Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

Necron was the hardest boss for me. I couldn't beat him... my party were all in the mid 60's I had to stop playing and take a breather before beating him so I didn't throw the controller at the TV
Story: Lady Yunalesca. The battle also seems endless, but it is a battle I enjoy a lot since she is my favorite character in the FF series. She is not the type of villain that you can just come into and unleash all your most powerful attacks. She forces you to think and use an strategy to beat her and even after you do figure out a strategy, you must still be on your toes during the whole fight.

Optional: Emerald Weapon.
It's interesting so many had trouble with Yunalesca, I found it was best to just keep Rikku (with alchemy and lot of potions) zombied, auron zombieproof and death warded, and tidus with auto-med on. If the megadeath move came up, Rikku could phoenix down Tidus, and Auron if his ward failed, and whenever the zombie attack turned up, Rikku was the only one affected... though it probably helped that I had the good fortune to have Yunalesca cast regen on everyone BUT Rikku. Thanks love...

Optional? Ruby weapon. Still haven't beaten him to this day. I really should.

Storyline? Seymor Flux. He's the reason I had so many holy waters on me when I got to Yunalesca, I'd gotten a bit paranoid. But at the stage I was at, Auron was the only one surviving the ultimate-mega-smack-down-all-of-your-party-members-now-kaythanks moves he was pulling, and so it took me a few goes.
Also the zombie leviathan until I realized I could just throw phoenix downs at it...
i also joined just so i could comment on this..
Im a long time final fantasy fan and im the sort of guy who ahs to get everything (all the cards all the things u can miss out on etc) and some bosses just gave me hell so here ill make a list of the tbosses i can remember that gave me shit...

yunalesca - the first time i went through the game i didnt do any side-quests and i didnt find her difficult at all but eery other time oh dear lord the amount of anger i displayed over this fight i fought her numerous times and i have a constant spite towards her now i think it was the zombie not letting me heal my people along with her casting death on anyone else that really got to me.

seymour - dont know what the particular form is called but its the one on mt. gagazet much like yunalesca my first run through he was fine but every other time hes giving me crap i cant exactly remember what he does but i know without overdrives hes tough.

ruby weapon - he was also so very frustrating until i relised leaving 1 person dead at the start of the battle almost always makes him not do whirlsand.

emerald weapon - was bullshittingly hard until i found kotr and mime

ff12 - i found most of the high leval hunts (gilgamesh in particular) very VERY hard since id do them as sdoon as they were avaliabe and my people were underlevelled i also got stuck on alot of the actuall bosses in that game and had to keep quickening restarting quickening until i got a good combo (ie only been through it once)

Omega weapon - boy o boy did this test my patience youd get prepared and have a challenging battle until he breaks out the terra break killing all your people i ended up carding the gilgamesh card into 10 holy wars to beat it

ff6 - i found this game so extremely hard i remember first going to that place where its raining when your looking for terra and not knowing where to go and them wearing my people down until game over numerous times the boss i had trouble with was some statue in kefkas tower i think its in the room your third party starts in (come to think about it i dont think that fight was compulseory) but i hadt saed all the epoeple aon that file and only had 3 low lvl people agianst it i never ended up finishing that game cuz i was stuck int he last dungeon -_- i wanna buy it and try again though

ff x-2 OK this game was extremely easy if you go through it plainly (just the hotspots) but if yout ake your time and get 100% some parts are more chllenging trema.. oh dear god i went through absolute agony trying to kill that man one of my happiezst moments in gaming is killing that prick

also its not really a boss but i could never kill an oversouled master tonberry

Ozma - Okay he is the one boss i ahve tryed and tryed and tryed to fricken kill but i hae never gotten anywhere close his curse and doomsday kill but zidane and he kills zidane wih something i think i was like lvl 70s but he never even felt sorta close to dying

mentions - there are alot of bosses in the monster arena in ff 10 ( a very very VERYYY time consuming side quest) that are tough but in ten you can max your people out quite easily so they arent hard if you know what your doing

and why do so many people find necron hard? other than ozma i didnt think anything in that game was particulary life threatening (apart from rams) as long as you have antibody and locomotion and auto regan and stuff on his grand cross doesnt do that much to you first time i finished that game i was lvl 42 zidane and the reast ranged from 28-37
I would say Ozma, but he can be killed in two rounds with the right setup. I think that was why I liked FF9 a lot, none of the bosses had insane amounts of HP that took an hour to kill, just strategy.

With Ozma ruled out, I would say Chaos from FF1 as the hardest storyline boss (Yunalesca gets a mention simply for her stupid Megadeath attack when she morphs into third form.)

Probably tied with Shinryuu and Emerald Weapon for hardest optional in the numbered FF's, with Tidal Wave killing you instantly without Coral Rings and Aire Tam being such an epic mindfuck for those who like their Mime+KoTR setup.

Non-numbered? Minerva from FF: CC hands down. The amount of times I saw the Game Over screen from her was immeasurable. Her ultimate attack which is sure to hit dealing 99999 damage to anyone without an insane amount of SP and dispelling auto-life so you can't just spam Phoenix Downs to live?

