What game did you buy last?

Tropico 4 - PC.

I am a MASSIVE fan of Tropico 3. I've put in so many hours into it just in the sandbox part alone, so when I saw that tropico 4 was out I jumped at the chance to buy it.

Unfortunately I was a little disappointed. It's pretty much the same game, I can hardly see anything new added to it, the graphics look the same, there are like... 3 new buildings, they added some blueprint shit and ruined the menus. I don't know how they claimed that it was a new game :S it's like a really bad expansion!!!

I'm upset i wasted money :( I think I will ignore it and play Tropico 3 still.
The last game I bought was Gears of War 3. I got it yesterday and so far it is good. I did not notice much changes, as I just started playing the campaign yesterday. I did not go far at all. You get a taste of the lambent very early, so you know what those baddies are like. I stopped because I wanted to rest a bit.. so I can be less sick. I can not wait to play some more tonight! :ryan:
I bought Xenosaga Episode 1 and preordered The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I just got Xenosaga today so I'm going to be playing that. Hoping to buy a PS3 and a few games soon.
Just bought Deus Ex last weekend but haven't had the time to get into it. Looking forward to:
  • Rocksmith
  • Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
  • The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  • Final Fantasy Versus XIII (If it's even real and not just a myth :whistle2:)
  • Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Only because it's a Final Fantasy game)
  • And, of course, FINAL FANTASY X HD!!!!! :awesome:
I bought Dead Island for my ps3 this last Sunday...and I've been playing the online Co-op a couple of the nights this last week with some of the other U.S members here like Raul, Jeff, and Al. Ohhh man. I can't tell you how fun the online is for this game when you have friends to play with. I have to fight the urge try try and be independent and run off ahead of the group sometimes...and when I do I usually end up getting in trouble :wacky: Last night was a lot of fun. I noticed the zombies started getting more difficult to take down now that I'm level 11 or 12...so it isn't really an incredibly easy game. The open world is massive and you can do pretty much anything you want.

I haven't played the actual individual game part of it yet. I think when you do the co-op your experience stays the same as when you play the single player portion of the game, but if thats the case the thought of running off on my own is a bit scary because when you are getting run at by many zombies that take more than 10 or so hits to take down the best I can do is run away and pace myself attack wise so I don't die right away :wacky:
White Knighr Chronicles 2 for the Pee Ess Three.

I started the first one on the disc, and aside from the kind of bad voice acting, I like it. The battle system is fun, but I was also half asleep when I started it. Been playing Demon's Souls with the time I've had (been out of the house all damn weekend :() so I'll get to it again soon when I have more time and am awake.
After an annoying amount of confusion, I've finally managed to order Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland for PS3. I was fairly keen on Rorona, although I found it a little difficult to get into at points. Totori is five years long instead of three, and seems to have a more defined battle system. Looks good to me.

If it doesn't come on Friday, I'm going to be immensely pissed off. I shouldn't have to pay for GAME's fuck up :hmph:
Recently, I bought:

- Counter Strike: Source
- Garry's Mod
- Minecraft

Purchased Counter Strike: Source because I wanted to see how good this best selling PC first-person shooter was. Haven't even played Garry's Mod, heh. And, I bought Minecraft to also see what it was all about, and I must say, it's an awesome game for something so simple.

I haven't actually been on this forum for a while. So, I saw a few threads about Final Fantasy X HD. Looking forward to that ^^. The only reason why I've never been bothered to replay it again on the PS2 is because the graphics are a bit shabby in this day and age ;)
I went into town today...somehow ended up with both Dark Souls and El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. I took some games to trade in, so I only had to pay £1 for the latter, and I borrowed some money for the former. But...both? What the hell possessed me to buy BOTH?!

...well, at least I'll have plenty to play this month...
*Put's on Avaitor Shades and prepares the popcorn for L

For me it would be Rage until later today. Then it will be Rune Factory Tides of Destiny.

Rage is still toooo short. I'm already very close to the end. Just a few more quests and I beat the game. Not bad in graphics but story is somewhat lacking. But that's what I get for buying a fps.

Besides, I wish natsume would come out with a harvest moon game for the ps3. TT.TT
Dead Rising 2 and Dante's Inferno

Both are pretty good games, though I've barely touched DR2. I got really far into DI but then just stopped playing. I have a bad habit of switching between games. Bah! :P
I just bought Mass Effect 2 today, and my cousin gave me his free copy of RDR (Red Dead Redemption)

So far, I'm loving Mass Effect 2. I've already put down 3 hours on the game, and those alone are just by talking to people and learning info. Also the whole scanning orbits for materials is a great thing to do also. It's thing like these about a video game that make me appreciate how long I can keep playing it for.

Also, on a side note. I have the Blood Dragon armor in my cabinet, is that supposed to there for me, by default?

Pockets (You might know)
Well I'm a loser and I sold all my PS1 Final Fantasy games last year because I was over them and thought my phase had passed and I needed the extra money.

Now I'm all like, "I want to play them. :rage:"

So I went on ebay and picked up a platinum version of FFVII for $37 including postage from the UK.

Can't wait for it to get here! :rage:

EDIT: Just bought FFVIII as well tonight. Got the black label version.

Going to keep an eye out for a decent black label version of FFVII as well. I just want to play it so I went ahead and bought the cheapest FFVII version in awesome condition so it wouldn't stuff up when I try to play it. >.< Black version is so much perdier though. I'm so freakin' anal like that.

The only platinum game I had last time was FFIX. >.< Can't believe I sold them all. What a douche.
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Dragon Age II and Lost Odyssey. I'm nearing the end of DAII and I can't seem to get through a boss in LO. It's super annoying. ;;

Sadly, the next game I'll be purchasing won't be coming out until January (Oneechanbara Kagura: Z and FINAL FANTASY XIII-2).
I won a copy of Dynasty Warriors 7 for the PS3 off eBay last night...I need more games that let me beat the living crap out of people, and I really enjoyed Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, so this should be fun...plus there's an expansion for it coming out I've asked for for my birthday. Now I'm debating whether or not I should get the Gundam version as well...
And I caved in and bought Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 :ffs:

Never mind that my birthday is in exactly two weeks. Never mind that practically all I know of Gundam is the name "Lockon Stratos" and the fact that there are a lot of models, and that the next series has something about Unicorns in it. Never mind that I haven't even received my copy of Dynasty Warriors 7 yet. It's a game in which you play as a robot and blow the living crap out of swarms of other robots. This is the sort of thing I live for. MUST. HAVE. GAME.