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  • Heya! How are things with you? :)
    If you have Skype, add me. :)
    Are you joining us on FFXIV? It would be awesome if you do, even if it's to pop in every now and then. We recently set up mumble voice chat so it's nice to hear folks while relaxing in the game.
    I've been okay. Glad you got some time to catch up with family. I know how ridiculously busy you always are with work. :lew:
    I'll give it a download now and see if it works. This compuer is on its last legs, so I'll see whats up. Do I add you by name or email?
    Hola man! I do amigo, but I'd have to find the webcam. I have a compuer that has it on the laptop, but it's been through so much hell, it's crazy buggy. I do have a Plan B webcam somewhere it my attic though I tossed up there after I moved back home.
    Pretty good though the past month I've been super busy. I'm taking classes for my bachelor's degree and working full time because I'm in training at a new job. Thankfully it will be back to normal after next week and I'll just be working part time. :lew:

    How've you been, Shuster? I see you have your name back. :grin:
    Hey you. How's it going? I just caught your thread in the Lifestream. People always make threads when I'm taking a break from the forum. :sad3:

    Just wanted to say, I hope you're starting to see some light on your end. Take care!
    Doing well, man. Finished my degree and am looking at leaving the US now...hopefully will be out before 2015.

    Yourself? They ever ship you back home?
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