Kingdom Hearts series announced for Nintendo Switch (Cloud versions)

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Not content with coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate as a fighter, Sora is also about to drop in on the Nintendo Switch. The entire series of Kingdom Hearts titles, which spans from the very original to Kingdom Hearts III (which is already available on PS4, Xbox One and PC on the Epic Games Store platform), has been announced for the Switch, albeit as cloud-based versions.

No release date is disclosed.

As a reminder of which titles constitute each package:

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix

  • Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (the original game)
  • Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (HD Remastered cinematics; not playable)
  • Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
  • Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
  • Kingdom Hearts Re:coded (HD Remastered cinematics; not playable)
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue

  • Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD
  • Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover (movie)
  • Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A fragmentary passage
Kingdom Hearts III

  • Kingdom Hearts III
  • Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind (DLC)

