General FF Discussion Thread

There are a couple of things about FF that have been disclosed by this forum and recent debates and arguments.

The first is this: During the recent "Aerith and her faith" thread (that was great
fun:awesome:) alot of people pointed out the many real world influences and how they were incorporated in the FFVII World(Gaia).

Supposedly christain churches, a bhuddist thing going on in wutai.............the some what bizarre existence of a Korean BBQ Plate in the restaurant in Wall Market, and the "TEXAS" Sign in &th Heaven I thing it was?

All these things made me wonder just how Original FFVII was as a creation? Sure the World of FFVII was heavily influenced by token cultural tidbits here and there, some would have you believe they have a hidden message:lew:, The main story was not influenced all that much.

The existence off the Lifestream was an Original concept(as far as I am aware) and was/is one of the better story telling devices S-E have utilized to convey a message of spiritual Unity. A recurring theme in FF all the way through the series:ryan: more heavily featured in some games than others.

FFVIII Featured a heavy influence of the real world Cold war of East VS West, but again this had a enough of a twist to not be a blatant real world rip off, and IMO it was cleverly done, not being involved in a conflict but giving the feeling it could happen at any moment.

FFIX was another example of real world influence to degree, with the advent of the Steam engine and the feeling of beginning of an Industrial revolution(in lindblum any way)

So the point Im trying to make is that as long as the Main Story is not influenced by Real World material to the point of being easily recognisable, then any and all things real or not can be used to make up the world of a particular FF game.

Just not the Main story:hmmm: I truly wonder if that made sense:wacky:

The second being: that as the Series Progresses the use of Numerical distinction Like VII, VIII or XIII really needs to be replace by the use Names as a sub title. FFXIV should be the last FF game to feature to such a Number IMO.

Really where will it end? When we are in our 80's playing FFXXXI:lew:
If I had to pick one thing I dislike about the FF games I have play is the general battle system in FFII and the magic draw system in FFVIII.

I am actually playing FFVIII right now to actually finish the game finally. I just recently got past disk one and I do have to say the story is a bit bland on the first disk. I have been told that the story does get a lot better after that though. I believe it to, pretty much every FF I've played have a great story, even the FFXI.
Omg tutorials make me want to gouge my eyes out -_-

Unskippable tutorials REALLY get my goat, Im sat there thinking IVE PLAYED THIS AME A MILLION TIMES BEFORE, WHY CAN'T YOU TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT?! X is another one of them games that are unskippable with tutorials, and they are quite lengthy too! I think XII takes the biscuit for irritating tutorials though -_-

This is kinda game that are unskippable tutorials..
There are a couple of things about FF that have been disclosed by this forum and recent debates and arguments.

The first is this: During the recent "Aerith and her faith" thread (that was great
fun:awesome:) alot of people pointed out the many real world influences and how they were incorporated in the FFVII World(Gaia).

Supposedly christain churches, a bhuddist thing going on in wutai.............the some what bizarre existence of a Korean BBQ Plate in the restaurant in Wall Market, and the "TEXAS" Sign in &th Heaven I thing it was?

All these things made me wonder just how Original FFVII was as a creation? Sure the World of FFVII was heavily influenced by token cultural tidbits here and there, some would have you believe they have a hidden message:lew:, The main story was not influenced all that much.

The existence off the Lifestream was an Original concept(as far as I am aware) and was/is one of the better story telling devices S-E have utilized to convey a message of spiritual Unity. A recurring theme in FF all the way through the series:ryan: more heavily featured in some games than others.

FFVIII Featured a heavy influence of the real world Cold war of East VS West, but again this had a enough of a twist to not be a blatant real world rip off, and IMO it was cleverly done, not being involved in a conflict but giving the feeling it could happen at any moment.

FFIX was another example of real world influence to degree, with the advent of the Steam engine and the feeling of beginning of an Industrial revolution(in lindblum any way)

So the point Im trying to make is that as long as the Main Story is not influenced by Real World material to the point of being easily recognisable, then any and all things real or not can be used to make up the world of a particular FF game.

Just not the Main story:hmmm: I truly wonder if that made sense:wacky:

The second being: that as the Series Progresses the use of Numerical distinction Like VII, VIII or XIII really needs to be replace by the use Names as a sub title. FFXIV should be the last FF game to feature to such a Number IMO.

Really where will it end? When we are in our 80's playing FFXXXI:lew:

You just HAD to bring up that fucked up "Faith thread" didn't you! :ahmed:

Lol fool! lol nah it's all good.

