Rammu Drana

Infelious Zalez

Chocobo Breeder
Jan 19, 2011
Hello everyone! I am Infelious Zalez!
As you can probably see, I am fascinated with the Al Bhed language. (And the hymmnos language of Ar Tonelico, as seen in my name, which means Waterfall of Love)
I have loved Final Fantasy since I first played a Demo of Final Fantasy VIII that I got from Pizza Hut. ^^;;
I found this place a while ago, but never joined, I figured, why not. I hope to get to know you all better!

Tuac yhouha amca muja Al Bhed??
Haha! Welcome! I don't speak Al Bhed but it's fascinating how good you are with it! ^^ Hope you enjoy it here :P
Welcome to the Final Fantasy Forums! It's interesting to know that you are interested in the Al Bhed language. I've got to try and learn it someday. Anyway, welcome and I hope you enjoy it here :D
Welcome to the site, please enjoy yourself and if you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to inquire.
Welcome to the forums! =]
Welcome to the forums :dave:
Thank you for all the warm welcomes everyone!!!

U ekhii. Ud legim dnurkm losn lyhi urdihimdurk, ert ud um iemuih dy ciehr dner hymmnos. U ecmy cugi dni Mr. Smiley whyl Disturbed ur ayoh efedeh. =D