Last game you finished?

Beat Tales of Symphonia last night. Spent all of yesterday and the day before playing the shit out of it so I could beat it before today and I did :reptar: Great game.
Portal 2 a couple of months ago... I've been reading a lot and on holiday recently, so have only dipped in and out of games since.
Beat Tales of Symphonia last night. Spent all of yesterday and the day before playing the shit out of it so I could beat it before today and I did :reptar: Great game.

Well done!

Last one a 'defeated' (hehe unusual for a game - it looks to innocent in its case) was..Crysis 2 perhaps? I played Resonance of Fate since then, but sadly, didn't finish.
Metal Gear Solid 4

Prior to this game I had only played the third Metal Gear Solid, it was still plenty easy to get the idea of who everyone was. I loved everything about this game, plot, characters, gameplay, and setting.

The plot is incredibly complex and takes a lot of twists and turns, there is real sense of grand narration throughout. So much of it is character discussions, ideas, plans, and theories. A lot of the stuff people do is left up to the player to understand, it's a perfect execution of 'an outside observer' I think.

I have always been fascinated with stories about legendary heroes and mythical weapons, which is generally the realm of alternate realities set in more feudal times. The Metal Gear Solid series has managed to modernise those concepts, using genetic engineering/nanomachines etc. It has made 'Legendary soldiers' of its own. Instead of dragons and trolls, there are the Metal Gears etc.

The plot also delves into the economy and reasons behind war as well as the privatisation of conflict. Other interesting questions it poses are based around technological modification vs naturally learned skills/abilities. Though in some areas it seemed unnecessarily vague and obtuse.

The characters are just plain awesome, there is a squad of four super soldiers introduced early on. They seem almost mythical in their abilities, and you know you will have to defeat them as you progress. It really adds to the whole 'quest' vibe from sword and magic based games. All of the characters have genuinely understandable if not condonable motives for what they do, as well as being given extensive histories.

Snake is preposterously badass

The gameplay is sublime,it balances stealth and action very well. Some parts seemed really easy however which was irksome. You got the sense you could wait for the opposing factions to kill each other then just walk through.

It was also a beautiful game to look at

I just beat Portal so I will update this post

This game was frankly amazing, it's only downside was its length (to be expected as it is really just a bonus included in The Orange Box). Basically you have the portal gun, which allows you to fire a blue portal and a red portal. Going through one portal pops you out the other, the entire game is built around this mechanic.

You simply traverse a training facility using the gun, with a disembodied voice telling you what to do. As you finish the last test you escape, as it is clear you were scheduled for termination upon completion of testing. Then proceed to try and get out of the facility

The dialogue is genuinely funny and I laughed out loud a few times, just a brilliantly written script
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Finished Deus Ex: Human Revolution a bit ago. Got 43 of the 49 achievements and did every side quest I could. I wish it could have been a bit longer and had one more city HUB like they originally planned, but that's not too big of a deal. It really felt like Deus Ex (the original). I actually like some bits of it more than the original, while some are just on par so they are equally great. I liked the city hubs more because there was so much more to explore and get into that you can spend hours without actually doing anything story related while roaming around each of the two cities.

Each area where you had to complete it before returning to the HUB city felt exactly like Deus Ex: a bunch of floors of a building getting past all these guards to uncover more secrets while finding different passages and extra goodies along the way :yay: I spent a lot of my time going through each area to make sure I didn't miss anything important. Although I wish I had found all 29 XP booklets. I know I got at least 20 of them. And the after credits movie was really great, although people that haven't played the original game won't understand its significance at all.

I liked finding emails on computers that came from characters from the original game (Joseph Manderly and Morgan Everett to name a few), because it gave me a bit more info on what they did in the 25 years between the two games. Also the 4 different endings akin to the original based on whose wishes you want to fulfill was a very nice touch.

Overall, a very good game, and a worthy successor (or predecessor I should say :gasp:) to the original that I love dearly. I hope Eidos Montreal continues the Deus Ex series because I would love to play more games in the series. Maybe they could remake Invisible War with the same story (if it's good, if not scrap it and just use the same concept) so it can be more enjoyable to fans of the original. And so I can play it and enjoy it.
I actually completed 3 games last week Magna Carta 2 I was already at the end of but quit at the end. Finally gald I beat the thing, I dont like getting help on beating my games but I had to youtube it and finally beat it. Mirrors Edge I had for a very long time and believe it or not I was stuck on the very first level. their was a really difficult jump and it pissed me off cause I kept dieing more than I was supposed to and this is the first level not even 10 minutes into yet and I was ready to throw the game away. Finally went back to it and actually made it past that jumped on the first try and beat it in 3 days, It was a great game but just too many deaths.

