Hey everyone :)


Jan 19, 2011
Western Australia
Hi to the members of this forum.
I just joined today and I would like to say I like this forum already!
Okay, so here's a brief introduction of how I got into playing the Final Fantasy series.
The first FF game I ever played was VII on the PlayStation One, and I loved it the first minute I played it! It remains my favorite until this day. I grew up playing a few of the FF games including X. I then didn't play them for a while, and years later picked up FF12 on it's release, which got me back playing the series.
My favorite character is Lightning from FFXIII, who I think is just the coolest character around. My second favorite character is Cloud, closely followed by Zac in FFVII.
So that's my introduction! Sorry if it's a bit brief. I suck at introducing myself! XD
Introduction is fine: Welcome to FFF:ryan:

FFVII PS1 ahhh that takes me back.
Glory days might be returning after all the news yesterday.

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Welcome to the forums :dave:
Nice intro, Final Fantasy is my favourite Final Fantasy game as well, though the first one I played was Final Fantasy VIII, which is my second favourite FF game (FFX is my third favourite. ;]). :D

Hi, and welcome to Final Fantasy Forums. Hope you enjoy yourself here, have fun, stay active, and make friends, plenty in this community are befriendable enough.

...befriendable wasn't an actual word? Ooh, I created a new word! xD