[S/D] Eureka Academy: Second Semester

Well then i stand corrected... Guess i got my wires crossed or something then...

Well Oli has just informed me i am to be teaching two classes;P Guess i'll have to wing the curriculum for "Psychic, psionic and other oddball powers 101" taught by our very food friend and resident royalty...
Spoke too soon, Shadow.

I'll try and have my next character up today... ifnot, it should be tomorrow~ so tired XD
well... i posted... i hope i was allowed to, its a small post but ill probably add to it in a minute anyhow... just didnt have anyone to interact with at the minute actually
I was just discussing the matter of my biography with Oli and it seems there have been an unspecified non-zero number of complaints regarding my bio... It seems i laid the consequences of the physical appearance, and the physical appearance section on a bit more thickly then some of you would like for which i do apologize.

I can only say that when i wrote the Second version of Nova (the first having been lost waaaaay back in what? 2001-2002 ish, i was both a teenager and girlfriendless so yes i may have been on a whee bit of a hormone overdrive... (or ALOT:P you know, boys will be boys and all that) And when i was converting her biography version 3.1 or the "as current one as i have" way back when, (my records dont go further back then "when i got this computer so i cant get an accurate date:S) it seems i filled in the missing details from my old sheet (one i got way back when on final fantasy extreme, before the hacks, renamings, site closures, site reopenings and the like, back in 01ish...) with more "brute force making of points" then was ideal.

I just have one question, why do you not at least give me a copy of these complaints that apparently exist? As long as i dont know that there are complaints i will just keep on doing what i am doing without changing, because as far as i know i am doing acceptable things.

So once more my apologies for apparently stepping on toes when i was writing my bio and later on the bath scene which i threw in "for lulz" and because i simply had never written anything of the sort and wanted to know if i could do it. And i hope that in the future i'll be CCed or something on complaints... That way i know i should tone it down a bit further or somesuch because up until this discussion the only complaint i had gotten was Drach mentioning it IC in the last eureka academy, and the one piece swimsuit was intended to have an impact.

@TMR, if you want to hook up with Nova/the octopus just wander towards my chars, it's perfectly cool!
Well no duh your not going to put yourself in there. Anyone below the rank of black sect is very much so advised to stay away, for getting in the way would be a very bad idea...

EDIT: Vikki, if your there, would you mind hopping on SB? Far easier to talk.
I think Vale, Morgan, Joey and Story should all properly meet now.
They are roomies after all? :)
Very nice first post, Kate. You put some effort into that one. Nice job. :griin:

I know right!

Took me a good 10 minutes to read!

Was a good post :)

Thanks guys :)

Also, lol at the Technocrat, Ringo :wacky: Not to mention another member of our anti-mushroom club :monocle: And I think Bartholomew may want to sign up for your class, particularly to temper his elemental skills :hmmm:
aw phooey. Maya has zero people to interact with. Lemme see if i can rope Ravness back into this.
Have fun Tipsy!

Meanwhile, my maybe-fight seems to be drawing attention.

This could be fun.

Oh, and I can't mime attacks anymore Gavin. He lost that ability.
Fair enough.

I personally believe Orion is stronger as a monk instead of a mime, but I'll look over that at a later date when i have nothing to do but plot my character out.

Odds are, he'll get mime powers back way in the future, and they'll be stronger. With editions. Still planning in my head.

Are Orion and Gavin going to get along? And if Athena does join Veerle, will you be joining the fight?