Anonymous "declares war" on Egyptian Government

Sexy Beast

A beast into the jungle of life
May 20, 2008
I am at the horizons of the Stratosphere
Saw this on Tumblr


AFP 'Anonymous' hackers threaten Egyptian government

Pretty crazy :hmmm:
well, this is going to be pretty one sided. :lew:

But in all seriousness, this has gone on to be quite a situation. But to be honest, It was to be expected from a President whose ruling Party has been in power since the 1980's.
I heard there's a lot of violence already going on over there, it's pretty unsettling :[ However, you also can't really blame people for revolting against their governments if they feel it's worth risking their lives over; that's how a lot of modern countries like the U.S. were created, after all, and I think everyone knows by now that waiting for legislation is like waiting for a million dollars to come in the mail. It's just a shame when innocent, neutral civilians get caught up in it; it'd be nice if there were some place we could all just go to hang out and do fun stuff without being bothered by wars unless we want to be.
Well From how the news is reporting it (Not that you can take everything in the news serious) there have been outbreaks all over Egypt and with Egyptians all over the world, Egyptians even took over an Embassy in Venezuela I heard. If this turns into a civil war or revalution war or whatever you want to call it, the main question is what will the U.S. do? Will they sit back and let one side win (not likely) Support the "President" who we have kept in power since the 80's or do we support the change?
i'd like to know how anon's attack on the gov sites work out, more than anything else. would be pretty hilarious if they actually got through, although the repercussions might not be.
It's Anonymous, of course it's real. Hopefully, they'll be able to actually pull something off besides a few protests and lolblackfaxes.

Fucking Chanology. :ffs:
Really, this situation in Egypt reminds me of a clip I saw on AFV.

It's got this little kid (five or six at most?) holding two cupcakes. One's his own that he's taken many bites out of. The other's a fully intact one for his dad.

So his dad asks for his cupcake and the kid tries to give him the half-eaten one.

"No, I want the clean one."

Kid tries again.

"I said-"

Kid takes a huge bite out of the clean one and hands it over.

So in Egypt, with protesters demanding Mubarak resign; what does he do?

He appoints a VP and fires the rest of his cabinet.

"No, we want you to resign now."

So in a speech today, Mubarak says he'll September when his term's up anyway, but he's said he won't run again.

"No," *facepalm* "We want you to resign now

Mubarak really doesn't want to give up his cupcake...

As far as the US goes; it's tricky. On one hand; Mubarak's hardly the best out there. On the flip side, Egypt's been a major ally for us in the middle east. We can go with our ideals of fostering democracy and side with the people, but then there's the chance the new government won't exactly be made up of our biggest fans.

It's a tricky situation.
as egyptian i can tell u tht the prob. was our president didn't know anything about what's happening in his country and he trusted the wrong ppl to tell him what was goin so they gave him false info. and stole money from ppl , made ppl suffer and they were also they ones responsible for all the violence and shitty things tht happened , hopefully everything will be under control soon.
Anonymous - man they are turning into something :awesome:........I'm supportive of all the wiki-leaks shit anyway.

As for the egyptian revolution thing........There was a few hundered people who turned in support for Mubarak which came at a suprise I thought the whole country was against him.......There has been rumours the people who turned out in support may be the security force (in plain clothes) trying to calm things down in Tahrir Square,it probably isn't.......chances are they are just some dumbfucks tryna worsen up the state of the country.

Really now this thing is getting boring Mubarak should just stfu and gtfo once and for all!

And if that does happen other countries better not follow in their footsteps.....If they wanted to overthrow their corrupt government they should've done it a long time ago.
Mubarak in power for 30+ come they realised this because of Tunisia?
They did realize it. However, you can't expect people to just stand up all at once, what happens in Tunisia gave them courage to over throw Mubark, who shouldn't even rule for as long as he did, I mean all the times he wins with 99.9%, it's pretty much a false vote as obvious as hell. I know people in my country started to do all those riots, because of what happened in Tunisia, but no one supported them, because our country is a Kingdom, we know we don't have elections, it has been that for over 50 years now, so we don't really care, for how long the king is in charge of the country.

Anyway, the situation in Egypt is getting even worse, that Mubark is like "Fuck you all, I won't leave" -orders the security to kill the people-, 500+ died in the Egyptian cities because of the police and undercover troops.

I just want things to calm down over there. Hopefully, they will end it by Friday... or a massacre will happen soon...
Mubarak's officially being an ass now.

He's recently stated that he'd like to resign now, but he fears doing so would plunge his country into chaos.

