Dancing Mad Libs!


Staff member
Global Moderator
Social Media Team
May 17, 2019
Bulba Garden
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake

Happy Birthweek everyone! As I'm sure many of you are already aware, Kefka just released his own Mad Libs book today! And, as a special treat, FFF got first look at some of the pages inside!
So how about we fill out some pages for some good laughs!?


Da Rules & How it works
Each round I'll post a numbered list of words that we all will collectively fill out.
When the list is up it's up to you guys to help fill in the blanks in numerical order.
One person will fill out the first word on the list, followed up with the next person who will fill out the next corresponding word, so on and so forth.
You may post again after another member has gone after you or after the round has ended.
The round ends when there are no more words to fill out.
Try and slip in as many Final Fantasy related words as possible!
Any username spots can be your own or someone else!
Feel free to ask any questions within this thread, or via PM to me!


Noun: A person, place or thing.
ex. Director, Bus Stop, Apple

Plural Noun: Multiple things instead of just one.
ex. Directors, Bus Stops, Apples

Proper Noun: A noun that identifies a single entity and is used to refer to that entity.
ex. Bobby Corwen, Midgar, Sony

Adjective: Describes a noun.
ex. Tipsy, Empty, Red

Verb: Action words.
ex. Jump, Kick, Attack, Heal

Adverb: Describes the action.
ex. Painfully, Intensely, Honestly
[Completed Mad Libs]

Round 1

A Late Night Pillow FFFight
The last time Six went to a Final Fantasy Forums sleep over, a slimy pillow fight broke out. Out of nowhere, Paddy McGee grabbed his Nervous, fluffy Hedgehog and began swinging it at anyone close to him. Soon, everyone else joined in! At one point, Sprout got hit right in the back of his Leg. As soon as Sprout recovered, he tossed his Bomb at Abstract Debauchery’s Chin, missing and knocking over an expensive Bin, sending Cactuars everywhere, covering the room in a layer of Chocobo feathers. The fighting stopped when everyone broke out in Schmaltzy laughter. The fun ended when everyone realized they had to clean up the Burning, Funky mess.

Round 2
A FFFight
Meet our hero Vircon - A super-intelligent Dragoon. A run-in with the Bevelle military leads him to join forces with his good friend Linnaete, best known for her Bitter Oglop and her travelling Cegling, Cabroot. They Painfully battle the military with great force, eventually discovering that our hero’s long-time colleague Ross, distinguished by his Rotund Chin, is trying to turn Cabroot into a weapon, leading to a climactic battle in downtown Ishgard. Eventually the enemy is subdued by Sleeping him with a Nike Airmax. In his final moments Ross lifted his Waspish Knee into the air before exploding into a million Tonberries.

Round 3
A New FFFinal Fantasy Game
Final Fantasy 101: A Squishy Breadroll is the newest installation in the Final Fantasy series. In the Shimmery kingdom of Chicken Tendies, main character Rey leads an attack (Operation Hell House) against the tyrant Queen DaggerTribal in an attempt to reclaim the coveted Narwhal - A Drunken object known to bend both time and Hildibrand Manderville. Despite his Fetid personality, and his overwhelming phobia of Wrestlers, Rey/Adri manages to start down the Palatable path of Phenomena with his four Nefarious companions: Linnaete, a Dancer who avoids Guitars at all cost; Dionysos, an outspoken and Stately young man who worships his Regalia; Ilyena, a Beastmaster with a Cucumber complex; and blakstang98, a true lover of Genesis Trees. Together will they be able to overcome Queen DaggerTribal, and in turn, thee Scumbag?

Round 4
A FFFun Trip!
Last month Soulcorruptor went to Cloud’s Hair World with Vircon and Lord Golbez. They travelled for 7 hours by The Ragnarok, but half way through Lord Golbez got so Literally nauseous that it made him sicker than a Grangalan. By the time they finally arrived at Cloud’s Hair World Lord Golbez was already feeling Zombified and was ready to go Skipping around. There were people dressed in Moogle costumes everywhere they went, passing out Orifices to everyone! Vircon decided to go on one of the Smooth rides called the “Magic Banana.” Soulcorruptor nearly fell off after accidentally riding with his Colossal Seaman and had to sit out of the next ride, the “Euphoric Sprout.” After they finished riding in the Tunnel of Submarines, which was rowed by a Mithra, they checked in to Hotel Pandemonium and Regretted over their day. Next year they plan to go to Ultros World where Final Fantasy Princesses, such as Belazor and Dionysos, walk the park. They look forward to racing the Elfadunks, feeding baby Bahamuts & Malboros, and enjoying some Maiden’s Kisses.

Round 5
About the FFFinal Fantasy 7 Remake...

To whom I may Pray,

After 69 Salacious hours I’ve finally beat the first part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake! And while I’m Presenting with what I’ve seen, I think there could have been a few things done more Arrogantly. Could it have killed anyone to make Sephiroth a little more Moist and Tifa a little less Sticky? Truth be told, I was a bit rough with Shoopufs when Yuffie first made an appearance (for obvious Ticklish reasons) but I find it Lustfully Adventurous with how Cloud Penetrated about it. Now, I’m a simple Eggplant of simple Puppies, but can you understand why I was a little upset with that well-hidden side-quest “The Heavenly Tonberry”? And what’s with all the extra Plump characters? I don’t recall ever seeing Paddy McGee before - and I think I’d remember his Eskimo if I did!

I don’t normally give such Furry criticism, but after the Potato chase in Chapter 98.5 I knew I had to say something. I’ll be waiting Unwittingly for the next part to come out, hopefully we’ll get a better look at Tifa’s Dwarf (*wink* *wink* *Brutalize* *Brutalize*) when we do.

Until then, Yours Exquisitely,

P.S. - What the Laughing T-Rexaur was with that ending?

Round 6
FFFirst Day On The Job
Six’s first day on the job boxing and shipping Octopodes was anything but Veiny. It all started before work when she spilled Appendage juice all down her sock, making her late. As punishment she got paired with Wet Linnaete, whom had a similar odor to that of “Toes” and Malboros. The worst was then the cool girl Ilyena, well known for her awesome Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon tricks, witnessed first hand when Six accidentally tripped over and spilled 666 Balls, sending them flying across the room and into manager Espurr’s office. Six would have quit after getting People-Dove-harrassed for the 251th time by Hayabusa that day, but instead was fired after kleptomaniac Soulcorruptor blamed her for stealing a disheveled bag of Furries.

Round 7
A FFFrightful Night At The Graveyard
It was 18:51 when Sprout decided to visit the Musty Engine Graveyard. The tombstones were all Slap-Happy and in rows of 10,391,463. One particular stone read “Here Lies Paddy McGee, whom loved Musicians more than his own self.” Another tombstone, decorated in Florida Men, read “shivas 1699-2020 Whom died trying to eat a Centaur.” Another three stones down also read “Mitsuki - Death by Flowers. Loving Hairy Crocodile, Hairless Cat and Bear.” Having seen enough, Sprout decided to turn back home, but not before catching the unmistakable stench of Shaggy Doggos. Suddenly out from the ground sprung a Coccyx!Minotaurs... Minotaurs!!” a voice Violated. Sprout screamed like a little Buttocks and ran away, never to return again.
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7. Part of the body: leg
Round 1 is finally done! :thonk:

Here's the result of that pillow fight:

A Late Night Pillow FFFight

The last time Six went to a Final Fantasy Forums sleep over, a slimy pillow fight broke out. Out of nowhere, Paddy McGee grabbed his Nervous, fluffy Hedgehog and began swinging it at anyone close to him. Soon, everyone else joined in! At one point, Sprout (AKA Wendy Oldbag ) got hit right in the back of his Leg. As soon as Sprout recovered, he tossed his Bomb at Abstract Debauchery's Chin, missing and knocking over an expensive Bin, sending Cactuars everywhere, covering the room in a layer of Chocobo feathers. The fighting stopped when everyone broke out in Schmaltzy laughter. The fun ended when everyone realized they had to clean up the Burning, Funky mess.

Slight concern for the fluffy nervous hedgie... but let's move on! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

New set of words are up!

A FFFight
1. Member Username:
2. FF Job
(Mage, Thief, Bard, etc.):
3. FF Location/Town/City:
4. Member Username:
5. Adjective:
6. Noun:
7. Cegling:
8. Adverb:
9. Member Username:
10. Adjective:
11. Facial Feature:
12. FF Location/Town/City:
13. Verb ending in 'ing':
14. Noun:
15. Adjective:
16. Body Part:
17. Plural Noun: