[01/09] Guess what your NOT Seeing at Tokyo Game Show???

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For one, we got to see gameplay already. so from what we seen, we can establish that it will be entertaining.

Over the years, they did what they said for the most part, the only problem is we didn't like what they were saying. back then we did, but that was before Final Fantasy XII.

Stop the over negativism, because there's no use for it. Even then, this is the only game we can look forward to. They've improved Fina Fantas XIV and Lightning returns looks "promising" but the issue is that the original XIII sucked, so who wants to give it a chance other than fans? thats the issue with the XIII series. gamepaly-wise improved (little by little) but overall the story wasn't as engaging the first time to keep people from wanting more.
I hardly think we can establish that from a couple of videos. They could be entirely out of context - in fact, they almost certainly are, as trailers will often show the "best" bits of a game to entice fans - and the lack of detail surrounding these videos makes it very difficult to judge anything. I would personally judge that the lack of information suggests there is nothing worth saying, based on the fact that this has been in the works for six bloody years now, but eh. I have seen nothing to suggest it will be any better than what I have come to expect from Square Enix. Nothing to suggest it will be any worse either, but then, if they can get worse than FFXIII-2, I will be both shocked and appalled. And rather amazed.

That's debatable. I would say that Square Enix have hardly lived up to any of their illustrious promises since Final Fantasy XII.

I'll say what I damn well please, thank you very much. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it, and don't call me out on it; I'm not censoring myself just because you don't like it and perceive it as negative. It's hardly as black and white as you like to think it is: the problem is NOT that FFXIII sucked and so nobody wants to try its sequels, it's that the sequels were also atrocious, and a lot of people have lost faith in the company as a result, because they just keep disappointing them. They promise things, and then they don't deliver them. They delay things for years in the interest of making them better, and ultimately they turn out to be absolutely awful, and then they rush the sequels. The lack of story is not the only problem; the gameplay has lacked any kind of innovation or even progression from what came before it, and there are various other problems I could list but honestly can't be bothered to right now.

As I said, if people want to see this as Square Enix's last stand, or whatever else, good for them. But I'm not going to get my hopes up when there is absolutely nothing to convince me that it's going to be equally as disappointing as their recent attempts to make video games.

End of story.
I hardly think we can establish that from a couple of videos. They could be entirely out of context - in fact, they almost certainly are, as trailers will often show the "best" bits of a game to entice fans - and the lack of detail surrounding these videos makes it very difficult to judge anything. I would personally judge that the lack of information suggests there is nothing worth saying, based on the fact that this has been in the works for six bloody years now, but eh. I have seen nothing to suggest it will be any better than what I have come to expect from Square Enix. Nothing to suggest it will be any worse either, but then, if they can get worse than FFXIII-2, I will be both shocked and appalled. And rather amazed.

That's debatable. I would say that Square Enix have hardly lived up to any of their illustrious promises since Final Fantasy XII.

I'll say what I damn well please, thank you very much. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it, and don't call me out on it; I'm not censoring myself just because you don't like it and perceive it as negative. It's hardly as black and white as you like to think it is: the problem is NOT that FFXIII sucked and so nobody wants to try its sequels, it's that the sequels were also atrocious, and a lot of people have lost faith in the company as a result, because they just keep disappointing them. They promise things, and then they don't deliver them. They delay things for years in the interest of making them better, and ultimately they turn out to be absolutely awful, and then they rush the sequels. The lack of story is not the only problem; the gameplay has lacked any kind of innovation or even progression from what came before it, and there are various other problems I could list but honestly can't be bothered to right now.

As I said, if people want to see this as Square Enix's last stand, or whatever else, good for them. But I'm not going to get my hopes up when there is absolutely nothing to convince me that it's going to be equally as disappointing as their recent attempts to make video games.

End of story.
take it easy will you? Or are you going to burst again over a suggestion?

the gameplay shown was enough. Even from being skeptical. and again, the stem of it all is XIII series. If XIII series was over, Versus XIII would've been done, TYpe-0 localization would've probably came in by now, and of course FFX HD (but that really isn't the most promising game).

this started as to why people are versus XIII fans. It's not that they are versus XIII fans. the game looks promising to them, and so have the interviews. i highly suggest reading back onto it.

