Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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I voted FFIX and my reasons are on a few of the IX threads. Despite me loving a few things from the game (see name), it just seemed shoddy and rushed compared to VII.

Plus it seems like all of the IX fans have been coming out of the woodwork in the past few years. (Maybe it's just me.) But whenever I go on /v/ or another forum and talk about VII or VIII, I get a dozen "Ew, that game sucks! Play IX instead!" comments. And people gripe about VII's fans. :/

I agree. Even though I do believe IX is the best (even after seeing the other games), people like the ones you described are no better than those who played no other games except their favorite (namely VII). I can't believe there's actually behavior like that in the IX fanbase. I'm a bit disappointed in them. :/

Most of the fanbase in FFVII has an obsession about it(which left me on a bad impression for a long time), but unless the people who crticize that fact have played the rest of the FF games, they really have no right to put down what they think is the worst game. They can give an opinion, but putting down a game just because someone hasn't even seen it is pretty ignorant to me.

I know it's off-topic, but I had to say it. :)
Final Fantasy I was the worst. I think the only reason why every ones voting FFX-2 is because they havent really played through I. FFI has no direction at all. You wander around looking for someone to tell you where to go and when you go and actually survive what you did in some cave, (good luck cause the monsters are non stop and over powerd) no one tells you where else to go. So you wander around getting owned by monsters in locations where your not supposed to be and such.The characters are made by you, name less and classless, theyre like mmo characters that have no real story they just do missions. It has terrible graphics, no direction, and little to it, thats why id rather pass X2 then even play FFI for a little bit.
Because I've enjoyed all of the FFs that I've played it's hard to say, but if I have to choose I'd say FFX-2.
In my opinion this was still a great game though.
FF 7 without a doubt. The graphics were horrible, even for its time. They should have stuck with the style of 6 and before until they could do good graphics. LEGO should have sued for copyright infringement.

The story was cliche and over rated. It had more holes in it then swiss cheese. None of it made any sense at all.

But most of all, it's the worst because everyone insist that it's the best, but it doesn't live up to even a fourth of the hype.
X-2 simply because of how shit the plot was. It seems like a fun game but I cannot bring myself to play it because of the plot. It sickens me. I hate Paine, I hate the sluttiness of Yuna (works for Rikku though) and the lack of everyone else from the original X party. So much is wrong with it plot wise I can't bring myself to play it espeically since the biggest pro in my mind for X is the plot.

To me, a horrible horrible plot apart from Shuyin and Lenne relationship and Yuna and Tidus reuniting. Gamplay seems good I guess.
x-2 bad right lool that was a great game :)

for me it was XII, i hated the plot, the battle system, characters, everything i payed £20 and ended up selling it for £5 lol that was how crap it was
I didn't think the leveling up system in FFII was that good, it sort of killed the game for me. I only want to finidh it because of the storyline. It's starting to get good, with the dreadnought and all...
XII, no doubt. I didn't like the fact that you need a license to take a shit, the characters had no personality and the battle system was far too altered for me to enjoy. I suppose I should have expected that considering Squeenix said each character would be a carbon copy of one another. IMO, Squeenix has gone downhill since X-2.
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