In an unexpected turn of events, a teaser reveal for Kingdom Hearts IV was shown off at a Japan-only 20th anniversary event for the Kingdom Hearts series. Following the conclusion of the Xehanort Dark Seeker saga with Kingdom Hearts III, this new numbered sequel will signal the start of a new chapter known as the 'Lost Master Arc'. Fan favourites Sora, Donald and Goofy will return, along with Strelitzia, a major character in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.
Not content with coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate as a fighter, Sora is also about to drop in on the Nintendo Switch. The entire series of Kingdom Hearts titles, which spans from the very original to Kingdom Hearts III (which is already available on PS4, Xbox One and PC on the Epic Games Store platform), has been announced for the Switch, albeit as cloud-based versions.
After someone unexpectedly found a logo of the game within the files of the upcoming mobile entry chronicling the backstory of series chief antagonist Xehanort, Square Enix have all of a sudden announced Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, a rhythm-based game for current consoles of a similar DNA to the Theatrhythm Final Fantasy releases on the 3DS.
Maybe it's called 'ReMIND' because they really want to remind you in advance to reinstall Kingdom Hearts III on your console? You'll probably need it when this piece of meaty downloadable content comes out, especially if you're someone who wasn't too impressed by the conspicuous lack of classic Final Fantasy characters in the base game. Curiously, the DLC release is staggered, with the Xbox One version coming out over a month following its PS4 counterpart.
It is almost time to close off the Xehanort saga once and for all. As promised, the full Tokyo Game Show trailer for Kingdom Hearts III is available and grants us an expanded look into the world of Big Hero 6 and the film's protagonists you will be fighting with, from Hiro to Go Go to Baymax. Also revealed is the official boxart for the game, which covers the entire ensemble cast of heroes spanning from across the entirety of the franchise thus far.
Though we have known for a while that Big Hero 6 will be one of the playable worlds in Kingdom Hearts III along with fellow newcomers such as Tangled, Toy Story, Monsters Inc and Frozen, we've yet to actually see any footage of this world until now. With the Tokyo Game Show just around the corner, Square Enix Japan have released a new short teaser trailer. In it we are introduced to Hiro and Baymax of the film, other characters in the game's other worlds and of course, the overarching villains of the entire franchise.
It will five years after Kingdom Hearts III was officially announced, but Sora and friends will return in 2018, confirms Square Enix. In the meantime, you can enjoy this new trailer of the game and the confirmation that Pixar's Toy Story will be one of the game's worlds. You're used to Tom Hanks voicing Woody, but have you ever heard Japanese Woody?
The elusive Kingdom Hearts III actually showed up with a new trailer at the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- event in Los Angeles. As the game will not appear at E3 2017 this year, this will be the only time we will see the game before next month's D23 Expo event on 15 July where Square Enix promise a new world announcement followed with yet another new trailer.
In this edition of Square Enix non-news, the company is currently forecasting for their next two upcoming Japanese RPG blockbuster single player titles to launch somewhere "in the next three years or so". This was stated by CEO Yosuke Matsuda himself during an outline of the company's fiscal year 2017 performance (which has recently ended on the 31st March this year).
Square really wants you to be ready for Kingdom Hearts 3. If you have a PlayStation 4 and have little inkling to retrieve the old, dusty PS3 from the attic to revisit the Kingdom Hearts collections that you've neglected to play, you need not worry, for the PS4 will soon have virtually every game in the series in one place. As you can perhaps infer from the title, both the 1.5 and 2.5 HD collections will have a PlayStation 4 release, with a buttery 60 frames per second to boot.
The confusingly-named Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has also popped up at this year's Tokyo Game Show event with a trailer and release date.
Though the E3 trailer promised a worldwide December release, the game has been pushed back to January, with Japan being first to see it on 12 January while the rest of the world will have to wait it out until the 24th.
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