Now the very last game I finished was Wet which I enjoyed even though its failrly easy to beat since all boss battles ar enothing but quick time events (which I loved) and the slow mo fighting made it easy, the only hard part about the game is figuring out where to go sometimes thats all. I didnt really like the western style stuff as well me not being a fan of shooters. But I like how the main character Rubi's attitude matched mine pretty well minus the drinking the beer or whatever it is, her personality matchs me perfectly so i had to keep playing just to see how more Rubi would get even more incredible.
Xenoblade Chronicles

FINALLY. I beat the final boss on my sixteenth try (his third form was rather disappointing, because he really didn't stand a chance against my new weapon...but The God Slaying Sword made for an incredibly epic background track) earlier and, having watched the extremely confusing and unexpected ending, I have this overwhelming desire to play the game again; it was just THAT good. The difficulty curve was horrendously unbalanced (certain end-game bosses were a nightmare, and the final boss himself was more than a little unfair...) and it would have been nice if certain characters got a little more character development, but overall...easily Game of the Year, and I am so very glad I didn't sell my Wii.

I have so much I still want to do in the game: all the quests, affinity, reconstruct Colony 6, and just experience the truly epic storyline again. I'm actually quite saddened that I'll never experience it for the first time again. It just kept building up to this incredible climax; each time I thought I knew what was going on, it'd throw something else in my face. I guessed a large percentage of the plot twists, but more often than not I was extremely surprised when something was thrown my way.

Sixty hours over two and a half weeks. I am extremely satisfied with this, and shall be writing a full review for what I believe is the greatest JRPG to be released on a console in well over a decade, and is a true return to form for the genre.
Heavy Rain

Unless you have completed the game at least one or never intend to play, do not read what follows

This was such a great game up until the point where they revealed Scott to be the Origami Killer. The gameplay was unique and incredibly well-done, the characters were likeable and given believable personalities, the story up until the catastrophe was intense and kept me addicted to the game.

Revealing Scott as the killer though took a shotgun to the plot, it created so many holes. Almost all of these can be explained away with a little logical thinking and rational explanation. Two stick out horribly however, and have ruined what would have been my favourite game.

1] Ethan's Blackouts: After the prologue Ethan was in a coma and is mentioned to be having occasional blackouts. I have no problem with this, it was a nice way of making us think Ethan could be the killer. It was slightly over done considering he himself wonders if he is the killer. If he had been the villain rather than Scott, that would have made a much more sensible conclusion. It would have been quite unexpected, as the latter half of the game is very convincing in making him appear innocent without much evidence

Now, what made this inexplicable was the origami. After each blackout he would wake up with an Origami figure in hand, it makes absolutely no sense. It was clearly to make us think he was the Origami Killer, which is patronising enough but also an unforgivable storytelling device. It literally makes no sense, and is never explained in any way

2] Scott's thoughts: At any point in game, by tapping L2 you can hear your character's thoughts. It is impossible that we would never have heard Scott thinking something like 'well this is the father of that child I killed'. Even failing that a lot of the things he says would never be 'thought' by the killer.

I resent that a game I loved was ruined like this, fuck you David Cage

One of those forgotten little classics that no one seems to talk about anymore. This was my first time playing the game since I was about 7 or 8. It was a fun experience. Much like every game (and everything for that matter) that I've experience in the last two months or so, it pissed me off at some points. Mostly the platforming due to agonizing camera controls. But it didn't ruin the overall experience for me.

Red Dead Redemption and it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. Seriously, I didn't expect a Rockstar game to be carried by its story. Nor did I expect the western setting to maintain my interest. I mean, even the cattle herding sections were fun...well, I wasn't ECSTATIC about doing them but they didn't deter me from the game. Also, this is the first game in which I actually preferred a FEMALE character over a male character, that being Bonnie Macfarlane. I think I just have a thing for tomboys...uh...there's a gay joke in there somewhere. Anyway, great game and stuff...uh...5/5.
Mass effect 2

