last about a minute and that was much better.
I liked blitzball, but if I play it for too long it gets boring for me. I much preferred cards in VIII and IX :mokken:
I voted Epic!
In FFX it really was epic! :P My team: Tidus, Wakka & the rest of Besaid Aurochs xD
And the Zanarkand Abes Blitzball team icon is awesome!:D
In FFX-2 it was too much...ehh... automatic? So it was really boring :P But i heard that in the International ver. you can have Tidus in your party thanks to it, so it's kinda cool xD
i use th original team aswell.. theres nothing wrong with em and i see no reason too recruit more when tidus and wakka both have more then adaquate SH and EN, lettys got riddiculus pass and en and atk, jassu and botta are unstopable attackers, and keepa is the best catcher in teh game... IMO
I loved it, I played X-2 before X and blitzball sucked there, but when I played it on X I was surprised how good it was. You actually could do something. I played Blitzball at least 3 times everytime I played the game so I could get closer to Wakka's Sigil. But later on I got bored with it when I received all Wakka's overdrives and had to play another League to get his Sigil. That just simply took too long.
Although it was interesting to see such an involved minigame, I honestly didn't play it anymore than what was required for the story. I had trouble figuring parts of it out and I was too interested in getting on with the story to spend any extra time on it. So I guess I would vote for both--epic if you like minigames and dull if you don't care for them :hmmm:
I tried sooo hard to like it. It seemed very interesting to me at first, kinda like a sports/rpg hybrid, but just never had fun with it. I wanted to collect all the ultimate weapons, but just could not bring myself to play blitz enough. :(
Kind of dull in my opinion, it's quite fun for a while, but after so many games, it becomes insanely boring, I got my Tidus to around level 60 in it, and I couldn't go any further simply because i'd die from boredom.

It's a great idea, and a very different mini-game to what we're used to in previous Final Fantasy titles, which is cool, but yeah it just feels really dull.

Oh, I once beat a team 12-1 once ;))