Yiazmat from ff12 it has over 50million hp which is the most in the series. The minimum time took to kill him is like an hour, if you make a mistake when casting renew it reflects off you and heals Yiazmat fully. Then when you've finally got the hang of it it negates all damage done to like 4000 instead of 9999 so that makes it even harder. In fact, it's that hard you were allowed to leave the arena and stock up on items, heal etc. That's why i think it's the hardest boss.

Storyline hardest boss has to be either Seymour Flux or Yunalesca they just totally own you if your not prepared or even if you are totally prepared,
The thing about most of the Final Fantasy bosses is that with proper preparation, even the hardest bosses can be beaten relatively easily. Ozma is difficult in the sense that it can wipe you out easily if you get unlucky and get hit with Flare Star and Meteor within a short space of time. Then again, assuming you have Return Magic with 1 or 2 characters with Egoist's Armlet equipped, and then Ozma starts with Doomsday, the fight becomes relatively easy. Yiazmat is only really difficult in the sense it takes ages, and there are a ton of things that can make it really easy
such as standing on the stairs
. Other bosses that I found annoying were Omega Mk.II and the Creator, both of whom can shift their elemental weaknesses.
Which one is Seymour Flux that you guys keep mentioning? Is that the second time you face Seymour or the third? Personally I found the first time much much harder.
Which one is Seymour Flux that you guys keep mentioning? Is that the second time you face Seymour or the third? Personally I found the first time much much harder.

He's the fight on Mt. Gagazet. I think it's third if you're counting the fight at macalania temple a fight. He casts zombie on you then uses full life and if your not carefull with overdrives he uses cross cleave which takes like 3k hp off and then he attacks again.
I have to say Omega Weapon in FF8 in Ultimecia's Castle was the biggest pain in my rear to beat. Even at max level and health, I had trouble keeping everyone alive while relying on Aura - Squall's Lionheart Limit Break to bash Omega up
I have to say Omega Weapon in FF8 in Ultimecia's Castle was the biggest pain in my rear to beat. Even at max level and health, I had trouble keeping everyone alive while relying on Aura - Squall's Lionheart Limit Break to bash Omega up

Yeah but if you have death on one of your Stat-def you avoid the Opening attack then all that's left is if you had the same party as me (Squall, Quistis and Irvine.) Use aura on them all, Squall using Renzokuken always don't stop, Quistis Using mighty guard maybe shockwave pulsar even though i didn't get it =[, using meltdown was effective and i had Irvine using Pulse ammo
He's the fight on Mt. Gagazet. I think it's third if you're counting the fight at macalania temple a fight. He casts zombie on you then uses full life and if your not carefull with overdrives he uses cross cleave which takes like 3k hp off and then he attacks again.
Ah. that one. I actually had no trouble with that one, beat it first try, no trouble. The first one, at macalania, took me multiple days to get past. :P
Penance hands down from ffx.. although technically you could just use yojimbo to 1shot it but its not fair that way. Beating it legitimately is insanely hard.
Penance withouth Yojimbo gave me high blood pressure, but It took me amzingly just three tries.
Lost Number on Final Fantasy VII was a huge pain mainly because I've always fought him at somewhat low levels.
Hardest Final Boss: Ultimecia hands down. The battle was dragged out and no matter what I would try, I always seemed to get F'ed over by it.
Hardest Optional Boss: Ozma in FFIX. For having low HP, it really makes up for it with it's speed and power, and I've always been unprepared.
Hardest Regular Boss: Tiamat or Malaris from IX. If you don't stock on items before these two, you'll be lucky to last till Tiamat. Lost Number from VII and Chocobo Eater from X have claimed me quite a bit too.
FF7: Ruby & Emerald Weapon! I remember the first time i encounter them. I'm like WTF? All my lvl 99 characters demolished in few secs, until i find how to breed a gold chocobo, get Knights of round with HP and MP absorb Materia or you hit lucky 7777...
I always had a hard time with the Final Aeon for some reason. It's funny because I never had trouble with Seymour, Yunalesca, etc., but the Final Aeon always beats me into the ground.

He's probably not the boss I had the most trouble with in the entire series, but he came to mind first.
Yunalesca. Never got to beat her first time around whenever I play through FFX. :hmph: I remember one time after killing her, I went back to her area after the long, tiring fight to check for items...and I saw Dark Bahamut. ...I died inside

Seymour Flux also, as most have said. You really have to grind and prepare beforehand, otherwise he kills you in seconds. I remember my first time, I was so underleveled, it took me aaages to get on with the story. :rage:

As for optional, I still haven't beaten Ruby or Emerald. :sad3:
Optional: I actually want to say Trema from X-2. Penance was a very long battle, but once you got the strategy down he's not that difficult. It just takes forever to beat him. With Trema: he had an insane amount of HP and ridiculous stats. And the dude is FAST. All I have to say is good luck trying to beat him without the Mascot dressphere. And your levels are below 99? You're dead.

Final Boss: In my opinion, of the games I played so far and what I remember of them, Ultemecia. Why? The fact that she chooses who is going to fight her makes it very difficult. If you're lucky you will get Squall in your party and he can use his limit breaks against her. But for me? No Squall. I got stuck with two characters who weren't really equipped with anything good, no junctions, etc. And I think one who was Junctioned and all of that. So the battle took forever for me.