Overall, i find that only Matomu Toriyama has ruined Final Fantasy with XIII. it can only go up hill.
take it easy will you? Or are you going to burst again over a suggestion?

the gameplay shown was enough. Even from being skeptical. and again, the stem of it all is XIII series. If XIII series was over, Versus XIII would've been done, TYpe-0 localization would've probably came in by now, and of course FFX HD (but that really isn't the most promising game).

this started as to why people are versus XIII fans. It's not that they are versus XIII fans. the game looks promising to them, and so have the interviews. i highly suggest reading back onto it.

Overall, i find that only Matomu Toriyama has ruined Final Fantasy with XIII. it can only go up hill.
Imperatives are never suggestions. Don't try and pretend that they are to make it look as though I'm overreacting, because I am not; I am stating a simple fact: I do not take orders. I'm not a doormat; I'm not going to let you order me around, or act like you can shut me up. End of story. Moving on. At least until you try to censor me again. Which I imagine you will at some stage.

That depends on your brand of skepticism, really. I would have preferred full details on HOW these things work, rather than just a casual "Oh, this is what it looks like" sort of thing. I don't care about graphics, or how it looks like, I want to know what it PLAYS like, and that is something that cannot be fully gauged from one or two trailers. Perhaps once they release more and go into greater depth, then yes, but as they have yet to do so, I would say that it is insufficient. You disagree? Good for you. Wish I had your optimism. Sort of.

I'm not sure the stem of it all is the XIII series; I find it difficult to believe that a company as big as Square Enix is only capable of working on one big project at a time. Given how efficient smaller companies with less than half their resources are, I often wonder what the bloody hell they're doing, because their games take much longer to release and the quality is nowhere near that of those of smaller companies. Where the hell are their resources going? If it IS all on the FFXIII series, they are in dire need of a new Board of Directors, some good quality managers, and a thorough audit. Not necessarily in that order.

I would, but the problem is I really don't care to. I've had my fill of empty promises and useless information cleverly worded to make it appear as though there is actually some content behind it. Square Enix are very good at that: if they weren't, the FFXIII games wouldn't sold nearly half as well as they did, I expect...or I hope, I suppose. I like to hope that people are taken in and deceived by these things, not that they're just blatantly ignorant. Call it...optimism.

I would like to agree with you, but I honestly thought that things could only go uphill after FFXIII...and then XIII-2 came along, annihilating that notion rather nicely. Underestimating the stupidity of Square Enix is not a mistake I shall be making twice. I shall wait and see, but I don't see how anyone can hold a "positive" perspective given their recent track record. But there we go. I will agree with you that Toriyama is a blight on the gaming industry, though.
Imperatives are never suggestions. Don't try and pretend that they are to make it look as though I'm overreacting, because I am not; I am stating a simple fact: I do not take orders. I'm not a doormat; I'm not going to let you order me around, or act like you can shut me up. End of story. Moving on. At least until you try to censor me again. Which I imagine you will at some stage.
you are over reacting.

That depends on your brand of skepticism, really. I would have preferred full details on HOW these things work, rather than just a casual "Oh, this is what it looks like" sort of thing. I don't care about graphics, or how it looks like, I want to know what it PLAYS like, and that is something that cannot be fully gauged from one or two trailers. Perhaps once they release more and go into greater depth, then yes, but as they have yet to do so, I would say that it is insufficient. You disagree? Good for you. Wish I had your optimism. Sort of.
it really isn't optimism. i'm disappointed with SE as well. but they're coming around.

And you can compare the interviews to the gameplay. But i bet you'll find an excuse for why you can't trust both. So theres no point really.

I would, but the problem is I really don't care to. I've had my fill of empty promises and useless information cleverly worded to make it appear as though there is actually some content behind it. Square Enix are very good at that: if they weren't, the FFXIII games wouldn't sold nearly half as well as they did, I expect...or I hope, I suppose. I like to hope that people are taken in and deceived by these things, not that they're just blatantly ignorant. Call it...optimism.
if you wish to think that way. then do so. IF they lied, then we will say they lied. However, again Tetsuya NOmura in the past hasn't failed me (except Kingdom Hearts where it has been made an overdose of games leading up to kh3) and knowing what he does compared to other gamers,

