Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

For me, I'd have to say Seymour Flux. He was ridiculous. In fact, I still don't see any way of killing him without just putting all your aeons in overdrive + a little luck. How do you get through mega-death if you dont have any armor that is deathproof? If you asked me, I think Square might've just fucked up a little//
...And I can't kill Ultimecia, even with a level 100 squall and Quistis

If you want any help or suggestions feel free to PM me. :)

I'm assuming optional bosses count. :)

Yiazmet from FFXII

at 50,000,000 HP I think he out does Penance. Sorry TheKamelot.
His powerful attacks normally deal quite a but of damage, plus area spells that can't be blocked, and the powerful Death Strike which isn't always avoided either. Not to mention how often he does it. And I know you can save in the middle of the battle, but seriously, i've been working on him for hours, and i've got him down to maybe 35mil. oh, let's not to forget his growing threat ability which doubles his def, and his lvl. and he starts out at a high enough level already. I'm glad he only uses it once. oh, and let's not forget FFXII's special ability to let monsters heavily restore their HP if left alone for too long. I stepped away one time, and looked up, he was gaining half a mil every 3 seconds. oh, and he can remove all his negative status effects.
The hardest bosses for me I can think of immediately off the top of my head are Ultimecia(FFVIII), and Seymour Flux(FFX)

And Emerald and Ruby are cake. That may be because I just mime KOTR thats linked with HP Absorb. I'm a noob I know :/
I have completed VII,VIII,IX,X,X-2,XII..I would say the weapons(epec ruby) from VII.

But I havent done any to the 100% level..just doen the story line and a bit of the side stuff.
I finished IX not too long ago, so I'm posting again. (My previous post was about the Emperor in II)

Necron. My party was Zidane, Eiko, Vivi, and Quina. At one point, all but Quina were dead (with 1 HP for Quina), and had I not acted quickly, the freak would have beaten me.

If we're talking about optional bosses, definitely Ozma. I have YET to defeat it. My first ever fight with him, he owned me in one minute. >.>
i would have to say ozma that curse spell does heavy damage and status effects on top of that and hes fast
well let's go through the ones i've played at least (6-13)

6: whole game was pretty easy, never did the gba port and i think there was supposed to be some ridiculous part in there but idk

7: emerald and ruby were pretty easy as long as you had KOTR and mime, if you tried to do it without that strategy though they were legitimately tough i'd say

8: i thought omega was tough, idk about hardest ever though

9: screw you ozma

10: ten was the easiest game in the series imo so nothing really lol, i never tried penance as i hated this game completely and didn't bother to get the international copy


12: Yiazmat was NOT HARD AT ALL, nobody can say this, all you do is get to like..idk...level 88 or something high and let the gambits do all the work, all you have to do is monitor the fight with the white mage and switch to windbreakers every now and again when he did cyclone, but other than that it's really not that bad, just way too time-consuming. omega mark xii though was tough in that there was really only one way to beat him and that was the reverse strat, but im sure he can be beaten by some psycho the "normal" way

13: the gigantuar was a pain in the ass, but this game had like 4-5 actual tough fights and even then once you figured out the right way to go about beating them, it wasn't bad every subsequent attempt

so i guess i'd say ozma lol, i didn't put much effort into leveling my guys in 9 so i wasn't as prepared and he(it) whooped me for a while, but like every other boss in these games, just takes practice and its simple
Well for me the hardest boss I came accross was Necron(in terms of time)...........I was so determined to beat it without levelling up(don't know why?)........but when I got near the end I didn't want to go back and train again......but it must of taken me about 3 hours just to kill it with one final dyne move with zidane.......if he didn't die then I would of been dead meat.:gonk:

But also you have to kill Trance Kuja as well which I failed again sometimes.........so technically you had to kill 2 bosses......but you would get your HP back after you kill Trance Kuja.
VIII Omega weapon got me!

Stong boss and it takes some time to win.
It took me several trys to finaly get the thing.

Never had any big issues with any other bosses in FF.
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I believe as far as hard bosses go Absolute Virtue from Final Fantasy XI is number one no doubt.
Heh. This thread's pretty amazing. Some of the games bosses, I haven't fought, but most of them I have.

Might think I'm pretty dumb, but I pretty much run through the game the first time, hunt for everything the second time, then rape everything the third time once I know absolutely what to expect.

Hardest boss was Omega from FF8. Took forever getting down at level 57, took forever just to beat him to almost die with only Rinoa left and about 100-200 hit points left.

The FFX bosses weren't that tough. :( Even with my running through, I only got stuck twice on the Seymour in Gagazet and didn't have enough holy water for Yunalesca, so I got pretty lucky there.
Seymour Flux from FFX. He was retardedly hard. I personally didn't find any tactics against him besides having all my summons in overdrive.
No spoilers, but most of us know what made him retardedly difficult :confused:
The final boss on XIII actually made me struggle the most. Can't really say the same for any boss in X, although Yunalesca and the final aeon (well, Jecht) took me three tries each.
The best stradegy to beat yunalesca does not even involve healing your zombie status... I noticed a lot of people talking about spamming holy waters. it just wastes time. Yiazmat! Emerald, and hell wyrm. I had some trouble dealing with many of the final fantasy 12 extra bosses. Perhaps because you can beat the story when your rather low leveled..and beating them needs a lot more.
I'd have to say Yiazmat or Emerald Weapon - but if I have to pick one, I'd go with Yiazmat. Considering I had a hell of a whole of training and upgrades put into the party when fighting Emerald Weapon, it really wasn't THE hardest boss to deal with. Now with Yiazmat, the first time I fought him (I lost twice.), all of my party members were in the lv. 80's range. So at some parts I had the upper hand, other times I felt like there was no hope. And I lost twice to him when he had just an ounce of HP left. So I didn't let those two losses go in vain, since I fought him a 3rd time, and finally won the good fight.
why everyone find ruby hard? If you have a correct materia combination you can beat him without even touching you d-pad

I found zeromus EG very hard (stupid big bang)

Holy crap zeromus was sooooo hard. Not even lying.
I can't really decide which one is the hardest but here's a couples who gave me trouble (from what I remember): Yunalesca, Seymour on mt.gagazet, Ruby Wapon, Barthandelus (first enounter). Recently I had a hard time beating Zeromous on the DS version of FFIV. I never beaten Yiazmat (FFXII).

I think the most difficult part for me when I encounter those kind of bosses on the first playthrough is finding the effective strategy by myself instead of looking in a walkthrough online.