Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Which game do you think is the worst in the FF series? Posts such as "omfg FFIII are lamez" will not be tolerated and will be deleted as spam. You must post reasons why you think the game you've voted for is the worst.
For me, it had to be Final Fantasy X-2. It wasn't a terrible game in itself, it's just, I think a lot of people,, me included, expected a hard core, serious game like Final Fantasy X. Like VII, X was a major game, and a bit of a milestone in the series, and yet its sequel wasn't serious at all, opening with a pop concert, a very feminine, fun storyline and a lot of funny sidequests throughout.
I'll concur, it has to Final Fantasy X-2 for me as well, the battle system wasn't that bad but it completely killed the X "series", I didn't think the story was that great, Yuna was just made into a whore compared to FFX, therefore, I didn't like the characters, I didn't the songs were that bad...but don't put them in a Final Fantasy game. :awesome:

FFX-2 was a pretty bad game on the whole >.>
I'm going to say X-2 as well for the reasons already stated by Merc and Antenora.

But since X-2 is a sequel and the poll for this thread is a multiple choice thing. I'm also going to vote for FFV, I didn't really like the storyline and I disliked the gameplay. The job system really bugged me, it was far too boring and time consuming. I probably found FFV to be the least enjoyable, possibly even less enjoyable than X-2. The only good thing about FFV was Gilgamesh imho.

Ive never played such cod shit in my life

the story is lame, OMAIGOD I R IN MY FAVORITE COMPUTER GAME just doesn't cut it for me. I hate the battle system, it gives me a headache and said battles last too long, so I do like 2 missions and I cba anymore

Game is painful to play and I dont think I'l ever get round to playing it

I'd sooner play FFV than this game and I LOATHE that game with a passion

I'm agreeign with most by saying X-2. It wasn't an awful game in it's own right. I had fun challenging myself to 'crown' (complete) every dress sphere for every person and battling was decent enough (however, once I mastered using machina maw- i was never beaten....ever. Seriously, I'd deliberately keep myself in a boss battle for HOURS until I got bored and killed it off.).

However, the storyline felt as if it was being made up as it went along, (and was awful), and I couldn't stand the thought of the Youth League, New Yevon etc all actually being part of my beloved world of X. I felt as if they'd raped it. I had to keep telling myself that in Spira "YouthLeague doesn't really exist, nor Baralai, Nooj, Gimmal, Vegnagun, Shuyin or any of that."

I had to keep reminding myself they were seperate games and that that wasnt really Yuna and RIkku, but two randomers. And thats another point. What horrible character development! Just because Yuna is a little more confident a person, doesnt mean she goes stupid and / or slutty! In X she develops well, we see her get more confident but at the end she still remains the same person, duh. UGH! If it wasn't for Rikkus new found hotness (albeit slutty hottness) I would pretend the game didnt exist!

Buuuut, like I said- an OK game on it's own. Just ok. Nowhere near "pretty good".
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Just FFI really. I didn't like VII much, but it's not the worst in my list. FFI, I know it was a basic game, but it was very challenging, to the point where I was cursing every five minutes. Things were too expensive, and I felt that nothing came across as being "fun".
FFII was just awkward. It was like walking in on your grandparents while they're doing it.

So what I'm trying to say is that the game play was very wierd and all over weak. They really didn't make it clear what your objective was either. The story line wasn't horrible, but it was amazing either... I've played worse...
I think Final Fantasy XII was the worst experience for me. =/

I was kind of let down story-wise and graphic-wise. It seemed like they stepped backwards somehow. 0_o

But yeah I lost interest only a quarter of the way into the game and it shouldn't have been that way. There should have been something to drag me in and make me want to play MORE MORE MORE!!!

I may go back to complete it one day. But at the moment I'm steering clear of it. XD
I think X2 is incredibly under-rated, yes, it sucks as a sequel to FFX, but if you disregard that, it's actually a really fun game.

I think the worst game of all was FFV, it had a horrible battle system, and each time I try and force myself to play the game, I end up hating it and vowing to never touch it again. D= Horrible game.
''this sure is a problem, oh what should we do?''
the battle system though...nice
Final Fantasy X-2 was a great game with a great storyline. Once you got past the Charlie's Angels bs of the first couple of hours of the game, and the real storyline starts kicking in atleast. It certainly isn't anywhere near the worst Final Fantasy. Dirge of Cerberus has that honour.
I think each Final Fantasy game has it's flaws in its own respect. I love all of them, but if I had to choose, it would be Dirge of Cerberus. Spinoffs count yeah?

It's cool to find out the history of characters and all that jazz. But I feel that some things should be left as is. It gives off that mysterious feeling, leaving players and fans to speculate :P.

I thought it was a fun game, but does it rack up to other shooters in the same genre? No way. Square should stick with RPG's ;p.

If I had to choose a "core" Final Fantasy it would have to be FFX-2 just because of it not feeling 'complete'. But with such a calling like FFVII, Square definately did it's best to fill in the holes. But as I have stated before, some things are better left alone. We all know how sequels can just suck ;P.
My best reply is that it was ff tactics a2. i expected a much better gameplay and more options for choosing your own storyline. it seemed off also because the gameplay was horrible!!!
I have a few choices; Gamecube's Crystal Chronicles (though I used to hate it, but I don't as much), FFX-2 or Dirge of Cerberus.

Ultimately it had to be Dirge of Cerberus. At least FFX-2 WAS an RPG. If I wanted a shooter, I'll go tomboyish and play Fallout 3 instead.

Anyone wondering what a "dirge" is; it is a funeral hymm; a lament. That is precisely what the game is. Fans lamenting for the utter awful idea someone had which led to SE making this game.
My best reply is that it was ff tactics a2. i expected a much better gameplay and more options for choosing your own storyline. it seemed off also because the gameplay was horrible!!!

Nothing wrong with the gameplay, the gameplay was also fine with TA. Since when do you get options anyway for choosing your own storyline in any FF game?
Least favorite of the ones I've played is Final Fantasy Five. The job system made me feel sexist for making Lenna a white mage summoner. And besides knight and monk I couldn't think of anything to make bartz. Story was okay but the world and characters never seemed to truly react to what was going on.
"Oh father they say you've been sighted." So we go and find him. She doesn't run off after him like I was expecting. Garnet did a way better job at emotions.
For me the worst was FFta2!

It had already killed me that the series became so childish and stupid, but the story in this one was completely outrageous! It went nowhere and it bored me to death...
Dirge of Cerberus and TA were pretty weak but X-2 gets my vote.

I can't stand Brother in it...and the whole girly things like dancing and jumpng around and the "Goooooooo TEAM!" attitude (no offense to any dude who liked it). I'm still gonna play until I get 100% of the missions or at least do the one I've been stuck on forever :lol: I can't let it win!
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Nothing wrong with the gameplay, the gameplay was also fine with TA. Since when do you get options anyway for choosing your own storyline in any FF game?

In FFX-2 you do get to influence the storyline in a couple of places and it has multiple endings.
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