Did Vincent suck, or do I?


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 5, 2012
I for one never found a single use for Vincent. On subsequent playthroughs I'd skip getting him. I found him completely weak and useless in battle, his character was lame, and the whole "werewolf" ability could have been cool but that blew too.

Conversely, Yuffie was constantly one of my strongest fighters, and I loved having her in the last and/or toughest fights in the game.

What did I do wrong with Vince?
Hmmm I guess it's just personal preference. I found him quite useful when I played him in my party. And I liked the whole sidequest leading up to having him on the party. I liked his limit breaks, and I actually liked the fact that he was a turk too, he has an interesting backstory (which is divulged in DOC) and I just found him interesting.

Like I said, there's nothing wrong with you not being too keen on Vincent, I actually found Yuffie's personality annoying, in game and in Advent Children. It's preference.
Like I said, there's nothing wrong with you not being too keen on Vincent, I actually found Yuffie's personality annoying, in game and in Advent Children. It's preference.

Oh trust me, personality wise, I hate Yuffie. Materia stealing biotch. Though I ended up quite enjoying the side trip to Wutai.

I just never, despite levelling up, got Vincent's attacks to even come close to doing the damage Cloud or Tifa or Cid or anyone else was doing. I felt like I was using Edward in FF4 to attack, it was that bad.
the first time i played 7 i used vincent. i think we differ in that i really liked his limit break. it was annoying that you lost control of him for the rest of the battle, but it was useful and powerful.

i never liked yuffie. i tried using her once and thought she was pointlessly weak, and her ultimate limit break would only do 9999 damage at most, while most people's damage would stack up with theirs.
It's weird because I liked Umaru in FF6, who you had no control of EVER, but he was powerful as sh*t (he actually landed the killing blow the first time I beat Kefka) but for whatever reason, I was never able to make Vincent a viable part of my offense. I guess it was just me. And toward the end, if I had Yuffie levelled and geared, her standard melee attacks would be as powerful as Cloud's and Tifa's, limit breaks aside. Loved her.
He's alright... mostly for his limit break as mentioned earlier...

Dunno how he walks in them shoes though! :lol:
I thought Vincent had a very interesting back story...and I thought he was one of the more useful characters. When I unlocked him I always had him in my party with counter on him. I never used Yuffie or Cait Sith except when the game forced them into my party. Vincent was a lot more useful ability and attack wise...to me anyways.
I liked finding him, and his backstory, but wasn't fond of him in battle, he was just no good for me in boss fights, and id always end up using one of the limits on a boss that absorbed his attack.. its been a while, but i remember the irritation at that... just not the boss or which limit.... which no doubt will fuck me up in the future. Its hjust for completion sake that i ever have in my party. It just always seems to be in at the worst possible time.

I hated the loss of control, and damage wise, he just never seemed to do much there either.

I liekd Yuffie, I always stick her in my party straight away and shes always consistantly one of my stronger party members. the only time ive ever had an issue, is with her limit break too. ususally with that earth based attack on creatures that it just doesnt hit, wasting a turn and the limit -__- Thats screwed me up in the pagoda as well. So I tend to level her up, but stick her limit on the curing one
I hated the loss of control, and damage wise, he just never seemed to do much there either.

That's really my bother with him. If I'm gonna lose the ability to control the dude, make it worth it (again, Umaru in FF6 was great for this). Every time, in regular form or his monster form, that he'd attack, I'd raise my eyebrows and go "That's it???". And as soon as I could I'd swap him for Cid or Tifa. That's why I've always wondered if I did something wrong, outside of perhaps not levelling him enough.
Actually I used Vincent and Yuffie a lot since I got them. I find Yuffie to be very useful and powerful while I enjoy Vincent's limit break as it frees me up from having to use him. Yuffie kept stealing all my good materia so I just let her have a good amount of it and she became an awesome ally. Vincent's character design is my favorite in the game overall. I mostly just use him, Yuffie, Cloud and Tifa anyways :P
I dunno, I loaded Vincent with materia and he was still one of my top most strong characters, his limit breaks were boss, his magic: boss, his defense: boss, I could never make much of his strength personally but -- unless he had a gigas belt but after adding that babeh to him he was as good a fighter as any other team member of the game; I mean he was no Cloud but he came damn close :mokken:

I spend hours trying my hardest to get Vincent as early as possible actually xD
Sometimes in boss fights, Vincent was the guy to save the day during my first couple play throughs. Everyone would be dead, than he'd get to his limit break and save the day because of his health regen. which was a blessing for me because I had a tendency to NOT save a game after 4 hours of grinding my characters to level up. But i've had my oh crap moments where I forgot to choose the right Limit Break and he was useless against that areas monsters / boss because he just kept on healing them with his attacks. Of course Vincent was always maxed out when in my party, probably the 2nd or 3rd strongest on average.

I too liked Yuffie, she was my favorite to use during my 3rd or 4th playthrough (yeah, I played through a few times trying to save Aeris lol, this was before forums etc. I was just trying this on my own)
To someone with a Vampirefreaks account? No, he doesn't suck.

To people that prefer having total control over every aspect of a fight? Yes.
If you kill 65000+ enemies with the Death Penalty, he can deal enough damage to kill Emerald Weapon in ONE hit, at least in the japanese version so he is the most powerfull character in any FF, his Limit Breaks sucks but he is awesome to have, he is always in my last battle party.

I got FF7 DoC and im going to enjoy using him.
I only used him the odd time because there were a few party members I never used. Until you get the death penalty I didn't find him to be particularly great. He's a great character for if people like the whole, vampire, dead sort of being. But besides that....much better people to use.
He just had really weak normal physical attacks. His limit breaks could be alright but it was hit or miss. But I did like him as a character.
Oh trust me, personality wise, I hate Yuffie. Materia stealing biotch. Though I ended up quite enjoying the side trip to Wutai.

I just never, despite levelling up, got Vincent's attacks to even come close to doing the damage Cloud or Tifa or Cid or anyone else was doing. I felt like I was using Edward in FF4 to attack, it was that bad.

Edward in FF4 Advance actually can hit anywhere between 25 DMG to 160 DMG. At least my Edward can. He rapes sometimes. Although, his singing sucks ass.

And as for Vincent, meh, I never did find a use for him. I really tried using him, but I always ended up going back to Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie, and, I think, Red XIII. It was either Red XIII or Cid. :hmmm:
Vincent was probably my favourite character. I guess it could've been more to tactics with him, plus after all he was a tough character to get. I found his story awesome, and plus the many beasts he'd turn into made it worthwhile plying him with high stats and everything. I found tat overall, with the right weapons, materia and of course putting him on the front would make him a valuable ally. Your lack of use with him could also have been his levels and stats, perhaps you didn't usehm enough or you didn't concentrate on him and that's why he's no much good for you. Overall, I guess many fans preffered him and tha's why they brought Dirge Of Cerberus. One question: did you only unlk the one limit break for him?
I never found that characters' base stats matter too much in the long-run...ff7 is one of the easier games in the series. I really like Vincent's limit breaks, I use him here and there, but since I'm big on Yuffie and would prefer to also have a mage, I put Red XIII with me =\... He is my favorite and if he was my dog in real life I'd never turn my back on him.
As a character I thought he was one of the coolest but as a fighter I honestly never really used him much. I found characters like Cloud or Tifa who had limits that hit many many times to be much more overwhelming.