Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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I never really liked FINAL FANTASY XII. I mean, I know it's a good game and all. And people loved that it didn't have romance and stuff, but it just seemed like it was-- trying way too hard.

Like on Xplay (G4) they didn't give any FF game a good review until it was said in 12 that two characters were like Hon Solo and Chewy from Star Wars. That's just wrong.

I personally can't stand the acting either. It's so awkward sounding. And the characters seemed so over used and cliche.

I just don't like the game.
ah yeah thats another thing that annoyed me. the comparison with star wars. im not a fan of star wars personally and there was a certain star wars ring about the game since it was a bit space sci-fi stylised. ruined it for me a bit.
ah yeah thats another thing that annoyed me. the comparison with star wars. im not a fan of star wars personally and there was a certain star wars ring about the game since it was a bit space sci-fi stylised. ruined it for me a bit.

Yea, exactly. I still don't get why they were trying to Star Wars the game up, anyway. It's like, It's a final fantasy leave it as a FINAL FANTASY.

I like Star Wars and all, but that was just really weird and odd. It completely ruined the entire game for me.
It's not the only game to feature star wars like elements...I'm not a fan of star wars, yet I just got on with the game and enjoyed it. -shrugs-
Final Fantasy X-2 and XII are good games unto themselves, but....they just aren't Final Fantasy games. The same way Quantum of Solace isn't really a James Bond film.....there's just too much missing.

FFX2 wasn't bad, but it was certainly insulting to those who had developed understanding and compassion for the characters of the predecessor. Humour is fine, over the top GIRL POWER scripting is fine but....bring that concept into a new game, with new avatars, don't lump effectively new personalities onto cemented ones. However this game DOES contain my favourite battle system, once the costumes are all at reaonable levels, there are SO many combos and things you can do, the rest is just your imagination.

FFXII......Strong storyline (though I disagree with the re-visitation of a previously used FF world, ie Ivalice) and brilliant character development, but the battle style and gameplay felt more like a Kingdom Hearts revamp than an evaluation of Final Fantasy battle system.

I voted FFX2 out of these two, primarily because of the music. Whoever wrote the soundtrack to that game was high. On the wrong drugs. Gone is the magic of FFX's soundtrack. Apparently Spira developed a love for bad electronica with out of place guitar solos. Goodbye beautiful piano pieces. Goodbye atmospheric dynamics......
Is everyone seriously voting XII worse than II? I mean yeah I know the story isn't as epic in XII as it is in most of the others, but it wasn't the worst by any means. II has almost no sidequests, and the battle system was unique and acceptable at best. XII has gorgeous graphics, excellent voice-acting, a unique and acceptable battle system, and tons of sidequests. I just don't see how people could hate on it so much.
Final Fantasy X has to be the worst Final Fantasy in my opinion. I seriously can't stand it. I can't stand looking at it, I can't stand hearing it.

The characters in my opinion are all typical stereotypical anime archetypes. They're whiny, and annoying. The story was terrible, and had been done before on many occasions in anime and other video games. The plot was ridiculous, the villains were retarded, and the game overall was too damn easy. Now, I would say that X-2 was the most horrible game, however, it would have never have spawned if not for FFX. I hate them both.
Mine comes down to two, FF II(PSP) and FFXII. Of course, I haven't played VIII yet. I've read bad reviews, and seen LPs of the game; I also know how many of the fans of the series tend to feel towards the game. Even my non-FF playing husband told me that it's not worth playing, from the amount of poor word of mouth he's heard. However, I won't judge the game(well, much) until I actually try to play it.

I grew up on the early FF games, but frankly I had trouble finishing II. It was mainly due to the fact I was changing out the 4th party member slot so often, I ended up frustrated. Trying to keep them in gear or trying to predict when they would leave wound up taking a lot of fun out of the game. The character development wasn't bad, especially given the era it was in. The leveling system was a little awkward, but I'll admit it was pretty interesting to keep track of.
Yet, I absolutely loathed the lack of directions in the game(um, where is this new town?) and it really killed my enjoyment . :eek:uttahere:I probably won't be replaying this one.

FFXII...well, I can't say I truly hate it. Mainly because I have to care about the story or the game play. To be blunt, it bored me to tears. The combat system wasn't bad, but I would have rather it been either good ol' ATB or more free flowing combat(ala Crisis Core.) However, the characters is what made me tune the game out. It wasn't the Star Wars comparisons in the story that bothered me. It's certainly not the first time I've seen it in a RPG game. Yet I found Vaan uninteresting, Fran a little too distant, and I couldn't see much of a personality in Penelo. Sadly, I don't even remember the name of the princess character. I really liked Basch; the fallen knight story is cliche, but I actually felt for the character. I also really loved Balthier. He had flash and neat style and I think he really should have been the main character. In the end, I just couldn't get into it.
:'( I may end up trying again, but IX is up after I finish VII.

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With out any other option I HAD to vote X-2, the job system was great but the length I had to go to just to get some JP was ridiculous. I ran that game all the way to the end, didn't finish it, and felt dirty in a way that no shower would ever clean me.

Sure, we all want to know what happens with Tidus, but is it worth the loss of soul?
I hate X, VIII and V more than any others in the series.