I would like to agree with you, but I honestly thought that things could only go uphill after FFXIII...and then XIII-2 came along, annihilating that notion rather nicely. Underestimating the stupidity of Square Enix is not a mistake I shall be making twice. I shall wait and see, but I don't see how anyone can hold a "positive" perspective given their recent track record. But there we go. I will agree with you that Toriyama is a blight on the gaming industry, though.
the thing is, XIII is XIII. have they failed else where? XIV? they fixed that and looks promising. SE has made big mistakes in the past, the only difference is that this time, they are so hypnotized into believing that XIII is a successs, (or are in FULL DENIAL) they want to blow it up into something its not. So we are constantly reminded of said mistake.
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Dare I make a post here? :damon:

NOTHING about the lack of talk about Versus surprises me from SE. This game is so hush-hush now that the only way you can be sure they are still even considering making it is when one of the producers/directors makes some cheap comeback to the rumors that claim the game has been canceled by saying "Hoho. Versus is not canceled...we just had a meeting about it just now..." etc, etc. :wacky:

I'm so tired of waiting for it. I just really don't care anymore. No Theatre Rhythm, Type 0, XIII-2 and even though I predicted it's arrival loooooooooooooooooooong ago (with many puns, self-trolling, and a few ughs) there will be no XIII-3 for me. If anyone isn't a huge XIII fan then I guess SE is putting the cart before the horse thinking there will be huge sales for the new XIII-3...because you know, we all can't get enough Lightning, can we? :britt: ...:damon:

My honest guess is that this game will be pushed so far back into the oblivions of time that it'll be a next gen Final Fantasy console release for the ps4. They'll have foot dragged on it for so long people will either lose interest or they'll lose their chance at this game fitting into the current console generation (surprise, surprise) :wacky:
Wow if Versus doesnt get released on this generation this generation will be fail imo of FF. I might try out FFXIV on PS3 but even tht is taking ages.

Pfff. We will see.... VERSUS went full development in 2011 before tht it was basically nothing. Expect Versus 2014 or on PS4.. I wont buy PS4 until there is a slim version so I dont think I will be playing a new ff title for the next 4-5 years. Final Fantasy is dead to me.
I think I predicted a few years ago that SE will delay Versus so long it'll just be released on the PS4. By the time it's ready to be released the PS4 will probably be on the market.

Also noticed a lack of FFXHD when I looked at SE's list. Don't mean to go off topic, but how long does it take to remaster a PS2 game into HD? Seriously.
I think I predicted a few years ago that SE will delay Versus so long it'll just be released on the PS4. By the time it's ready to be released the PS4 will probably be on the market.

Also noticed a lack of FFXHD when I looked at SE's list. Don't mean to go off topic, but how long does it take to remaster a PS2 game into HD? Seriously.

Longer than you would think. Especially if its done well and considering the scope of FFX is bigger than any other HD remake to date, it would take a considerable amount of resources.
I guess, but I'm starting to think this may turn out like Versus or KH3 in that it will take way longer than necessary to come out. And a simple screenshot or update would be nice....but I doubt we'll be getting that at the TGS.
I guess, but I'm starting to think this may turn out like Versus or KH3 in that it will take way longer than necessary to come out. And a simple screenshot or update would be nice....but I doubt we'll be getting that at the TGS.

I wouldnt mind if it did honestly. It doesnt need to be remade. Sure, I'd get it if it came out, but it honestly could probably a similar amount of time to make a new game, then to redo this. Id much rather have a game that finishes FF7's story. Sometimes HD remakes can turn out awful. With the most recent ones (Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid), these were done right. Devil May Cry and Silent Hill however are another story. In DMC the gameplay was all HD'ed but the cut-scenes werent and look much worse compared to the rest of the game. The Silent Hill collection was a just a joke (they had to go back and fix it with a patch).

If they were to do this, I wouldnt want any shortcuts taken so Id rather them just focus on a new game that will probably sell more and keep them in the black.
SE has made big mistakes in the past, the only difference is that this time, they are so hypnotized into believing that XIII is a successs, (or are in FULL DENIAL) they want to blow it up into something its not. So we are constantly reminded of said mistake.

Technically, it is a success. Both games got good reviews and sold well enough to make them money. In financial terms, FFXIII is a success. In other ways it has been also. Instead of developing a new game engine specifically for the PS3 and 360, they have devoted time to making the Luminous Engine, which is allows for much easier development cycles on games. Not only that, it is confined to one console or PC. It can be used on a multitude of platforms. They did this because Japanese developers werent as focused on HD at first and they focused on last gen and handhelds, so they were slow out of the game on technological prowess on current consoles. I feel they learned from this and will be back next gen very very strongly.
Id much rather have a game that finishes FF7's story.

