There are a couple of things about FF that have been disclosed by this forum and recent debates and arguments.
The first is this: During the recent "Aerith and her faith" thread (that was great
fun) alot of people pointed out the many real world influences and how they were incorporated in the FFVII World(Gaia).
Supposedly christain churches, a bhuddist thing going on in wutai.............the some what bizarre existence of a Korean BBQ Plate in the restaurant in Wall Market, and the "TEXAS" Sign in &th Heaven I thing it was?
All these things made me wonder just how Original FFVII was as a creation? Sure the World of FFVII was heavily influenced by token cultural tidbits here and there, some would have you believe they have a hidden message, The main story was not influenced all that much.
The existence off the Lifestream was an Original concept(as far as I am aware) and was/is one of the better story telling devices S-E have utilized to convey a message of spiritual Unity. A recurring theme in FF all the way through the series more heavily featured in some games than others.
FFVIII Featured a heavy influence of the real world Cold war of East VS West, but again this had a enough of a twist to not be a blatant real world rip off, and IMO it was cleverly done, not being involved in a conflict but giving the feeling it could happen at any moment.
FFIX was another example of real world influence to degree, with the advent of the Steam engine and the feeling of beginning of an Industrial revolution(in lindblum any way)
So the point Im trying to make is that as long as the Main Story is not influenced by Real World material to the point of being easily recognisable, then any and all things real or not can be used to make up the world of a particular FF game.
Just not the Main story I truly wonder if that made sense
The second being: that as the Series Progresses the use of Numerical distinction Like VII, VIII or XIII really needs to be replace by the use Names as a sub title. FFXIV should be the last FF game to feature to such a Number IMO.
Really where will it end? When we are in our 80's playing FFXXXI
The first is this: During the recent "Aerith and her faith" thread (that was great
fun) alot of people pointed out the many real world influences and how they were incorporated in the FFVII World(Gaia).
Supposedly christain churches, a bhuddist thing going on in wutai.............the some what bizarre existence of a Korean BBQ Plate in the restaurant in Wall Market, and the "TEXAS" Sign in &th Heaven I thing it was?
All these things made me wonder just how Original FFVII was as a creation? Sure the World of FFVII was heavily influenced by token cultural tidbits here and there, some would have you believe they have a hidden message, The main story was not influenced all that much.
The existence off the Lifestream was an Original concept(as far as I am aware) and was/is one of the better story telling devices S-E have utilized to convey a message of spiritual Unity. A recurring theme in FF all the way through the series more heavily featured in some games than others.
FFVIII Featured a heavy influence of the real world Cold war of East VS West, but again this had a enough of a twist to not be a blatant real world rip off, and IMO it was cleverly done, not being involved in a conflict but giving the feeling it could happen at any moment.
FFIX was another example of real world influence to degree, with the advent of the Steam engine and the feeling of beginning of an Industrial revolution(in lindblum any way)
So the point Im trying to make is that as long as the Main Story is not influenced by Real World material to the point of being easily recognisable, then any and all things real or not can be used to make up the world of a particular FF game.
Just not the Main story I truly wonder if that made sense
The second being: that as the Series Progresses the use of Numerical distinction Like VII, VIII or XIII really needs to be replace by the use Names as a sub title. FFXIV should be the last FF game to feature to such a Number IMO.
Really where will it end? When we are in our 80's playing FFXXXI