Great game. I can see why it won so many awards. GReat story innotive gameplay and massive replay factor. I like the idea of replaying and having a completely new character and approaching the story differntly and changing my characters attitude. Took me a massive 44 hours aswell to reach the end of the game. Not often you find a game that long nowadays. Especially one that good.
My only beef with this game was the voice acting on shephard. Its terrible and it baffles me as to why its so terrible. He sounds so cardboard and emotionless. His tone never changes when hes angry or sad, its alwyas the same. You get used to it eventually but its still a flaw, one that cant be changed though unless they boot the actor up the arse and tell him to do better in mass effect 3.
Not enough to stain this excellent game though. Im just sad its over and mass effect 3 isnt out til march 2012
So last night I stayed up later to finally finish Tales of the Abyss that I've been working on for about 2 weeks. I absolutely LOVED this game. It took Symphonia's fun battle system and added some great things to it and it was just as fun. And I have to say, I'm sorry to anyone who loves Symphonia (I enjoyed it too), but Abyss destroys it.

The characters...I don't know where to begin. There is so much to them, and I loved all of them. This is the only cast of characters in a game that I really...felt for, so to speak. When Luke finally changed and
started treating Mieu nicely instead of calling him "Thing," I teared up :sad2:

Luke fon Fabre: starts off as an ignorant spoiled douche. No character has made me cringe at the way he treated other people. But I still liked him, because I understood why he was like that. Eventually he shapes up and becomes an unlikely hero and a great person.

Tear Grants: Tear is a great female protagonist. Apparently she's 16, but she looks older and acts older. There are a lot of spoilers that I'd end up giving away if I went in depth with her character, so I'll just leave it at that. I really enjoyed her being there for Luke.

Jade Curtiss: This guy is hilarious. The Colonel is the oldest of the group, and his sarcasm is pulled off great. Best black mage ever, by the way. Most black mages have to stay in the back row due to low defense and attack. Not Jade. He's got a spear and great defense. More spoilers blah blah blah, Jade is one of my favorite characters.

Guy Cecil: Some of Johnny Yong Bosch's better voice work, but he sounds exactly like Ichigo from the Bleach anime (same actor, whaddya know). Guy's fear of girls is quite funny, and he makes for a great best friend to Luke. Very dedicated.

Anise Tatlin: Fon Master Guardian. Really not much to say here. She wants to marry into money and she's obsessed with Luke. Not my favorite character, but she's not bad at all. She grows on you.

Natalia Luzu Kimlasca Lanvaldear: She's a princess, whoooo. I didn't use her much, but she's a great healer outside of battle (and whenever I got attacked from behind).

Story: Okay, now I'll say I really enjoyed the story. It's uniqueish with the normal cliché things you'd see in an RPG. But it's pulled off really well. The characters are what help bring it to life and kept me playing. It's not bogged down by a love plot that takes control over everything (FFVIII), (don't read the next part unless you have no intention of playing this game or have already finished it)
but by the end, you'll see the growing relationship between Tear and Luke, except they're terrible at showing it to each other. When Tear whispered the words "I love you" at the end, I fist pumped and got all happy :jay: It's one of those small love stories that work great and don't overpower the real story and ends up making you want to see it happen.
The ending was great and made me wish the game hadn't ended, because I wanted it to continue really badly. I'd love a sequel, but I don't know how well it would do or if I would enjoy it as much as I did this.

Gonna cut the next parts short.

Soundtrack was quite good. I actually hummed along to a lot of the songs once I was familiar with them, and the theme song "Karma" is really good (vocal and non vocal).

Gameplay: The battle system (as stated above) is just like Tales of Symphonia's, but you get FOF changes (which power up certain moves with elements) and the free run ability which is quite helpful at times. The battles are fun and engaging and keep your attention.

Difficulty: The game wasn't too hard or too easy. Only way I managed to not lose in the later battles was to spam life bottles on my fallen party members. But I am proud to say I never once got a game over. I only lost once, but that was for story purposes and there was no reason in winning.

Overall this is a great game, and one of the best Tales of games I've played. Now if only Toni would play it because I know she'd like it :sad3:

10/10 :gasp:
Finally beat Star Ocean 3 after all this time I finally went back to playing it and did a few things different than i did on my last playthrough such as train alot more, So glad to finally beat it. I was kinda mad everybody else beat the game in the 50+ range but then again they probably played on earth level which is beginner i playe don galaxy the normal level and its really freaking hard especially when you get closer to the end, cause all enemeys dissappear and these strong enemys that you normally wouldnt face until like a side dungeon or something their all on the normal map and it wa sjust so hard to beat but glad I finally did. I barely beat it too, I didnt have any more reviving items i was stuck with 2 characters maria who really isnt a good attacker and nel my main character i use, she died and i was just stuck with maria i was just like :holyshit: im gonna lose, then i noticed i had one analeptic item left which revives all fallen party memebers, used that and cliff died, and the boss spammed his paralzying attacking and his special attack literally a never ending sequence and i when i saw him finally dissapear i hopped out my seat and cheered cause im just freaking happy to finally beat the game. And the ending cut scenes where very long too btw I love it <3
I passed Gears of War III at like two in the morning. I played a hell of a lot of campaign yesterday because I really wanted to see what would happen. So I finished the rest of the campaign yesterday. I will do it on Insane difficulty sometime as well. Gears of War III is the longest campaign out of the games. It is actually very interesting at some parts. It was not my favourite though. I am pretty sure I liked Gears of War I the best. Gears of War III had that chance, but it is just really disappointing that somethings you really want to know about get cut off. Anya and Samantha are really awesome, and hah you can finally play as females in this one xD. I was disappointed in the fact that the game left many questions unanswered. I do not want to spoil anything, because many people are still playing the game. Plus, if I were to put my thoughts into spoiler tags, people would just read them. :hmph:

The ending was lame
Tonight me and my Best Bud finished playing dead island. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it so much!! I think it was the company just as much as the game itself.

I played as Sam B, the dude who goes best with blunt weapons though I mainly used knives hahaa. There weren't a lot of great blunt objects for me to use. It took about 4 weeks to finish because i could only play on weekends.

The game I will rate a 8/10. It was really fun but there were so many glitches which got very annoying, and i think 1 player would have been super boring but it looked nice and everything worked well when it wasn't glitching. The ending was a little bit anti-climatic though :damon:
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland

...I got the bad ending D:

Although I know why: I couldn't be bothered to grind up my adventure level so that the boss I was having trouble with wouldn't decimate me within the first few rounds, and everywhere I've looked has said that you need to beat it for any ending other than bad. I don't think I had enough time left to level up enough, so I just racked up as much money as I could (about 20,000 cole) and made Platine-grade weapons for the characters I plan on using in my next playthrough: Sterk, Melvia, Rorona and Mimi. I'm going to be one-shotting low-level enemies in my next playthrough thanks to that, and I can afford about half the alchemy books, I think.

I have a better idea of what I'm doing now, so I'll prioritize exploration/battle achievements and try and hit Diamond rank in year 1 or early year 2, so I have plenty of time to mess about with things. DLC characters are coming out later today as well I think, which will give me something else to mess with. I need to be nicer to Rorona and actually use her next time, because she turned me down for the fishing festival...which meant that Cordelia turned me down for it as well. Peter buggered off and I didn't have a carriage for about eight months, which was annoying.

All the same, it was a fun enough game...slightly longer than Rorona, and not as painfully hectic...but god, I need an ending guide, NOW. I've missed so much stuff. It's horribly aggravating. Might write a review for it at some stage, if I can organize my thoughts.
Batman: Arkham Asylum

I've never been a very big fan of Batman, but I loved him as a child and have watched some of the TV shows and movies. My brother kept begging me to buy this game for him after he played the demo and eventually played it on the PC, and I didn't want to (he'd already played it, why buy it?). He ended up getting our friend to buy it on the PS3, who ended up enjoying it, so I decided to give it a try. And it had air vents. I'm a sucker for games with air vents. The battle system is quite good, it's like its name suggests: freeflow combat. It flows nicely and you can rack up combos until you knock all of the baddies out. It was pretty short, and I beat it Wednesday morning after I started it Monday afternoon. But I have 85% of the game completed and 71% of the trophies because I went and did everything I could in the game aside from the challenge mode (which is extremely annoying) and getting a 40 hit combo which is almost impossible for me because I always get hit when pressing the counter button doesn't work right. I got every Riddler challenge, which was quite fun in itself. I only had to use a guide to find the stupid Joker teeth because I missed a few and they were a bitch to find in areas I'd already completed. Overall a great game with a very good plot to it. It brought back memories of my childhood, when I would run around in my Batman jammies or be Batman for halloween. Or the few good Batman TV shows I used to watch. I also still prefer Mark Hamill's Joker much more to Heath Ledger's. I give it a 9/10, and I will probably purchase Batman: Arkham City when it comes out or when I have the money.
I just beat Mass Effect again. Well, what can I say, I really love this game - actually, the series in general. I'm doing play playthrough with a female character, and next in line is Mass Effect2. I can't wait. :jay: