[V5] What are you currently listening to?

Girl Unit - Wut

I don't listen to dubstep too often because I rarely find a song that I'm into. This song, however, got my attention within the first few seconds. Its slow-medium paced, rather long, but it's very catchy - I'd recommend it to any kind of techno fan. Though its mostly instrumental and the only words you can make out are the 'wut' echoes now and then, the beat of the song just puts me in a mood of ecstasy (. . .no pun intended for all of you ravers out there. :wacky:) .
Cover of Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade

I think I actually prefer this to the original. I love these guys... and I actually found them via this thread. Yay stealing Kira's links!

The piano and their voices... just wow. I could listen to this song, and their others, for hours without getting sick of them... and actually, I have. Love it. <3
Franz Schubert - Ave Maria For Violin

Although I like a lot of his other songs more, I still enjoy this one very much. I was in the mood for Franz and violins, so I decided to play this song. I listened to it three times because I haven't listened to it in a long time (which is sad!).

Its a shame he died so young, he could have made more great music. :/

Has anyone listened to his "Unfinished Symphony" (Symphony No. 8 in B minor, often renumbered as Symphony No. 7) yet? If so, what did you guys think of it? I personally like it very much xD


The song I posted is made by the band "In Extremo"! Of course you will not understand the lyrics(ok maybe if you speak germanxD). This song is Midleage-Folk-Rock/Metal. The lyrics are about a big love.



"Komm schließ die Augen,
glaube mir
Wir werden fliegen übers Meer.
Ich bin nach deiner Liebe so krank
Die sich an meinem Blut betrank."


Full moon

Come close your eyes,
believe me
We will fly over the sea
I need the love so badly
Which got drunk on my blood

Jesus Of Suburbia - Green Day

I love Green Day, and this is one of their best songs. American Idiot is still my favorite album from them. It's 9 minutes of pure epicness

Alyssa lies

It's a song about child abuse, I think it's a decent song but it's only on because I have the song order set to random!
Turn So Cold - Drowning Pool

Started listening to this group again recently...this song isn't too bad, but to be honest, I don't think they'll ever find another singer good enough to replace Dave Williams. He was an absolutely fantastic singer, and in a way, the group died with him. Although this is fairly catchy, and it could grow on me.

Olly Murs - Thinking Of Me

This is quite a lovely song to some extent, it's cheering me up slightly from my annoyed state. His voice is a delight to listen to and he's very different from other singers that have come out of the X Factor. It's the cheesy kind of pop song with the cheesy lyrics and such, but it's one of those ones that puts a lovely smile on your face.

I'm listening to Goo Goo Dolls, I'm still here. I was watching one of my favorite movies -- Treasure Planet -- and my favorite scene had this song and I always say "I gotta remember the name!" but I never do.

But a few days ago it came to me while I was updating my playlists for songs. So, here it goes:

Goo Goo Dolls -- I'm still here

Considering Goo Goo Dolls rock for many reasons, I'm gonna give this song a perfect 10/10. Because the lyrics are very good and the beat matches perfectly :busta:
Vivaldi's Four Seasons - Summer movement

One of my favorite tunes on the violin. In fact, if there is one song I learned to play on the violin, it would be this one. It's fast, it's also amazing. I listen to classical music often, and when someone asks me what some of my favorites are, I never fail to mention this track.



You guys will love this one! If not, ya'll crazy! :hmpf

Now, from this thread and the previous, you saw me post a few Koji Kondo videos, right? Of Zelda? If I haven't then....well, I happen to
love Koji, I think he's fantastic! Really! Especially when he remixes his owns songs or does live performances! :P

You should listen to it (please? lol). It'll be the best 5:00 minutes of your life, promise! I've played it eight million times.

I had it saved for a while...I forgot about it, or I would have posted it before. :laugh

Jersey Girl by Tom Waits.

A cover of it was featured on How I Met Your Mother which I was idling watching a little while ago, so I decided to listen to the original and best version.
Beethoven- 2nd symphony

I know it sounds odd, but I really like how dark and sad this song sounds. It makes me think of a sadistic person, or me driving like a crazy person toward a cliff overlooking water xD

Another good piece from Beethoven :)

Maybe - Sick Puppies

So something pretty interesting about this song: it gives a great message. Pretty much it's about that, if you have or had reached a point in your life one time or another, that you felt like just giving up, and that there's no hope, this song reminds you that there's always something to look forward to, and you should never give up just because your in the shits and the lowest of the low; just change, and move on.

Maybe I'm a dreamer.
Maybe I'm misunderstood.
Maybe you're not seeing, the side of me you should.
Maybe I'm crazy.
Maybe I'm the only one.
Maybe I'm just out of touch.
Maybe I've just had enough.

Maybe it's time to change,
And leave it all behind,
I've never been one to walk alone,
I've always been scared to try.
So why does it feel so wrong,
To reach for something more?
Don't want to live a better life,
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same,
Maybe it's time to change.

Maybe it's hopeless.
Maybe I should just give up
What if I can't trust myself?
What if I just need some help?

Maybe it's time to change,
And leave it all behind,
I've never been one to walk alone,
I've always been scared to try.
So why does it feel so wrong,
To reach for something more?
Don't want to live a better life,
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same,
Maybe it's time to change.

And maybe it's time to change,
And leave it all behind,
I've never been one to walk alone,
I've always been scared to try.
And maybe it's time to change,
And leave it all behind,
I've never been one to walk alone,
I've always been scared to try.
So why does it feel so wrong,
To reach for something more?
Don't want to live a better life,
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same,
Maybe it's time to change.
'Cause nothing stays the same,
Maybe it's time to change

Common People - Pulp

I like Pulp, Martin Jarvis is one of the few musicians with a sense of humour. The song's about class tourism, rich people/the upper class wanting to experience life as if they were poor. He's basically telling them to fuck off because they'll never be able to understand. It's deglamourising what it means to be poor.
And there's a couple of nice lines too.
Sour Candy - Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Josh Ramsay

Amazing song. Love the lyrics, even though the way the girl pronounces some words kinda annoy me, Josh Ramsay (Marianas Trench's lead singer) rules this song. I love his verse. ♥

I've been very cautious...
Trying numbness instead of pain
All your humour makes me, makes me nauseous...
What a twisted, twisted, twisted game.

Fat Joe featuring Ashanti & Ja Rule -- Whats Luv?

This song is full of memories for me. I remember when it came out. It will remind me (oddly enough) of Johnny Bravo. I remember my sister came home with a Tacobell Johnny Bravo toy and this song was playing at home when she came. I stole the toy from her though ^^

Songs from 1990 through 2004/5 will always rule over others in my opinion. :3
^Agreed 100% :ryan:

My Disease - A Skylit Drive

Love this song, and even more so the Screams are used rarely, but still provide enough to give the song the "Post-hardcore"-ish feel.

Second verse is my favorite :ryan:

""look" where "over there" oh I see what you mean
Fear me
Step too close to see what I see
Construct desire
The fine line between disease and what I need"​
Faded - Soul Decision

Most of you probably don't even know what this is, but its a pretty awesome song. It came out I think around 1997-2002. One of my favorite songs on the Now that's what I call Music CDs xD

Its really good, so listen to it. :P

Remember to give a try!

Devil's Advocate:
Really? I thought I was the only one who felt that way :D
Diana Vickers - My Wicked Heart

It's such a catchy song and she has one of the most unusual voices I've ever heard. The production of it is really good. She can most certainly hold her own when singing it. The lyrics are unusual as well, but quite the amazing song.
