What do you want to see in future FF games?


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
We have the "what should they have kept thread". This one is for things/elements that you want to see in future Final Fantasy games.

A reoccuring villian that you either hate or love. We really didn't get this in the last two FF games and I love villians so...

Older female characters. So we have the male characters that are over the age of 25 in FF games, heck we've even had some in their 70's in earlier games, but never the female characters. Well I guess the game is geared towards males so the girls have to be young and sexy. but I'd like to see an older female character, in the age range of 30-50 as part of the main party. And there would be two other females to make up for the sexiness =P

An older lead in general. Someone that is already mature and probably married. Someone in the 25+ age range who already has a lot of experience.

Different body types for the girls. They all have hourglass figures... I want to see one where that is not the case. I don't mean that they be fat or anything. But maybe one that doesn't look anorexic or has a super model figure.

A real slutty character: I'm sick of people calling female characters that they do not like sluts and whores, and even for characters where this is clearly not the case. (And I'll admit, I have done this in the past) So why not have one in a game that really is one. She could just be promiscuous or she could be in a harem or just works in the adult entertainment industry XD

what about Final Fantasy lesbians lol?

What kind of role do you see for the older female?
I'd like to see the HULK make an apearance but seriously I want costume changes for the chracters and a custom airship more variety of monsters and a decent battle arena just to name a few and a creat-a-weapon mode one gripe though I hope they fuck off the chai gauge from FFXIII annoying......nice thread
I want to see another "tribute" Final Fantasy game. Final Fantasy IX in my opinion was just one great big homage to the eight games that came before it. Everything from having four party members again, the use of crystals, a lot of the names of weapons/enemies and little easter eggs. I know it wouldn't be a very positive move, in terms of pushing the series forward, but I think it would be very well recieved.

Another "extensive" mini game would be cool. Some of the card games, Blitzball and Chocobo Racing could take up anywhere between 5 and 25 hours of gameplay, and although the hunts/marks you have in the last FF games are good, they don't feel that much like a break from the game, because you're still battling away.
I want to see the return of Chocobo racing. LOL @ OP's "I want a slut" comment, but it's true that we're kind of getting tired with recycled characters. Maybe a leader who isn't a brooding loner with a mysterious past or some overly peppy kid. I'd like an amalgamation of the ATB and Paradigm battle system. I want to be able to control the entire party, but have the option of set a character into "Automatic" mode where I can select categories for his/her combat style (i.e.- Commando, Ravager, Medic, Sentinel). The return of free roam and towns would be awesome, because the linearity of XIII took some time to get past. I think the switch from XP to CP is interesting, and I would like to keep CP for now. Bring back legit limit breaks/overdrives/quickenings. Bring back multiple summons per person, unless if there's a believable relationship between the character than that particular summon...something XIII failed to establish.

That's all I can think of for now lol.
I think with as much as they've done lately to develop the aesthetics and the battle systems, they really need to get back into developing better characters and character relationships. PCs have gradually come to have less and less complex relationships with each other, to the point where it's not particularly believable. I haven't played XIII yet, but in games like X and XII everyone in the party gets along very well without that many dramatic arguments, betrayals, etc., and it's hard to fathom that people from so many different backgrounds are able to live with each other day in and day out on their journeys without a serious squabble here and there. For example, there was a lot of potential in X for Rikku and Wakka to be at each other's throats because of Wakka's hatred of the Al-Bhed, but nothing major happened with it. Whereas in IV, Kain, a major PC,
betrayed and left the party twice.
I know it's supposed to be the idea of everyone putting aside their differences for the sake of saving the world, but it'd be interesting if things like that happened again in FFs, and the party didn't just feel like a bunch of friends traveling together.

Older female characters. So we have the male characters that are over the age of 25 in FF games, heck we've even had some in their 70's in earlier games, but never the female characters. Well I guess the game is geared towards males so the girls have to be young and sexy. but I'd like to see an older female character, in the age range of 30-50 as part of the main party. And there would be two other females to make up for the sexiness =P

Something fun they could do would be to include a mother and son in a PC party--like a woman 45-50 with a teenage son around 17-18. I could just imagine--the mother would be nagging the boy all the time in front of the other party members and maybe even in the battles--"Be careful with that sword, don't hurt yourself!" "Save some Potion for everybody else now!" "Tuck in your chain mail, didn't I raise you better than that?!" It could add a lot of comedy if it was done the right way.

Different body types for the girls. They all have hourglass figures... I want to see one where that is not the case. I don't mean that they be fat or anything. But maybe one that doesn't look anorexic or has a super model figure.

I think this would be great. Honestly I don't see why mages have to be thin or "in shape" at all; their physical attacks are usually weak anyway, so maybe if there were a somewhat overweight mage (male or female, really) it would actually be more believable for their physical stats to be less well-developed. They couldn't be comedic characters though; they'd have to be attractive and taken seriously for their looks, otherwise SE'd only perpetuate the idea of "overweight" being a negative thing.

A real slutty character: I'm sick of people calling female characters that they do not like sluts and whores, and even for characters where this is clearly not the case. (And I'll admit, I have done this in the past) So why not have one in a game that really is one. She could just be promiscuous or she could be in a harem or just works in the adult entertainment industry XD

I'd like to see a female version of Edgar who hits on all the men in the party :lew: That'd be amusing, and it would certainly add to the party dynamics.
I think this would be great. Honestly I don't see why mages have to be thin or "in shape" at all; their physical attacks are usually weak anyway, so maybe if there were a somewhat overweight mage (male or female, really) it would actually be more believable for their physical stats to be less well-developed. They couldn't be comedic characters though; they'd have to be attractive and taken seriously for their looks, otherwise SE'd only perpetuate the idea of "overweight" being a negative thing.

Exactly. Mage characters should not have athletic bodies because they probably spend most of their time studying magic XD. And the "out of shape" character doesn't necessarily have to be noticibly over weight. Maybe she's a stick with not hips or boobs. Or her body doesn't curve inwards. Or she could wear big mage robes that conceals most of her body (we would only see their hands and face). And I definently would not want any over weight character to be used for comedic effect. Because they they would just be made fun of :( Heck even a heavily muscled girl would work. Lightning was the closest we got to that. And if anyone asks how an out of shape character could possibly keep up with the rest of the party, well we have had older characters in the past that did just fine. Cid from VII was a chain smoker and he had no problem. Also, if other girl characters can travel across continents in heals, bikini's and other eccentric clothes, I'm sure a "non sexy" character could handle it :P

Which adding to that, I'd like to see a female character that wear an outfit that leaves everything up to the imagination XD No cleavage, no leg, no arm, no skin tight clothing. XD

And I love the mother and son idea XD Hope and his mom could have been awesome.

As for the role that an older female character, easy, a mage. In many fantasy stories, the magic users were older characters who spent the majority of their life studying magic. It would work well for a female character.
Well I'd like to see a remake of a final fantasy game like 7 for example BUT I'd like to see the story from the villian's view . We Always play the heroes. Cloud, Squall etc. So why not Sephiroth? So really I'd like to see some of the games remade but the opposite of the storyline, if you get what I mean!
A broken leveling system which, although very broken, can still bring hours of fun and accomplishment. Yes, I'm talking about junctioning.
Although very outdated, I would like to see something like this used in future games. I felt FFXIII's way of, upgrading your characters, for lack of a better description was rather... boring, linear... it took you by the hand and guided you. I love the junctioning on FFVIII, although it was very easy to cheat on it, it's got a place deep in my heart. :-) I spent hours trying out different spells on different stats. Hours of fun. :] Then the accomplishment when you got the perfect junction... ahhh. Dearly missed.

Everything else I wanted to say has already been mentioned, I guess. :-) I would just like to see more, traditional things in future games, which is really taking a step-back, but it makes us fans who dearly love the earlier games smile, at least. :D
My sole hope is they make ORRIGINAL charecters not based on other past charecters and a good STOREY. Lately they dont seem to be making in my opinion decent storey wise games...oh and bring a conection from charecter to gamer because after the past few of their games I dont feel anything toward the majority of charecters they create
I wanna see more then 1 player in the future,2 players per console will be awesome,just like how it is in tales series,just fix the system for 2nd player to function propely like 1 players always did. I also wanna see more ff games turning to many fighting games like dissidia,and make it known for its online ownage one day.
Whats that guys name ....Sakaguchi-san I dont wanna bite the hand thats feeds us but maybe hes been involved in FF to long Whats the line James Kirk says "young minds, fresh ideas" Apart from regurgitated ideas and add-ons that game companies think will suffice
there comes a time when things have to evolve or they die.......which would be shame for such a great series
Everyone moans about linearity, they say it restricts you, you cant do what you want, its there for a reason, FFX was linear until the airship, no one complains about that. If the opening chapter of FFXIII was free-roam what would you do as a first time player of the game, you'd be screwed, you wouldnt know where you were going you'd be killed all the time from more powerful monsters and you'd get annoyed and not play the game, the linearity is necessary for the story also.

Back to the topic-I'd really like to see the Sphere Grid and Crystarium properly merged, the choice and locks of the grid and the random values and looks of the Crystarium, I like both quite a lot, the Crystarium may be linear at first but later you've got 6 roles and spin off lanes per character to consider, these are fairly harsh choices.
Everyone moans about linearity, they say it restricts you, you cant do what you want, its there for a reason, FFX was linear until the airship, no one complains about that. If the opening chapter of FFXIII was free-roam what would you do as a first time player of the game, you'd be screwed, you wouldnt know where you were going you'd be killed all the time from more powerful monsters and you'd get annoyed and not play the game, the linearity is necessary for the story also.

But we managed just fine in past games. It as possible to get killed by more powerful monsters in previous games by walking around the world map. (I was annhilated by a random enemy in V because I walked on the wrong side of the forest) And people do complain about FFX being linear...
A simple thing like the world map could have made the game not so linear, and we also would have gotten that our characters walked across a huge continent without actually having to do so. And about the battle system, easy just don't have random battles on the world map. Before you enter a town or a certain area, have a forest or an area that you walk into that switches to third person view where you fight monsters. (Lunar did this nicely)

Oh and forgot to mention, Edea worked nicely as an older female. :) Too bad she didn't become a permanent member of the party.

One more thing, I want more destruction in future games. I liked watching all the towns get destroyed in IX.
What I want to see in Future FF games are ----

A Super Secret Dungeon that holds the game's hardest and Strongest Optional Bosses, Alongside VERY RARE and Powerful Gear. Abilities might also be a plus factor. This Dungeon should and will probably be opened and discovered ONLY when the main storyline and game has been finished.

So if you're confused, a simple breakdown -

- An optional dungeon that can only be accessible by completing the main storyline

This dungeon would contain in it -

3 rooms - Entitled:

I - Rewards - This is where you would go to claim Rewards from beating bosses and obtaining they're marks of conquest and other legendary items that are trade-a-ble for powerful weapons, gear. Etc. Etc.

II - Colosseum - This is where you would go to do the battle(s) of a lifetime

III - Heaven & Hell - This is where you would go to see all of the game's best kept secrets. They would be in the form of ancient stone blocks, or ancient scrolls.

That's just my ideal thing to see in an FF game.
Well I would love to see a married couple as main characters at least in their late twenties. It could show the dynamics of their relationship and as well other characters.

As, well mixed race characters or maybe even Hispanics as leads.

One more thing I would suggest that make more games where religion is good instead of evil.
A broken leveling system which, although very broken, can still bring hours of fun and accomplishment. Yes, I'm talking about junctioning.
Although very outdated, I would like to see something like this used in future games. I felt FFXIII's way of, upgrading your characters, for lack of a better description was rather... boring, linear... it took you by the hand and guided you. I love the junctioning on FFVIII, although it was very easy to cheat on it, it's got a place deep in my heart. :-) I spent hours trying out different spells on different stats. Hours of fun. :] Then the accomplishment when you got the perfect junction... ahhh. Dearly missed.

Yeah, l'd like to see the junction system return but without having to use magic as the catalyst, maybe certain items could be related to various stats.

l have the idea for a while that a FF game should be set within a dimensional plain instead of a planet, this way all kinds of whacky physics based laws could be implemented and new ways of fighting within 4-D fields. new kinds of technologies and magic could also be created.
I would like to see a better combat system. Something more live, fluid, and interactive. I want to see a FF game where I get to use the right analog stick to swing my sword as a live-action game. Click the right analog stick to take out the melee weapon and move the analog stick to swing the weapon around, or click O to access magics or square to access items. I only played a little, but I don't like the battle system of FF13 so well. I liked 12 better. But a real good FF game would combine live action interactivity with pause and choose programming, I think. Something where I get to actually have a more manual and interactive grasp over my weapon.

Speaking of which, how come none of the games I've played use the right analog stick for sword fighting? It could also be used to aim a gun or throw a fist. Seems like that would be the ideal way to fight. The right analog is usually used to control the camera direction, but that could be automated during combat, or switched to the trigger buttons. Wassup with that? Analog's the way to go.:cloud:

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eh there is a Number of things such as, how if They would Bring More Action In and Let the story Line for each game Go, i find too,too much Romance in ff games in mordern dat,today from ff10-12(havent Played 13 yet) so far everything has Been Iffy ya Know SE- starocean set the perfect example for it
Let's see :hmmm:

More creativity in crucial but surprisingly overlooked areas. Character design is pitiful and stories are largely based on that age old 'excuse' of a plotline that is 'saving the world' with a small war band.

Take a look at Braid and how the narrative tied in so beautifully with the game mechanics and design. Good God that game was awesome and was done on a shoe string budget.

How on Earth can I be expected to buy the next iteration of FF when they're to busy raking in the money to care about the fact that they're dragging their heels in an industry that's moving on without them.