[BW] Beat Barry Behemoth!

Barry's horns are forcefully pulled out and sold by poachers.
Barry steps on a lego block!

(if anyone has ever done this then they know how effing painful it freaking is :hmph: )
Barry misses his twin sister, Berry Behemoth

I feel bad for Barry :sad3:
Turn 4:

Beat Barry the Behemoth - Turn4.png

Barry eats a banana filled crème donut = -6

Barry becomes a vampire via bite = -5

Barry’s horns are plucked out and sold by poachers = -3

Barry catches man-flu = -1

Barry is rickrolled multiple times = -1

Barry is pimp slapped = -2

Barry’s eyes pecked out by crows = -2

Barry’s leg is eaten by a cannibal of his own species = -5

Barry is shot with a sacred arrow = -4

Barry steps on a lego block = -1

Barry misses his twin sister, Berry = -4

HP = 8.

Healing dice:
6+5+4 = 15

= +15

Beat Barry the Behemoth - Turn4-Heal.png

Barry’s Current HP = 23
Dumps a bucket of boiling hot cow crap on his head and bangs drums sticks on it

Your drawing skills are epic.

And as for Barry.

He steps on a Teddy Bear, thus it burns his right foot.
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barry got rick rolled xD