On one hand; he's got a point. The opposition doesn't have a clear leader and there's no established plan for what to do afterwards.

On the other hand; if it's not chaotic right now, what is it then?

Oh, and the violence yesterday from the pro-government people?

He's said it's the fault of the Muslim Brotherhood.
the ppl from were sent by one of his party and he didn't know tht , im not defending him cuz i want him out of the country im just telling the truth
I've kinda changed my mind now......I would like to see him go like right NOW!

But Mubarak is being a dickhead,the government of Egypt have said the remaining protestors in Tahrir Square "will achieve nothing".....he said he will stand down in september,him staying in power for just a few months will achieve nothing too.
I don't see him giving up power..........why? because he's just a prick and his party is disgraceful too like alternate said they sent in pro-government supporters which just causes more trouble.

If all this protesting stops.......a few months and then the election :awesome:.....Plus his son won't be standing (no suprise he's lose anyway).
I'd rather have the country go in ElBaradai's hand rather than the Muslim Brotherhood.....which could see them turn into something like the next Iran!
I don't see how cyber warfare will really effect the Egyptian Government terribly. I mean, they're probably at the top of African Governments, but they're still pretty backwater. :(
At this point, I really do have to wonder what the hell he's thinking.

At this point, his holding on any longer is just making him look worse.

To be fair and as I've said; the protesters haven't really presented an alternative. ElBaradei's been mentioned as an opposition leader, but he's an opposition leader, not the opposition leader. There needs to be some organization so that they can show "Yes, we are prepared to take on the responsibilities of government when Mubarak's out".

Thus far, I haven't seen any of that.

On the flip side though, Mubarak's side needs to clarify that and explain. "You want me out? Show me some organization and we'll talk."


Mubarak's administration is also blaming other nations for covering the events and inciting the youth there.

Journalists covering the crisis also became targets -- beaten, bloodied, harassed and detained by men, most all in some way aligned with Mubarak.

Numerous news outlets -- including the BBC, ABC News, Fox News, the Washington Post and CNN -- reported members of their staffs had either been attacked or arrested. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch also reported that staffers were detained.

Sadly even when he does step down in September... I dont think things will calm down... Like Madaraki said... they Protesters have no single leader to back up...

Even when ElBarade is gone i dont see things just going back down to normal.. with all these different views of people protesting with eachother...who will they back up? how many groups will want there own leader...and why would ElBarade give his power up just like that? It's just a little hard to see as of now to me...
Tunisia didn't have any specific leader ready. However, they are handling it well. Also, Muslims brotherhood doesn't want to run in the election, they said that, to show that Mubarak is lying. Mubarak WON'T go on September, he will never leave unless the Egyptians head to the palace, and arrest him too. :mokken:

Also, that dick head, a diplomat car yesterday ran over the protesters, they are really low for doing that, now the US or any other country can't really have a say in this, since they support democracy. However, Mubarak is just another Tyrant, there's no democracy in whatever he's doing, the people of Egypt wants him gone, he should fuck off then, that's democracy.

This will either end up by him going soon, or a massacre of the Egyptian people will happen, and I hope the latter won't happen.
actually, at the rate he's going, i'm thinking his assassination is more likely.
Even though Mubarak is being a dickhead and has been leader for like 30+ years I see no problem with it.......During that time he's managed to keep the country stable.

I don't know who to blame really,but like Kei said its the words of the people......Even though he didnt win no election to be at the position he is now,the people want him gone (NOW). He should just go.

Either there is something wrong with the people of Egypt (angry they didn't want him) or Mubarak has done something wrong in his history of being president,and they decided to punish him for it now rather then before.

Also I don't think the USA want him out either,though they might have said so.....Mubaraks party have strong relations with the west and most importantly Israel. Whichever party comes to power after him definately won't be that favoured among the west or Isreal.
I live in the middle-east I know how things go, you see if people tried to protest, their rulers will DO ANYTHING to make them shut up by anything I mean not by giving the people what they want, nope, it's by getting a few of them, put them in prison and make them go through hell, make them an example in other words, so they strike fear in people's hearts. It's utter tyranny.

Egypt was of no exception, you know how Egypt have oil and what not, by logic it's people should live in prosperity. However, that's not the case there. The money is more focused on the governor and the ministers than it's on the people, that's how they all got billions and what not. What happened in Tunisia, where they couldn't handle how sky-rocket the prices of everything have become, is what started it all. What happened there, encouraged the people to stand up for their rights, and not be afraid, a single person is easy to silence but a million is out of your hand.