V: TBH, it's mostly because I was so bored with...everything that I continually forget it exists. I didn't care about any of the characters, the world, nada. I really can't even expound on any reasons cause I found it all so boring :/

VIII: Oh Jesus, where do I begin with this one? The locales were boring as fuck, and the 'futuristic' ones just remind of a bad setting from a bad 'B' Sci-fi movie. The music aside from Liberi Fatali is not memorable at all :/

The characters?....I have never been so annoyed by a cast of characters. EVER. Squall wasn't emo, he was just an annoying little brat. Rinoa was just an annoying little brat....with daddy issues. Irvine was a pussy, Selphie....NO ONE IS THAT EFFING CHIPPER ALL THE DAMN TIME. Quistis is so boring I don't even really know what to say. I didn't care if she lived or died. Zell.....Zell is okay. I really can't say I 'love' Zell but I didn't hate him and he didn't really get on my nerves either. So...he can live. Laguna I just didn't care about it. He was just kinda there. I couldn't stand Ultimecia either. Horrible final boss.

Seifer I loved TBH. xD I hate the fact that one of my favorite FF characters ever is from the game I hate the most :/

THE JUNCTION SYSTEM....OMG. I don't even know where to start with this one...The drawing...the junctioning too all those different stats....GOD.

X: Tidus is yet another classic pussy hero and I wanted to punch Waka all the time. Lulu...eh...she just bored me and I continually forget that...blue...cat thing even exists...I can't even recall his name right now....Kimahri! That's it!...Still don't care. I liked Rikku, Auron and Yuna.

And Jecht deserved to die/become Sin. He was a grade A asshole. And not a fun or a 'he just has another way of doing things, so fuck the system' asshole, just an asshole.

The Sphere Grid system I actually liked though and the graphics and music were quite nice I have to admit. I just didn't feel connected to the world at all, and I found the final boss fights to be an extreme let down.

Final consensus? FFVIII should be shot out of canon and into the sun.
Personall i thought that FFXII was the worse game in the series.

there wasn't really much character definition like in the other games, as after a certain point, everyone could do everything, the battle system was different, and not in a good way, and also there wasn't really a challenge during the storyline.
In my opinion any game after x because that was the Square enix take over and i really dont like any of theyre stuff at all , i hated the way they have taken out the random battles , that was the old original way of things , in the newer ff games you know what to expect , at least in the older ones you never knew if you were going to be fighting a goblin or a ruby dragon which i think made it fun and it made you prepare for the road ahead , it was always a different experience!. Im quite surprised at the responce to disliking ff8 , personally i think this was one of the best made , the story was so complex.
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Very good question... I've only played I, II, III, IV, VII, VIII, X, and some XII. I'd have to say II and XII are my least favourite. Final Fantasy 2 has a cool story and world and all... but the random encounters are apeshit, and 70% of the enemies are status inflicting. Most either darkness or poison. EVERY abnormal status stays unless you Esuna it or something. You can forget about battle-only abnormal statuses. XII just bored me to death in the first 20 minutes, and the whole setting and characters did not draw me in. All the systems were to hard to figure out. but I may play it again some day.
I like all of them really, apart from 11 because I've never played it, but I voted 12, its good but not as good as the rest.
Remember to elaborate on why you dislike a game, as stated in the first post of the thread. Posts such as "I hated FFXII" or "I don't like FFXII, I just couldn't get into it" will be deleted. Reasoning please :3
Hi everyone, I read some peoples comments on this topic, i didnt read all 11 pages and i dont plan to lol.

Here is what i think.
Final Fantasy X-2 Had its pros and cons, the battle system to me personally was balanced and perfect, the storyline was weird in some areas.
The worst thing i could really say about it, Alot of the battles was too easy with the big monsters (boss).

I HATED FFXII i hated the battle system, it was boring, the wondering was too VAST and it was confusing in alot of areas! I would also get lost in the main town! I lost interest really quickly, the only thing i liked about this game is the free to walk around past the monsters that you CAN see lol.

To continue a complaint of this game, i find it too MANLY like they introduced GUNS i mean what the hell, the joy of using a sword, or magic is alot of fun, c'mon bring back the joy of NOT introducing guns?

As for the new FF coming in march next year, i seen the preview and they are introducing a car you use to eliminate the enemy WHAT!!! Hell No.....now they probably ruined FF foreva!

well actually there is one game I can think of worse than X-2
Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest...

I agree with this. My brother had it through an emulator on his xbox- I struggled through that game for ages, just because I'd started it so I wanted to continue with it. However if you drew even a slight mind blank of how to do something or work something out, you'd be running round like an idiot for ages, fighting and re-fighting the same monsters over and over again, while getting no further. Ugh, it was horrible. I was glad when my brother wanted his xbox back because even though I hated the game, I was compelled to continue it.
I have a tie.

First, Final Fantasy 7. I found it to be too plot holey, and too self-holy. To be honest, I got annoyed by the poor grammar demonstrated by the translation. Oh, that and the fact that it just wasn't all that fun. At least to me, it wasn't.

Second, Final Fantasy 12. Oh, if I had to pick one to be the worst, it would be you. I hated the battle system, didn't care for the characters, and found the story to be slightly boring. I haven't even been able to push myself to finish it out.

You know, I liked FF10-2. Not loved it, but liked it.
i greatly disliked ff XII and i see that a lot of others do as well. The characters were awefull, and i hated the battle system. Gambits = crap! Every now-and-then i play it cuz i just wanna know the story, but it aint often, and i cannot criticize the story, so i wont, but im sayin it was so poor i couldnt even stand to beat it imo
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