Blitzball - Epic or Dull?

Blitzball - Epic Or Dull?

  • Epic

    Votes: 93 52.8%
  • Dull

    Votes: 69 39.2%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 14 8.0%

  • Total voters
A creative game that's a bore to play.

If a new game were developed solely for Blitzball, then I'm sure it'd be more exciting. Enhanced graphics, more teams/players, and some added extras. I could have fun playing that.

The mini-game on Final Fantasy X? Yawn. Slow and boring.
If you are letting the computer do the work then yea it does get boring.
I did all of the work and ended up hitting level 99 with most of my characters. Also Blitzball was the only reason for me playing ffX; seeing as how the game was epically easy.
Dull, if I'm playing it myself but the first FMV Otherworld playing on background was cool.

Somehow it's just too complicated minigame for me...
It was great at first, i used to play a lot but then i started to get full of it and found it dull.

It's great when you play the first game, with all that emotion and the background music, that was awesome, but then after the 50th game and so on...i want to take a break, although i used to still play it from time to time, sometimes i just played the game to play blitzball.

So i voted for the "i don't know" option.
I actually liked it up until I got the top prize for me which was the Jupiter Sigil. I played Blitzball mainly to get Wakka's highest power weapon, and power-up with the Sigil. I think Blitzball also unlocks all of his overdrives as well.

However, once I got all of them, it got to be a bore since I was killing teams by 12 points each game. Basically all I would still play blitzball for was to learn every players' Techniques.
I find blitzball impossible to figure out if I am totally honest.
I mean they tell you that it's easier to let the computer do all the movie around and stuff, but I almost always lose the games. I

At first I was wondering if it was because my team was lousy but then I noticed that most of the people you can actually sign are all rubbish too =/

So I have to ask, do I have to keep playing and losing just to get experience ? I only ever seem to be able to score when Tidus has got Jecht Shot 0_o
I find blitzball impossible to figure out if I am totally honest.
I mean they tell you that it's easier to let the computer do all the movie around and stuff, but I almost always lose the games. I

At first I was wondering if it was because my team was lousy but then I noticed that most of the people you can actually sign are all rubbish too =/

So I have to ask, do I have to keep playing and losing just to get experience ? I only ever seem to be able to score when Tidus has got Jecht Shot 0_o
The computer will cause you to lose the ball quickly so it is best to just pass play it the first few game this will give you a good level to begin with. Also get Jamal, Wedge, and Robb, all of whom are top players at the end.
The idea is awesome, the mini-game incredibly dull. The outcome of the 'battles' is much to random and the gameplay is to slow.

I agree that the idea was awesome. If they could have found an interesting way for the actual blitz games to be played like in real time, it would have been far better. I've always hated playing the blitzball part in FFX. It seems like a chore because it's so dull.
It was imo the best mini game ever, for me it was a entire other game

when friends asked me wht you gonna do later on, my reply was at home playing blitzball
he said : OH FinalFantasy 10 , I know -__- ;p

PS - The best blitzball players are all -al bhed- ;) In your own ship you have a guy who is supreme when you recruite him at the back of the ship, i forgot his name something like Blappa or sumthing.
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Well, I was looking forward to playing Blitzball, but I ended up losing the games (I haven't finished the game yet, mind)

They always block my shots, most of the time they steal my ball, and I didn't even get how to do a Jecht shot o_O -__-

But since you need it for Wakka, I'm doing it because I love Wakka. And Tidus. And the others. <3

So I chose Epic, seeing it's only dull when I lose a game etc. ^_^
I found Blitzball to be dull to the point of bringing everything to a screeching halt and affecting my enjoyment of the game, same with snowboarding in VII. On the other hand, sometimes I'll turn on IX and just play Tetra Master for an hour.

The only celestial weapon I didn't get was Wakka's because I despised Blitzball so much. Don't get me wrong, other than that FFX is a flawless game, in my opinion.
It was in between for first it was somewhat good but?

Mod Edit: Please make sure to elaborate more on your post. Thanks. =]
Blitzball is dull from the start if you've lost the great players to another team. If you have a great line-up, you'll win with very little effort and with just one tactic to get you through. Pawning the other team is the thing that makes me enjoy playing the mini-game.
I do not spend very much time with it, because even as much as I enjoy winning by 7-0 or 8-0, it gets tedious and makes you want to progress the story rather than spending hours listening to the same beat of tune that is the Blitzball music.
I dont know to me it was hard to set up and then if you lose one good player then ur in trouble and sometimes even if you have the best people on there the other team still beats the blitzball game where wakka gets injured i could never beat it because i didnt have him....
Duude, I thought Blitz was awesome! :awesome: I mean come on your underwater! haha. I have to say that it was very creative! =D I personally wasn't all that good at the game:/ but I think its something to do when your bored :monster: I think it'd be cool if it was a real sport! :D haha wouldn't you? haha. liked it muchos ^^
Strange as hell when you first see it, then when you progress through the game and start to understand the whole logic of it and get hold of really good players it becomes i would say: epic.

Such a amazing sport and mini-game in Final Fantasy X.
I just can't explain how much fun it was to play Blitzball when you were stuck with some stupid hard boss becouse your totally underleveled or some puzzle that annoyed you too no end.

And the opening scene. :fan: :piggyback:​
I played it quite a bit for one reason or another and loved it. It was very fun in the beginning when I didn't really understand anything, and then got even better as I came to dominate my opponents while still being challenged. Once I started winning every game without much effort it lost it's luster though.
Still, a nice way to rack up my game time without actually doing anything in battle...
I never much liked Blitzball. It was a major pain to do it even in the storyline. It just felt so weird to me. I've never won the match against the goers, so I guess I stopped caring, and whenever it comes up I just repeatedly hit the X button for about 10 minutes to pace through it.
Although I love Blitzball, I think it's a little too difficult, especially when you're first introduced to it in game.