What was left unfinished with FF7's story? Didn't AC tie up all loose ends (not that there were any in the first place)?

I don't really mind that there's not going to be news on Versus. They'll give us something when they're ready, I don't want them to show us something now just for the sake of it - they obviously know what they're doing with this game, they've gone into development and I don't mind if the next time we hear about it is when it's finished.
What was left unfinished with FF7's story? Didn't AC tie up all loose ends (not that there were any in the first place)?

I don't really mind that there's not going to be news on Versus. They'll give us something when they're ready, I don't want them to show us something now just for the sake of it - they obviously know what they're doing with this game, they've gone into development and I don't mind if the next time we hear about it is when it's finished.
if you've played Dirge of Cerberus, there was more to advent children then to defeating Kadaj and his gang. Genesis has returned and said there is much more to be done though at the time, he was known as just "G". Crisis core gave his back story, which made me forgive Crisis core a little more if i haven't played Dirge of Cerberus.

The sad thing is that Versus was never a priority to begin with. Yes they revealed a lot however, as soon as XIII was released, they made no real effort to get back on track with it. SE has fallen head over heels over Lightning and continued to bring her back.
if you've played Dirge of Cerberus, there was more to advent children then to defeating Kadaj and his gang. Genesis has returned and said there is much more to be done though at the time, he was known as just "G". Crisis core gave his back story, which made me forgive Crisis core a little more if i haven't played Dirge of Cerberus.

The sad thing is that Versus was never a priority to begin with. Yes they revealed a lot however, as soon as XIII was released, they made no real effort to get back on track with it. SE has fallen head over heels over Lightning and continued to bring her back.

Yes I've played DoC but it's a spin-off just like Crisis Core. You're not asking them to finish VII's story any more, you're asking them to give another spin off, to give more answers for the spin off titles, not the original game itself. That's like asking for an ending to XII when what you really want is more to the Revenant Wings story.

I think they always intended the XIII games to be like this, I don't think they ever even thought about giving us Versus until they were finished with the XIII story. Right from the start I've thought this, I don't believe for one minute that LR was unplanned, I think they knew about the three games before they even made the first XIII game. They're a company, and we know that they had plans for a bunch of games called XIII, I think they knew exactly what they were doing the whole time. I don't think Versus is any less a priority, I think they just have a certain order that they're doing things in.
Yes I've played DoC but it's a spin-off just like Crisis Core. You're not asking them to finish VII's story any more, you're asking them to give another spin off, to give more answers for the spin off titles, not the original game itself. That's like asking for an ending to XII when what you really want is more to the Revenant Wings story.

I think they always intended the XIII games to be like this, I don't think they ever even thought about giving us Versus until they were finished with the XIII story. Right from the start I've thought this, I don't believe for one minute that LR was unplanned, I think they knew about the three games before they even made the first XIII game. They're a company, and we know that they had plans for a bunch of games called XIII, I think they knew exactly what they were doing the whole time. I don't think Versus is any less a priority, I think they just have a certain order that they're doing things in.

I believe LR was planned the moment XIII-2 was planned. and XIII-2 was a very rushed story. So i doubt they planned XIII-2 along side XIII. If you look back, they said "now that XIII and type-0 are released, we can now put 100% on versus". it wasn't that long when they said that. but then XIII-2 comes in, and then they suggest we might see Versus again in TGS (american branch of SE (should've known it was balony)) and then tell us we wont be seeing it because they want to focus on LR and XIV in which i doubt XIV is relevant.

Regardless...it's a sequel spin-off and a prequel spin-off....it's not just about one game, but actually a more heavily planned series as they all connect quite well.
I believe LR was planned the moment XIII-2 was planned. and XIII-2 was a very rushed story. So i doubt they planned XIII-2 along side XIII. If you look back, they said "now that XIII and type-0 are released, we can now put 100% on versus". it wasn't that long when they said that. but then XIII-2 comes in, and then they suggest we might see Versus again in TGS (american branch of SE (should've known it was balony)) and then tell us we wont be seeing it because they want to focus on LR and XIV in which i doubt XIV is relevant.

Regardless...it's a sequel spin-off and a prequel spin-off....it's not just about one game, but actually a more heavily planned series as they all connect quite well.

