Hardest Boss in the Final Fantasy Series...

^ I had the same problem with Ultimecia. The only characters I had that were leveled up were Squall, Rinoa and Zell. My other 3 were at like level 25ish probably.
I also want to add Ultima Weapon from 8 on there. I'd put Omega Weapon on there but I can't get angry at it for taking long to beat and I actually beat him in less tries than Ultima Weapon. Ultima Weapon was an F'n button pusher with that light pillar bs. And I also want to acknowledge Zeromus as well.
19 pages in and no one has mentioned Tactics? Hardest boss, bar none, is Wiegraf from Final Fantasy Tactics. How many game did he eat, before people learned to have multiple save files before getting to him. I don't think there was any other boss that really gave me as much trouble as he did. Of course, once you know about him, everyone just over-levels before fighting him, but until you experience the one on one battle with him, no one ever knows...
Omega from 5 needs some more love.

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The ones that come to mind where me having problems on my initial playthroughs were

Defender X - X
Materia Jammer or something? The underwater one with long arms when trying to get the sub marine - VII
Seymour Flux @ Gagazet - X

Cant seem to remember any in VII or IX that caused me much bother.