Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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FF X-2, it was already bad that I didn't like X, but the whole feminine thing going on in X-2 was really dumb. Yuna in her entire self bothers me soooo much, but I thought the whole story and plot was just lame...
To me its a tie between 11 and 12 for both not feeling quite enough like an FF game compared to all the games that came before them.
for me it was FF 11, it's like the FF unwanted stepchild to me, though some people may say the same about 12 but I actually like 12, anyways 11 is the only one I don't like, then again I'm not in to mmo games period.
FFIX gets the award from me, for being the only FF game that I've played that I was unable to finish. I'll play pretty much any RPG, and it really does come to something when I don't want to play one. I didn't really feel anything positive for any of the characters, the setting didn't really interest me, the battle system was good but nothing special, the card minigame was absolutely atrocious (this being important for me, who spent more time playing Triple Triad in FFVIII than the actual story itself. XD) and...eh, Kuja doesn't make for much of a villain. I thought he was a she for quite a while, I was more than a little disturbed when I found out that this wasn't the case...

In any event, coming off of FFVIII this just seemed...mediocre. I quickly grew disinterested and, whilst I have a short attention span, I don't usually go off of games. I tried to like it, I really did. But there just isn't anything there for me. Its a pretty solid game I suppose, but...its nothing special.
Final Fantasy Xll. It just wasn't good. At all.

The character development wasn't even developed and the diaglogue was awful. I say don't have voice actors unless they do a good job. Seriously. I don't see how many people found this game so good. On most sites It recieved underdeserved perfect scores, most of which praised the battle system which was extremly difficult to control. The storyline and graphics overall where good, and the game certainly had potential, but it didn't live up to any of the expectations I had.
X-2. Such a shallow game, with a mediocre half assed plot that just seemed like a load of sci fi crap. Totally over feminine, dont like any of the characters at all and the whole "mission" with the jumping bs made me feel like i was playing a platform game with 12 year old dialogue. The boss was piddly, the 100 floor dungeoun was totally boring, repetetive and BORIIIING!Oh yeah, did i mention it was boring? Utter garbage, i don't know how i played through all of it. (_ _")
Argh! I didn't notice that I could chose more than one option, but anyways, I think FF XII and FFX-2 are by far the worst, FFX had a perfect and unusual ending and it was completely ruined by FFX-2
FFII and FFVIII. In FFII the gameplay was just plain terrible.

In FFVIII I hated everything. And I do mean everything. The story was just bland and boring. Played too much like a romance novel for my taste. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against romances as long as they aren't one of the main themes of a game. Take FFVII or IX you knew there was a romance going on but it was never shoved in front of your face like look look there's a romance happening.

The whole dream sequences where terrible. They could have been done a lot better but as they where they could easily be written out of the game without changing much.

Then there's the game play. Lets start with how magic is obtained. You should not have to spend needless time drawing magic from an enemy. That's just pointless busy work. Busy work you're forced to do with just about every enemy and several bosses for summons.

That takes me into magic itself. You should not have 99 meteors ready to rain down on your enemies. A spell like that should be cast very few times during a battle. Not a spell you cast untill you win.

But wait you don't want to use your spells. Why? The junction system turns magic into nothing but stat boosting magic. You equip them to stats to increase them and forbid decrease said stat by casting the spell. This for the most part turns the game into a slug fest.

Enemy scaling. They tried to scale encounters in this game and did so poorly. The game was probably the easies FF I've ever played. There's just no challenge to it. You could run from every encounter and still easily beat the bosses.

Tetra Master, god I hate this game. The rules constantly change and are generaly against you. You constantly save and load so you don't lose your rare cards only to find you HAVE to lose certain cards to the card queen to get other cards. You should not be forced to lose on porpuse. You should be rewarded for winning not lossing.

I could get into more detail but I think this post is probably long enough. Also, could a mod undo my vote I accidentally selected FFIII instead of II. Or just change that vote for me if you can.
I accidentally voted FF ;) Well the worst would have to be XII I enjoyed the character but I felt like I was doing the same thing over and over, even though I knew I wasn't >.>

It basically just drives you mad, the way you play is so boring you forget you're playing a game, and it starts to feel like work. not to mention naming ships after summons?! What the Hells?

~And you always had to have Vaan with you, there is nothing I like about that boy, and the story line is a lame attempt at returning to the old school FF's, You have to be an FF fan to like this game there is no other way someone would play/like it.
killed the X "series",

No I disagree, X2 was unique, but if anything they should have let it be. That is the only crime here is the story. The game itself I liked. However I am going to say: Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS) took this spot.

Now in general I think FFX2 was all we needed, but this DS game was just a shame. First off the battle system was lame; in fact I hate games that use this type of battle system in general. This killed the series more than FFX2.

FF X-2, it was already bad that I didn't like X, but the whole feminine thing going on in X-2 was really dumb. Yuna in her entire self bothers me soooo much, but I thought the whole story and plot was just lame...

There is nothing wrong with female heroes. In fact male heroes are beyond getting old...
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FF X was my favorite for many years, and I got X-2 and in the first five minutes realized it was a different game than X. So I took two seconds to get over it, then went on to judge the game by it's own merits and it's a fantastic game. The same goes for XII, the other one that people seem to single out for an inordinate amount of dashed expectations if not outright hatred. Can't figure out why, since most of the reasons the haters list are always highly subjective and trivial.

I don't dislike any of them, but I thought V was a little "meh."

Oh, but as long as we're talking sequels I really thought Dirge of Cerebus was terrible.
Mine would have to be Final Fantasy X. I honestly don't like the characters at all (mainly Tidus, but I'll get to that later), the linear gameplay, and plot, (now I will admit I didn't get that far into it) it was just frustrating to me.

Anyways, The characters were not that all great (excluding Yuna) mainly Tidus. I didn't like his personality one bit, and I have tried more than once to get into this game and I just cannot. The linear gameplay is also something I don't like, and I'll keep it short and simple. I never liked linear gameplay in games. Also I can't bear the plot.
I'm gonna have to say 12. There are plenty of things I like about it, like the characters and how the boss battles ended in the tradtional Final Fantasy way, but it didn't make me want to find out what would happen further down the line.
Most importantly, no story is better than a political story...I would have rathered the story from FF1.
I don't really feel there's a worst game overall, but there's games I wish would have been done differently and I really didn't enjoy playing.

Ok, so I voted for FFX-2 and FFXI.

FFXI I only voted for because after playing FFX I was looking soo forward to the next FF game to come out, and realized it was online only. I don't play online games on the PC so it wasn't gonna happen for me. Probably not a fair vote, but it disappointed me and I was pissed.

FFX-2 wasn't a bad game at all, I just feel like FFX ended at a perfect spot and FFX-2 didn't need to take place. Games that leave us wanting more, emotionally attached, and hanging on the edge to dig more into a story that's soo complex it takes a while to figure out, it's hard to come by. FFX had it all, and I just didn't think FFX-2 was a decent follow-up to the story that had us all wide-eyed and on the edge of our seats.
I'm gonna take the safe rout and say Dirge of Cerberus I cannot see FF as a 3rd person shooter the gameplay did not flow the way normal FF titles do, and the story line seemed shotty to me, but if X-2 didn't have that awesome battle system I'd probably choose X-2 every time as the worst
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None of them are bad bad, but the one I enjoyed playing least is FFTA. It was just... Boring in the end.
Hey everyone I'm new and I wanted to say that overall there is no worst FF game, I think we all know that, however I do dislike FF 8 for the simple reason once I got to disk three...I begin to slowing hate the story, and of course the lame ending.
Honestly for me the worst Final Fantasy that I've played would have to be FF VIII. I can't stand the whole junctioning system and Squall has no personality. It makes me sorta sad. I know people say the same thing about Tidus and even Cloud, but at least they cared about things. It seems like half of Squall's lines are "whatever.."
Out of the games i've played it'd have to be x-2. I feel like it wasnt needed and it completely ruined the ending of X. The plot in the game was just pointless IMO and wasn't a good enough sequal to X and it didnt really get anywhere.
I thought the game was OK but it's just that main reason=/
I'm torn between II and VIII.

I tried playing II, but couldn't even get to the second town because I got beyond frustrated with how leveling up works, and how little gil you get from enemies.

VIII... Any RPG where leveling up actually makes you weaker is beyond stupid in my opinion. I ended up voting on VIII.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it a little bit, FFVII DoC was beyond horrible. I really liked the idea of the entire game though. Playing as Vincent, a FPS, and seeing more of his story, but it just came out as ugly as can possibly be for a FPS.
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