A heavily planned series? I really doubt there was ever any intention to make a sequel or a prequel to FFVII. Everything they've done after has been pure fanservice. VII's story was finished completely and wrapped up nicely. Everything else has just been to appease the fans begging.

Well we can't really know what goes on inside the company but I get the feeling that they always intended to have these three games and that they told us little teasers about Versus because they are hoping and trying to make the game absolutely huge and a massive success. Whether it will work out like that or not is another matter, but that's what it looks like they're doing to me.
A heavily planned series? I really doubt there was ever any intention to make a sequel or a prequel to FFVII. Everything they've done after has been pure fanservice. VII's story was finished completely and wrapped up nicely. Everything else has just been to appease the fans begging.

Well we can't really know what goes on inside the company but I get the feeling that they always intended to have these three games and that they told us little teasers about Versus because they are hoping and trying to make the game absolutely huge and a massive success. Whether it will work out like that or not is another matter, but that's what it looks like they're doing to me.
of course they "intended" it. the difference is whether they "intended" it from the very start. in which i doubt they did for every single game. otherwise X-2 and XIII-2 would've been less casual.

its almost hypocritical to give bad light on Compilation of Final Fantasy VII but somehow suggest that Fabula Nova Crystallis is better.

I'm saying Compilation of Final Fantasy VII was "planned". was it planned from the moment Final Fantasy VII came out? i highly doubt it, the releases between them are huge, so i'm going to say no, it wasn't planned from that moment on. However was it still planned? yes. and by heavily planned, i meant they put their all into it story-wise.

i dont get that from XIII-2, the story and universe continues to change.

in XIII there were no loose ends that needed to be tied up.
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of course they "intended" it. the difference is whether they "intended" it from the very start. in which i doubt they did for every single game. otherwise X-2 and XIII-2 would've been less casual.

its almost hypocritical to give bad light on Compilation of Final Fantasy VII but somehow suggest that Fabula Nova Crystallis is better.

I'm saying Compilation of Final Fantasy VII was "planned". was it planned from the moment Final Fantasy VII came out? i highly doubt it, the releases between them are huge, so i'm going to say no, it wasn't planned from that moment on. However was it still planned? yes. and by heavily planned, i meant they put their all into it story-wise.

i dont get that from XIII-2, the story and universe continues to change.

I'm not suggesting Fabula Nova Crystallis is better at all. I'm just saying that I think they were games that were planned from the begining and are not made entirely based upon wanting to appease fans, like the VII games are. I don't like FFXIII and haven't played XIII-2. The thing is though, if they really cared that much about the add-ons they've done for VII they would have done them all on the console, instead of breaking the story up and making sure not everyone who played VII would play these extra games. If they were any more meaningful than fanservice they would have treated them like they meant more, which they didn't. As for the storyline being non-changing, there are heaps of contradictions in the spin offs compared to VII's story. The reason the story continues to change with XIII and XIII-2 is just because it's not well written imo I don't think that has much at all to do with how important they want the games to be, I think they tried to write a good story, but just failed.
Yeah I agree with razberry, the only reason FFXIII-2 came to be was because they had a lot of leftovers from FFXIII. Since when does SE listens to fans tht want a sequel. Perhaps with FFX-2 but I refuse to believe FFXIII was as popular as FFX was lmao.

FF7 was popular so it deserves spinoffs but did not have sequels only Advent Children.
FFX was popular and Yuna was popular so sequel.

FFXIII disappointed many ppl and many returned their copies still sequel? Wtf?

When they decided to make FFXIII-2 they pretty much planned LR as well but not before.
Bold statement tht SE could make games more faster. Bullshit.

They didnt wanna waste leftovers from FFXIII. FFXIII-2 and LR can be developed and released within 2 years?
While Wada said after Type0 they would focus on Versus.

