We'll be fine as long as Jeff Goldblum is around.

We'll only be fine in a couple of years with the second wave of dinosaurs with him.

He'd spend the initial break out injured on the back of a truck.
Going on your own to turn the power back on is bad too. You go out to lend a hand and that is what you end up doing. Sadly.
*About JP being awesome*

It was. :awesome:

And velociraptors were smarter and worked and communicated well as a group, which was what was so scary about them.
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Don't you see what's really going on here?! It's just a government cover-up! Dinosaurs have already been cloned, and they are being biologically engineered to fight our wars!

Join the resistance! Destroy the dino-labs!
The T-Rex may have killed them, but who was a bigger threat to the humans? :monster: throughout the entire movie the Velociraptors create more fear than the Rex did :grin:
Addle said:
Don't you see what's really going on here?! It's just a government cover-up! Dinosaurs have already been cloned, and they are being biologically engineered to fight our wars!

Join the resistance! Destroy the dino-labs!
This guy knows a lot, someone should kill him <_<
Send dinosaurs after him.

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Argor's theory is inevitable because the love of money is the root of all stupid, but I'd like to know... what the fuck are they trying to accomplish by bringing back a species that nature itself deemed unnecessary to live in this time? Use them for terror? Really? Humans suck! :ness: