What's your team like?


Oct 25, 2010
Here just post your most common team. Mine is Cloud, Cait Sith, Yuffie. However when I got Vincent, Yuffie got kicked out.
Right now it's Cloud, Barrett and Tifa, though some time I add Aerith into that fold. I'm always alternating between Tifa and Aerith. (Don't make me choose, I'll get cranky if you make me choose >.>).

Cloud always all, "I'ma ex-SOLDIER!" and Tifa all, "SUPER KICK!" and Barret's all, "Eat led MOFO!" while Aerith is all, "Magic missile!" and Red XIII bes saying, "Give me a break."
My team for my best save file was Cloud, Barrett and Cid.This was the the party that I use to defeat Emerald Weapon since their Limit Breaks deals a serious amount of damage. I normally use all of them but the characters that I use the most as my main party members are Cloud, Yuffie and Vincent. There are a few good party sets that you can make, it all depends on which characters you like to use the most as your party member.
I like this thread..............just nosshing on about FFVII is great fun!

My primary Team Is Tifa Cloud And Barret primarily, I like the mix of Limit Breaks and weapons that they use 2 Close Combat fighters and and Long range Fighter..........I know there are other combos like that but me just likes this bestest, plus CloudXTifa gets a huge boost IMO.

Another party I c started using a few years ago is Vincent,Cloud and Red XIII, as a team they just look great, plus 2 Shinra boys and a Shinra Experiment on the revenge path(kinda) means epicness of Metallica proportions!(rambling)
It changes everytime I play the game, Probably because I love the entire playable cast minus yuffie and Cait sith.. Last time i played it was barret, tifa, and Cloud.. Cloud because 1)you have too and 2) because he is the best character anywaz (battle wise).. Barret because he always says what i am thinking and his weapon is long range, and Tifa because she was doing dolphin kicks and piledrivers before Zell was even thought of..
I usually use Cloud, Tifa, Cid but if am ever changing the team around it is Cid that get's kicked out and that's just to put in Barret and Red XIII for a bit. Cloud never leaves my party as he is the best, Tifa is around because as I like trying to get a perfect limit break with her moves, Cid is in for all the wrong reason's mainly because every time I see him hit a monster I can picture him shouting a load of bad language at it. Barret well I really like the gun arm and watching him attack with it and Red XIII just looks cool so there put into the party just to change things around.
My team changes a lot. If Cloud was optional, I think I'd still use him the most, because he is just a great all-round character. I tend to use Red, Cid and Tifa quite a lot because all of them seem to be good at physical dmg (I've always been more of a physical dmg fan than magic). Vincent I put in often too when I want some of his coolness. Aeris I put in a lot because I think her place is next to Cloud. They make a great couple and it feels strange when she is away, even though her fighting style is not among my favourite. Barret I use from time to time as well, but again, I prefer the melee style combat more than gun combat, so I use him less in disc 2 and such. Yuffie and Cait Sith I hardly ever use because I just don't care for them.
I always use Cloud, Vincent, and Cid

Mod edit: Could you put a little more effort in and tell us why you use these, or why you don't use the others? Thanks =)
My team is usually Cloud Tifa and Nanaki and sometimes Nanaki and Aerith trade places. There's just too many FF VII characters to like and not enough team space to put them in.
I always use Red XIII, Cloud and Vincent.
One time I did use Yuffie instead of Vincent though.
Cloud, Red XIII and Cid.

Red XIII and Cid have nice well rounded stats (all the other characters lean towards higher HP/lower MP or lower HP/higher MP) good physical damage output and great limit breaks. On my first play through I went with Barrett and Tifa, but I've used the above mentioned team on every subsequent play trough.
My party was Cloud, Tifa and Cid. Cid has the awesome limit breaks, and I just had to have one female character in the party, also b**bs :D
I usually went with Cloud, Cid and Vincent but I did change up a bit on various playthroughs of the game. I think I've tried pretty much every character combination. Cloud, Cid and Red XIII is another good one. And I did like switching Tifa in quite a bit because I liked her limit break. :lew:
My team usually consisted of Cloud, Yuffie and Cid. Sometimes i switch Cid with Tifa. Her hair looks like a fish tail lol.
It depends, really: The first time I played through, on Disc 1, my team was always Cloud, Aerith and Red XIII (Cloud, because you're forced to, Aerith, because she's amazing..i mean her level 3 limits are ridiculously good; and Red XIII cause I thought he was cool)

On Disc 2, it was Cloud, Tifa and Vincent usually.

However, on my second time through, on Disc 1, I've been using Cloud and Aerith still, but have been switching people in and out (Tifa, Red, and Yuffie - i never ever use Barret or Cait Sith)
Well for me. I Love all of the characters.. but my least favorite was cait sith. Im one of those players who likes to keep them all fairly close and leveled so i can beat the final boss with all of them...they all deserve it =). But I will say my favorite team was cloud, Red XIII, and barret. I mean red is a badass looking character, And barrets limit breaks look tight as hell plus they do a ton of damage. I would usually make Red the healer/caster/fighter. as He seemed to balance out pretty well to whatever i choose for him.
Typically, it is Cloud, Tifa, and Cid.

Mod edit: Could you put a little more effort into your posts? Tell us why and all. :)
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Cloud, Tifa, Aerith(Aeris)/Yuffie.

Cloud is the physical attacker and HP junkie.

Tifa is my healer.

and Aeris/Yuffie is my attack mage. I know Cloud has higher magic than Yuffie, but she can attack(in case I need her too) from the backrow so...
Cloud, Tifa, and Barret.

I have my party equipped completely different at all times, however, most yellow materia is almost always the same for me.

For ex.

Cloud: Lightning, Restore+All, and some random summon (most of the time Shiva)
Tifa: Restore+All, Deathblow, EnemySkill, Cover
Barret: Restore+All, Fire, Ifrit, etc etc.

Tifa usually has the fire elemental when I first start, Cloud lightning, and the third person will be an ice user.

I use these three MOST of the time, it's always Cloud and Tifa in my party though.

You can't switch off Cloud, and Tifa's my favourite character, love her limit breaks as well, so that's obvious, and the third is either Barret, Cid or RedXIII.

#1 Equip Cloud with Long Range + 2 gunners= half physical damage

#2 They all have great limit breaks

#3 They're fu*kin cool

Except for Vincent's UW. I use Supershot ST instead.