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  • i got it a couple of months ago =D i searched the music shops for like 2 hours in the heat of manila and when i saw it it's like...IT'S YOU. YOU'RE THE ONE

    i'm quite good at it now if i have to say so myself, so i am brave enough to say let's do it :rage: hahaha

    How are you btw? been ageees =)
    If you knew then you must be a witch. :gasp:

    When I was making out the prizes, I actually considered putting a purple color but it seemed like it would be too obvious for me. So I chose a blue one instead. :lew:
    Sorry mate I went dark for a while, the guy from talktalk came round and rewired everything then my familys come over from Brazil I'll be on these days if you wanna game just give me a shout. Hope you've been good anyway the last few days have been a bit busy for me!
    The "big one"? What are you trying to say there, Lew? :ahmed:

    It's really a wonder why we don't have them here, they seem absurdly popular there. Maybe we do, but they are just renamed...
    Limited offer? Is it going for cheaper somewhere?
    Or do you mean within the game itself?

    I'm still mulling over it. It might have to be after Christmas now which unfortunately means that I may have to compete with whiny and raging kids for your attentions.

    If I see it physically cheap somewhere, I might get it before. But since I realised that Christmas is just a week away, post-wise it won't be here for then. So I'll see how things go soon!

    Shooting aliens sounds fun as well.
    yeah you realise whats worth spending points on and whats worth buying after playing a few runs. i was quite tired yesterday i woke up that morning at 6am... yes that's a good excuse.

    ill be on today probably within the next hour.
    most of them were just sliding in when someone else was capturing :wacky:

    its a good thing u were playing i was getting some catastrophic scores we wouldve lost hard :lew:

    how did you like extinction? we didnt get too far yesterday but when u get the hang of it you can get all the way to the end
    if you have a Skype you should fucking add me. :mokken: mckenzieechelon.
    I'm finally getting away from this place and you're the only one i can't talk to outside of here. we should fix that. :lew:
    I know I get offended easily, but it really did seem like you were mocking me. =__= If your intentions weren't malicious, then it's fine. I'll have to think twice before believing anything. ~.~;
    I use pretty much the same. The one point stealth one, ready up and no fall damage. Then quickdraw, icu.... errr marathon agility and all that. I always feel like im invincible when ive got the bonus.
    I was terrible at getting booze underage I always had a youthful face :lew: Im not surprised though he's well popular in Russia!

    Yeah I use 1 point perks and get the bonus at 8 points. Deadeye is amazingly overpowered but it costs 5 points of your bonus I usually prefer ICU + Quickdraw or something like that. More value for it I reckon.
    Putin the legend :lew: yeah ill probably switch to adriana again sometime i was just gettin a bit sick of it.

    yeah the specialist package is good but its well frustrating goin a whole game without gettin the specialist bonus. i havent tried the Odin but the description makes it and the loki sound beast. ill be on tomorrow evening if ur game
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