Fuck you Wada.
I'm not suggesting Fabula Nova Crystallis is better at all. I'm just saying that I think they were games that were planned from the begining and are not made entirely based upon wanting to appease fans, like the VII games are. I don't like FFXIII and haven't played XIII-2. The thing is though, if they really cared that much about the add-ons they've done for VII they would have done them all on the console, instead of breaking the story up and making sure not everyone who played VII would play these extra games. If they were any more meaningful than fanservice they would have treated them like they meant more, which they didn't. As for the storyline being non-changing, there are heaps of contradictions in the spin offs compared to VII's story. The reason the story continues to change with XIII and XIII-2 is just because it's not well written imo I don't think that has much at all to do with how important they want the games to be, I think they tried to write a good story, but just failed.

you're basically saying console choosing determines how much they cared for it. which is wrong. i still find VII series satisfying (not overly satisfying, but then again i wasn't expecting a VII-2 like some other people). The good thing about them is that you can play all of these games without knowing about the past games too much. They're all connected in some way that hints for more, but it could end where it ends even though they secretly hint more. considering the console choice, it went rather well, sure PSP wasn't the most popular, but it was popular enough for gamers who enjoyed JRPGs to grab a hold of it. And Dirge of Cerberus doesn't fall there because PS2 was the most popular console at the time. That and you're asking for just one game that somehow covers multiple stories.

you're not being very reasonable at all.

Considering how information spills out by SE. its pretty safe, XIII sequels weren't planned from the beginning, looking at it, it looks like they planned right after the North american release which is pretty close but not during its development stage to make itself look like from the beginning. I think SE tried to appease themselves more than fans.

the sequel barely connects to the original. but not really. and anoher sequel seems to suggest another outburst of chane and making the past stay inthe past et constantly be reminded of the most anoying character. Plus considering how Type-0 moved from cell phone to PSP with a name change aswell.

Again, looking at how the story is completely irrelevant to the first XIII game, it seems that XIII and VII are in the same boat that they were trying to appease someone (VII it was for fans, XIII is for the developers)

for XIII and any other, changes can be made drastically, and plans come up late. i doubt XIII is adequate enough to be said "hey we planned for a sequel from that start!"

planning late is something every gaming company does. So i dont doubt SE has done the same. for you to say XIII sequels were from the start, is to say SE knew they were going to make a FINAL Fantas II because they clearly weren't believing this would be their final game. sometimes sequels don't come up right away.
you're basically saying console choosing determines how much they cared for it. which is wrong. i still find VII series satisfying (not overly satisfying, but then again i wasn't expecting a VII-2 like some other people). The good thing about them is that you can play all of these games without knowing about the past games too much. They're all connected in some way that hints for more, but it could end where it ends even though they secretly hint more. considering the console choice, it went rather well, sure PSP wasn't the most popular, but it was popular enough for gamers who enjoyed JRPGs to grab a hold of it. And Dirge of Cerberus doesn't fall there because PS2 was the most popular console at the time. That and you're asking for just one game that somehow covers multiple stories.

you're not being very reasonable at all.

Considering how information spills out by SE. its pretty safe, XIII sequels weren't planned from the beginning, looking at it, it looks like they planned right after the North american release which is pretty close but not during its development stage to make itself look like from the beginning. I think SE tried to appease themselves more than fans.

the sequel barely connects to the original. but not really. and anoher sequel seems to suggest another outburst of chane and making the past stay inthe past et constantly be reminded of the most anoying character. Plus considering how Type-0 moved from cell phone to PSP with a name change aswell.

Again, looking at how the story is completely irrelevant to the first XIII game, it seems that XIII and VII are in the same boat that they were trying to appease someone (VII it was for fans, XIII is for the developers)

for XIII and any other, changes can be made drastically, and plans come up late. i doubt XIII is adequate enough to be said "hey we planned for a sequel from that start!"

planning late is something every gaming company does. So i dont doubt SE has done the same. for you to say XIII sequels were from the start, is to say SE knew they were going to make a FINAL Fantas II because they clearly weren't believing this would be their final game. sometimes sequels don't come up right away.

My only point was that you're not looking for an ending to VII, it had an ending, you're looking for another spin off. Like I said, it's exactly the same as someone wanting another addition to FFXII - they aren't looking for an ending to XII, they're just wanting more of that world. VII is a finished game, so you saying that you'd rather they finish the story is impossible since VII's story is finished.

The thing with XIII is that is was not a success, there was nobody asking for a sequel, if they didn't plan a sequel from the start then why make one? You say it's to use the resources they already had but that doesn't convince me once bit, I think they already knew there were going to be 3 games from the very start. If it's just for resources then why does this third game sound and look like it's made from scratch? It's a totally different world and everything, if it were just to use resources, would they not continue to use them? I don't buy it. They knew there was going to be more than one XIII game, hence why we were always introduced to the XIII games as a series of games, instead of one game.
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