With the roman Numerals etc, I think it's pretty awesome, that's how i distinguish the mainstream FF's from the spin offs now lol.
So the point Im trying to make is that as long as the Main Story is not influenced by Real World material to the point of being easily recognisable, then any and all things real or not can be used to make up the world of a particular FF game.

How do you stand on Costa Del Sol in FF7 then? :) Nah, I do agree with this. Personally i think it's very difficult for things to be completely, 100% original anyway.

I always thought the best things about FF's (specifically 7, 8 and 9) were their weird and wonderful originality. In 7, a Planet held together by the lifeforce of creatures that have died and some crazy guy who wants to smash the Planet to pieces so he can harness this lifeforce power and become a God - that's pretty original in my books (and superbly epic too :D)

Anyway, I don't think there's any problem with cultural influences as long as they don't carry some ulterior meaning. Like you mention, Yuffie and Wutai were very Japanese in their nature - obviously influenced by SSoft being Japanese and them wanting to add this culture into the game. There was no problem with this - actually I thought it made the world feel more real because of the diversity of the people and cultures that were included.

Put it this way, I'd rather have cultural INFLUENCES rather than hidden meanings. Take LOST as an example - almost every civilisation that has ever lived had references included on the Island which were meant to mean something but in the end, they didn't. All the cultural inclusion was pointless and a waste off time - at least in FF's these references make sense.
Good ol' Times

Hey everyone I just wanted to ask you what your favorite final game is. Final fantasy has been a big part of my life, it just helps me get away from school and the parents. Now I have played FF 1-10 then 13 and 13-2 and I have to say that Square Enix and Square Soft has done a very crappy job from 10 to 12.....[never played 12] then 13 and 13-2. I am going to start on 10, the only thing I can say about it is that it had no over world map.....which I love and a very winey main character. I have to go right now but if you are reading this I will be poasting something else about "The Good old Times". Please leave a comment and I like critisim. I am ready for Square Enix to make a good game every once in a while. BTW my favorite FF is Final Fantasy IX. Vivi FTW.
my all time favorite is gonna have to be X. i kinda got into an final fantasy lull after VII and when i got X (was a gift from my brother) it renewed my love for the final fantasy series. the story and game play really had me drawn in. after beating it i missed a day of art school to go get X-2. and then i went on ebay and bought tactics, VII and then i got the re-release of the original final fantasy and II (it was all on one disc)
Hi and welcome to the forums! My favourite FF game is FFVIII. FFIX is awesome too!
Many people like FFX even if there is no world map, but I guess it depends on your own tastes.

Yeah the games have not been as good after 10. Though I still somewhat enjoy playing them.

Since you are discussing many things in one thread, i.e. favourite FF, SE downfall, good old times, etc,

*I am merging this to FF general discussion thread*
The lack of a world map really doesn't bother me. I would love to see how SE would utilize a world map for current and next gen FF games. I guess FFXII had a more open world feel to the game....but to my memory, I cannot remember FFXII having a world map like older FFs did. And I know FFXIII doesn't have one. X-2 didn't have one either. So pretty much every major FF since X has lacked a world map in the style of older FFs. So how would they do it? Just wondering what other people think.

Personally, I think FFX and X-2's version of the map (having to go through the certain towns before gaining access to an airship in X, and having the airship early on in X-2, but not being able control the airship like in previous games. Instead, you chose the location and you go there automatically)....I honestly don't mind this version. I think it worked well enough for X and X-2. People may prefer the old school style of wandering the world and having a map as a guide, and that's fine. Everyone's entitled to their opinions. I just don't see it as a major blow towards X. Maybe a minor annoyance.....but not something that makes or breaks a FF game.

/end rant
Let's talk about Final Fantasy!

I just want a general discussion about any of the Final Fantasy. Talk about what you want! One post will lead into another and etc. This thread will NOT include FF13 in any way as to it's not a true final fantasy. No I am not a hater, and I actually think it was a GOOD GAME, just not a FF. As was the case with 13-2. Feel free to chat about any spinoffs as well it's not restricted to just the numbered ones. (Ala: FFTactics, Crisis Core, any REMAKES etc.)
If anyone saw a post of mine saying something stupid like "It'd be funny if this was a FF forum", that's because I said that before a thread was merged with this one. Just saying, so I don't embarrass myself.
I'll just play devil's advocate here and ask why is XIII not a "true Final Fantasy"?
Cuz its shit! REal final fantasy is not shit but fantastic!

Though i has chocobos....and moogles. I just dont know what to belive anymore :rage: