[01/09] Guess what your NOT Seeing at Tokyo Game Show???

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England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
yep that right people the game everybody wanna see is not at tokyo game show again....

We may have to go another Tokyo Game Show without Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Shar, a member of the Square Enix Members fan club, says that he spoke with Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto about Versus at today's Final Fantasy Gallery event. Wrote Shar at Twitter, "I spoke about a number of things with Mr. Hashimoto today. It looks like Versus won't be at Tokyo Game Show. They're first putting all their effort info FFXIV and the Lightning Saga finale."

Shar later added, "He said that we're developing it, so please look forward to next year."

There's always the hope for a secret trailer, of course, but assuming Shar did actually get this from Hashimoto, don't expect to see a column for Versus XIII in Square Enix's official exhibition list.

Source: Andriasang
the moment I saw this title, I knew exactly what it was about.

Poor Versus XIII fans, always never getting info on it. You poor poor souls.

As a person who doesn't really care about Versus i'm not in a burn the world rage mode. But even so, this is a stupid and idiotic thing coming from a Stupid and idiotic person and it just makes SE look more stupid and idiotic.

Good job SE, A+ would mock again.
the moment I saw this title, I knew exactly what it was about.

Poor Versus XIII fans, always never getting info on it. You poor poor souls.

As a person who doesn't really care about Versus i'm not in a burn the world rage mode. But even so, this is a stupid and idiotic thing coming from a Stupid and idiotic person and it just makes SE look more stupid and idiotic.

Good job SE, A+ would mock again.

I seriously think they are upgrading it with the luminous engine and will make it a launch title for next gen consoles
E3 2013: "Sorry, no Versus info this year at E3."

TGS 2013: "Sorry, no update on Versus this year. Check back in 2014!"

2014 rolls around, same deal. 2015 rolls around, same deal. Repeat.

I really don't think we're ever going to get this game. Seriously. I think it's just never going to come out at all. Ever.
Not shocked. I didn't really expect it, either.

The fans are impatient now, SE. Don't piss them off much longer.
*you're, not your - the latter is possessive, and doesn't mean "you are". I'm being pedantic I know, but it was bugging me. :mokken:

Wow, I'm...not actually that surprised, because I already called this. Mercifully, I don't really care that much about Versus anyway, so this doesn't really seem to affect me. And this has been happening year after year. I'm more worried about the state of The Last Guardian at this moment in time.
The hype's been there since both titles were announced. :lew: Versus more so, I've noticed.
I didn't refer to it being at the point when the titles were announced, I'm stating that you are hyped about this title for no better reason other than that you weren't satisfied with XIII. The idea of which game was better before the releases is very biased, and I doubt anyone on here will be willing enought to admit that :dry:.
That's it, I'm beginning to think Versus doesn't even exist. It's like some conspiracy theory or something now. :hmph:
I didn't refer to it being at the point when the titles were announced, I'm stating that you are hyped about this title for no better reason other than that you weren't satisfied with XIII. The idea of which game was better before the releases is very biased, and I doubt anyone on here will be willing enought to admit that :dry:.
Eh? :huh: Again, the hype's been there since the titles were announced. And yes, I've noticed, from what I've seen, Versus has been more hyped since. What's biased about that, now?

It's not related to XIII's quality in any way.
Eh? :huh: Again, the hype's been there since the titles were announced. And yes, I've noticed, from what I've seen, Versus has been more hyped since. What's biased about that, now?

It's not related to XIII's quality in any way.

Uhm, ok, sure...if that's what you want to believe :huh:?
If they focused on versus XIII then we woildve enjoyed a game that would he accepted as the better game in the fabula nova crysrallis series. So if that was made before the rest then 13-2 and lightning returms wouldnt be as popular.

SE "WANTS" the lightning saga to be considered the best thing that happened to ff series. Not versus. SE knows exactly what they are doing. They just wont admit it to us because they know they will lose even more money if they do
I'm like two steps away from just ditching the Final Fantasy franchise for a year before I stalk any news or look into it ever again. This is just sad, sad, stupid sh!t at this point and it's rustling my jimmies to no end. Wake me up when Versus comes out. Cryo-sleep might have to be activated.
Seriously? I've lost almost all hope in Square Enix.
At this point someone may as well make their own in a program such as unity and release it. It'd make a Sh** load of money.

And the worst part is that die hard fans will be so hungry for versus that theyll buy another one of SE's bull sh!t Lightning games. SE is gonna make so much fu**ing money on this upcoming game's release that theyll delay versus even longer! It's not even worth it to try to get a boycot together, XIII Versus will jus be another light at the end of the tunnel we never reach....
An eternal fantasy.
is Square's dream.
There will NEVER be a "final" Final Fantasy. (Perhaps this is a good thing)
But we will always be wanting consumers, buying in for the hopes for more.
It's the Garland effect all over again.
This is all jus one big time cycle for us, and a money one for SE.
They reel us in with big games like versus, or the 2.0 patch of XIV, and then put another game that explains the next, or last game in the series. Just take a look at Kingdom hearts, how long have we waited for 3 and its still not out?
Seriously, look around.
It's not just final fantasy, its all Square Enix does.
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people are just hypocrites if you ask me. people complain about XIII's battle system and how they wanted it to be more like the traditional final fantasies. Yet Versus XIII's battle system is like kingdom hearts. doesn't make sense. seems like everyone just wants Versus because of way it looks without even knowing how it will turn out.
people are just hypocrites if you ask me. people complain about XIII's battle system and how they wanted it to be more like the traditional final fantasies. Yet Versus XIII's battle system is like kingdom hearts. doesn't make sense. seems like everyone just wants Versus because of way it looks without even knowing how it will turn out.

I'm a HUUUUUGEE Fan of XIII's combat. I'm jus angry cause we're jus being set up to buy into more and more of SE's Sh!ty spin-offs and such.
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