Happy Birthday to the Dayman

Happy birthday Damon! :yay: Hope you enjoy yourself and get everything you want. (I would plug in Xenosaga and kill Orgulla in your name just for your birthday, but I'm out of time for games lately :sad3:) Have fun! :)
Happy birthday, Damon. :woot:!

Don't feel too old as I'm older. :sad2:

Sorry for being a tad late. :sad2:

I also still have your cardboard PSP from a year (or more?! :O Doh! Time kills us all!) ago.

Enjoy yourself and have a lot of fun! :monster:
Hope you had a nice happy happy joy joy darn dickety time:awesome:

in other words, now you gotta wait a hole another year for me to be on time to give my congrts to you and i'm very very very very very very very very very very srry

talk to ya later Dammmmmmon
Happy birthday Your Majesty, our Prince of Pervia. :mokken:

Ohoho, 20 - you're moving on. Try not to change though. :yay:

So says one of his victims, no doubt. How could you...? :wacky:

Might be a bit late, but happy birthday, daymoon.

That's right, you're someone that no one saw coming...except everyone.

That makes sense if you don't think about it.
^ I don't know what you're talking about.
Happy birthday dearest :3

Now we can finally do that :britt: