The Perpetual Twilight - Sign up & Discussion


ice ice baby
Aug 16, 2007
Crystair, a land once ruled by a kind and gracious King. For endless centuries, the same bloodline forever sat upon the crystal throne, and the kingdom eternally flourished. It was a beautiful land, with silvery trees and lakes of the clearest, shimmering blue. To the east, on the glittering horizon, one would see the dark spire that represented the land of Umbra, its tip forever shrouding in its perpetual darkness. To the West lay Precipia, land of the winged ones, though they had long since gone into hiding.

There had long been a legend told to the children of Crystair; a fabled story of the one known only as “Lionheart”. In these stories he was a courageous man with the bravery of a hundred men and the ability to control the purest of light. It is said that with this light, “Lionheart” could destroy the darkest of evils, cleanse the hearts of the weary and relay messages of the recently deceased. But the children did not believe these stories, after all, surely such a great man could not exist?

Perhaps the most skeptical of all who heard these stories was the young Crown Prince. Even at the age of four, he found these ‘tall tales’ just a little hard to digest. On the one hand, he wished such a man existed, for the war with Umbra would finally come to an end and his parents wouldn’t keep him literally under lock and key. But another part of him knew such people were not real, that these heroes were nothing more than characters in stories to aid the children of the world to sleep easier and feel safer.

Umbra, the land of eternal darkness, an evil and foreboding place. No good had ever crossed its border with Crystair and for many centuries, the two kingdoms had been locked in war. However, a new power was rising in that gloom, driving towards the highest seat of power offered to it. In just one short year, he rose to the top and killed the current Queen in cold blood. Umbra know had a new king, a man so dark that even the shadows quaked in his wake. And yet he waited, biding his time. He knew that soon, his opportunity would come to take the eternally beautiful kingdom of Crystair.

Just after the Prince’s fourth birthday, a strange, bloodstained child was found wandering the village just outside the castle. A dagger gripped in her hand, the child was easily mistaken as an orphan of war. However, she had not merely found the dagger after witnessing her parents’ demise; rather she had indulged in the murder of a rather offensive man who seemed to think that she would return to his home with him by tempting her with sweet things. The young boy that found her did not think of things this way however. A brave child, he approached the girl and guided her to his house where she was quickly cleaned up and fed.

For four years, the girl refused to speak and the family into which she had been adopted feared that perhaps the child was dumb. Yet, she squashed this belief when she spoke the name of the boy who had saved her, and taken her under his wing. For a further four years, the girl spoke only to her new Brother, and would often follow him to watch him as part of the Royal Guard. It was on these little trips that the girl often saw the young Prince, and in time, she went with her Brother more to catch glimpses of the boy rather than to watch the training. The girl was slightly envious that her Brother seemed to be on quite friendly terms with the handsome young Prince.

And still the Tyrant and his Dark General, a man clad in dark armor who was believed to be no more human than shadow, waited. The Prince reached twelve and with it came the awakening of his inner light. A single soldier survived the attack up the Umbran border, only to die upon making it to the throne room. The Prince, however, was able to relay the message of the recently deceased warrior to his father, thus preventing the dark forces from invading Crystair’s border villages. The Queen, now fearful because of this show of power, appealed to the girl’s adopted parents. By this point, her wings had sprouted, revealing her to be of the Winged Ones bloodline, and the Queen, knowing the ferocity and skill of these naturally born assassins, knew the Prince would be in safe hands.

And so the Prince and the Assassin finally met. The Brother was promoted to Commander of the Royal Guard shortly after and three grew closer. It would be this bond that proved to be essential just six years later. Finally the time had come for the Tyrant to take Crystair and he did so with little to no resistance. Having waited so long in the darkness of Umbra, his forces had grown to outnumber those of Crystair and so it was not so much an invasion as a massacre. Yet the Prince, the Assassin and her Brother fought valiantly, getting to the throne room seconds to late.

The King and Queen lay slaughtered, Crystair’s new ruler sitting upon the throne. Upon resting eyes upon the Prince, the Tyrant ordered his death. However, the Assassin lived up to her title of the Prince’s personal bodyguard by dispatching of all who came his way. Not that she needed to worry, for she had learnt over the years that the prince was a very capable swordsman.

And so our story starts here, with the Prince, his bodyguard and the brother being chased from their lands by an army of Dark Soldiers. A handful of Crystair Loyalists find themselves following the Prince, even as the Dark soldiers close in. The commander of the Royal Guards orders the others to run whilst he fends off the soldiers, possibly trying to make up for the death of his King and Queen and his inability to save them.

The others listen to the commanders words, making a break for the border.

But what will become of them now?

Character Template
: ((You don’t have to be Human or a Winged One. Fantasy is where it’s at ;)) ))





Ability: ((Name and description please. Must relate to your element. Other skills do not count towards this, this is purely Elemental Ability))





Fire – Devastating offensive magic that can burn
– Mainly curative magic

– Destructive and unpredictable magic

Ice – Defensive and Offensive magic
Earth – Supportive magic, but can be offensive
– Minor healing and buffing magic, can also be offensive

– Magic of the mind
Spirit – Necromancy

*Shrines can be found along one’s travels. If you enter a shrine and complete a trial, your abilities will deepen and expand* Darkness and Light are restricted to the main characters

The Winged Ones

A race of beings that were created by the gods to be the perfect assassin. But, the gods had not counted upon the effects that taking so many lives would inflict upon them. Over time, the Winged Ones lose themselves with each kill the perform, until when they hit maturity (which is said to be around 19 years of age) they transform into demons of pure darkness, losing any shred of humanity they may have had left.

The Winged Ones vary in appearance, but always gain wings around the age of 13. Typically these wings are black but few have been known to sprout purple, blue or even green. The wings are always dark in color. Besides this, up until their transformation, Winged Ones look very much like the average human apart from the wings for which they got their name.

Main Characters (Those in the history)

The Assassin – Solstice – Winged One (Neliel Tu)
Element – Darkness

Weapon – Katana and Throwing Knives

Gender – Female
Class – Assassin

Age – 19

Starting Ability – Dark Pulse

The Prince - Markus Cardenas – Human (Rene Skylar)
Element – Light

Weapon – Sword

Gender – Male

Class - Master Swordsman

Age – 18
Starting Ability – Converse

The Commander - Jacel Onyx– Human (Klonoa)

Element – Light

Weapon – Sword

Gender – Male

Class - Loyal Defender to the Prince

Age – 20/25

Starting Ability - Sword Wave

The Tyrant - Eurynome Rhade - Human (Apollo Justice)

Element – Darkness

Weapon - Greatsword

Gender – Male

Class - ???

Age - 45
Starting Ability - Shadow Flare

The Dark General - Krypneam Awageam- Human (Prophet)
Element – Darkness

Weapon - Dark Triumph
Gender – Male

Class - Dark General

Age - 27

Starting Ability - The Dead Shall Rise

Prince Loyalists
= 1 male and 1 females remaining

((??? is for the player to decide upon filling out the template))


Rebel Army
The Assassin - Solstice (Neliel Tu)
The Prince - Markus Cardenas (Rene Skylar)
The Commander - Jacel Onyx (Klonoa)
Prince Loyalist - Henrietta Genevive (Tipsynaruto)
Prince Loyalist - Linet Harte (Lone_Jedi)
Prince Loyalist - John Batistuta (Spartan)
Felicis Magnium (Tecktoniked)

Tyrant Army
The Tyrant - Eurynome Rhade (Apollo Justice)
Dark General - Krypneam Awageam (Prophet)
Zingrad Varzen (Jill Valentine)
Letitia Heartsong (Bellatrix Lestrange)
Stefan Serius (Lestat De Lioncourt)

Kal (Red Fox)
Aron (A20)
Ellis and Evodie (anise)

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double post I know but can someone... perhaps move this? >_> I got so excited to post it that I fucked it up :gasp:
Ill join! I think its too late to join the eternal relic one, but this one seems just as good, just less confusing.

Name: Henrietta Genevive
Age: 18
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Weapon: An Odachi. A giant katana about 200cm. (80cm hilt and a 120cm blade). Its sheath has a sling that runs the length of the scabbard. Due to its length, Henrietta slings it on her right shoulder or carries it in her arm. For closer quarter battle, she has two small wakizashi hooked onto the belt on her left side.
Class: Swordsman
Prince Loyalist
Element: Aura
Starting Ability: Swirling Gust: A circulation of wind around the sword that distorts the refraction of light, making it seem invisible.This makes it hard for the opponent to gauge and parry her attacks since they cannot discern the length, width and actual position of the blade by actual sight. The pressurized air can be shot out offensively in a for of intensive gust that can cut at things caught in it.

Physical Description: Henrietta stands at 170cm, rather average for a female. Her hair is long and flowing, reaching down to her hips at the back in a low ponytail. In the front, her fringe sweeps to the left, where most of it is hung behind the ears, reaching the jaw line. Her fringe, however, still cuts across her left eye. The colour of her hair is a nice ivory blonde colour. Her eyes are large and innocent looking with it being a warm golden colour. In general, when seen outside her armour and in a ladies dress, she seems more like a princess than a knight.

Her natural frame is small. From vigorous training, her body is strong and resilliant, but retained the feminine look. Despite having a smaller frame, Henrietta was blessed with natural strength. Taking even further advantage of her size, she dedicates most of her time on speed. As a result, she turned out much faster and stronger than her fellow comrades.

Her armour appears as this, including the helmet. The gauntlet on her arms and boots are made so that they can use to block sword strikes and arrows. She has a cloak such as this, but is completely white with this design with this type of bordering except the white line is in her armour purple. It is a two side cloak, where the inside is inverted colour without the symbol. It can be clasped to her shoulder, mantle style, to show who and what she is or be closed around her body with the hood on to hide her identity more.

Personality: Henrietta is devoted to the crown and its family due to her past. She is willing to do anything and everything in order to ensure the survival of the lineage. A side affect of this is that she is an extremely loyal person, to her friends and her country. However, devotion aside, Henrietta is rather normal type of person with an abnormal amount of stubborness and slightly hot headed. She ususally is in a happy mood and can be carefree and relaxed (but not lazy) at times, but when things are needed to be done, she gets it done.

History: Henrietta had lived on the border of Crystair, her family owning a large plot of land and being a minor lord. Their family had been loyal and devoted to the royal family when their first ancestors were saved by the King's forces. Ever since then, most of the males enlisted into the military with the loyalty hammered into them. The females were the same, but served to assist in raising the boys to serve for the empire.

When Henrietta was four, many of the elegible males left for the capital to enlist, leaving the farmers, the old men and the females. No brigands were smart enough to attack the Genevive Farmlands, as it was reputed to produce the finest soldiers to serve the empire. However, one suicidal band attacked at the right time when they were at its weakest. THe men poured into the farmlands, pillaging, looting and killing. The men made a futile struggle, holing up in the main manor of the lord. When all seemed lost, Soldiers from the army arrived, saving the family. The imminent death and miraculous save burned into her mind. From then on, Henrietta devoted herself to become strong and, abandoning all else, went off to join the army.

Through years of training, Henrietta's devotion and stubborness ensured she soared through the training regiment and, like all of her blood relatives, became one fo the finest soldiers of the army, the Royal Guards. When the attack came, Henrietta was away from the castle. Her squad double timed it back to the castle in order to defend it. On the way in, she caught sight of the Prince, the commander and the Assassin. As the trio charged into the throne room, Henrietta stayed out to cover the exit. It wasn't long before the three came back out. Their retreat signalled to her that the king and queen is dead. Instead of staying behind and surrendering, Henrietta followed the Prince in order to ensure his escape.
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Thankye kindly :monster: Gawd I feel like such a tit XD

AND Hi. I look forward to reading to rest :gasp:
+Name: Solstice

+Age: 19 yet appears to be a couple of years younger physically

+Race: Winged One

+Gender: Female

+Weapon: Bloodlust: A katana with a pure white blade that absorbs the blood that stains it during kills. The hilt is made of jet, an intricate design etched upon it. The guard consists of an almost square shape, rounded off to give it a more feminine touch. It is longer than the average katana, its' sheath obsidian black, a single rune etched upon it to symbolize the bearer's speciality: dealing death.

Kunai: A seemingly endless supply of the traditional throwing weapon.
Made of some white metal, that seems to be the same as the blade of Bloodlust, these Kunai never miss their target, whether it is by the skill of the Assassin or some imbued magic, Solstice is unwillingly to disclose.

+Class: Assassin

+Position: Prince’s Bodyguard

+Element: Darkness (Later evolves to Twilight)

+Starting Ability: Dark Pulse (A shock of dark energy that engulfs the opponent)

+Physical Description
: At five foot eight, Solstice is neither short nor remarkably tall; in her opinion at the very least. Her long, snow white hair falls just past her rear, left loose except for the front bangs which are held by small metal bands. Eyes of a soft, leaf green peer from her pale face, changing to a vivid yellow when engaged in battle. It is perhaps these eyes that lead to the many misgivings of her true personality. They give her an almost angelic appeal, making her appear soft and kind.

Solstice has a slim, well toned physique due to her private training to hone herself to the perfection expected of her profession. Her long legs are muscular without being over the top, molding upwards into curvy hips. Her waist is elegantly slim without appearing underweight, tapering from an ample bosom. Her complexion is quite pale compared to others of her kind, perhaps revealing that there is more to her than just being the perfect killer. Solstice also bears a single, perfectly straight, pale scar down her left thigh, a constant reminder to the one time she lost her focus in battle.

As is the typical with the winged ones, Solstice's wings formed at the age of thirteen. Although they appear black, under direct sunlight, silver almost seems to shimmer like a shrouding mask over them, almost as though protecting the delicate feathers from the intensity. Her wings are also smaller than those of a typical Winged One. Whilst most Winged Ones wings are at least arm span wide, the tips of Solstice's wings brush just past her elbows. She rarely uses them for flying purposes, usually only relying on them for a little extra balance or power to run forwards, which is probably for the best as being smaller, they tend to hinder her airbourne capabilities more than aide them.

The Assassin has a very unsmiling, almost displeased disposition. Rarely does she seem to give off positive emotions, her smile a very rare sight indeed. However, when she does smile, her entire face lights up, her pale eyes sparkling like jades out of a porcelain doll; this often wipes away the fact that she is infact a cold blooded killer, making her appear almost normal.

Her voice holds a mystique all of its own. On the one hand, it is easily definable as female, a rich and pure sort of voice. However, on the other hand, Solstice's voice has a much deeper, undefinable tone, giving it a shadowed veil of intrigue and appeal. One of her hobbies is singing, and this clear, ringing voice allows her to reach notes so perfect that it seems unnatural. But then again, Solstice is not altogether human.

Solstice's attire consists of very little. She believes clothes only hinder her movement and therefore wears as little as she can get away with. The main part of her clothes is a simple, somewhat risqué, dark soft leather, almost leotard style outfit. It lays open at the front, lined with white along the inner hem, covering her chest enough to keep her dignity. Two belts buckle around her torso, just beneath her chest, more as an added precaution in keeping her outfit together than as a fashion statement.

An almost skirt like adornment wraps around her waist, rising up in a V at the front , therefore serving no real purpose in covering her except as providing extra coverage for her numerous kunai. It has an sort of cloak like back attachment that covers her rear and a criss-crossing beaded belt of sorts for decoration. Her feet are covered by a pair of long, dark soft leather boots, reaching her knees. She also wears a pair of gloves in the same material that reach past her elbows. The finishing touch to her attire comes as a red, tattered appearing traveling scarf that she has wrapped so the ends lay down her back.

Solstice wears extremely little in terms of armor as she relies purely upon her speed and cat-like agility to defend her in battle. She does, however, agree to wear a pair of pale gold colored steel covers over her boots, but insisted upon the blades being attached to the back. She also wears a pair of arm guards in the same color, which end in claw like attachments. So as much as she wears them for protection, she can also use them to attack others.

+Personality: Solstice is possibly best described as a little complicated to truly understand. Unlike her kind, she has an extremely loyal streak, as shown in her determination to protect the Prince at all costs, even if it means the loss of her own life. She comes across as uncaring and cold, distant and unresponsive when deep down, she is the complete opposite of these things. Solstice is constantly fighting an internal battle with her own emotions. Whilst she fights to protect the Prince because of her position and the trust placed upon her shoulders, the Assassin struggles to keep her feelings for him hidden.

The Winged Ones typically never experience true emotions, especially those of the purest kind, and so Solstice naturally finds the concept of love and kindness hard to deal with. This more often than not is the reason behind her icy fa
çade as she finds it easier to disguise her true feelings if she acts aloof.

Solstice has no understanding of the differences between male and female and therefore doesn't really take personal space of the opposite sex into account. Nor does she understand that certain touches and gestures may be deemed inappropriate between the genders. Because of this lack of gender distinction, she thinks nothing of changing or bathing in front of others as she also does not understand the concept of embarrassment and therefore never takes anyone's into account.

The other defining characteristic of Solstice is a darker side of her, usually triggered by an assault by the enemy upon either the Prince or her Brother. Solstice becomes enraged, her shadowed side taking over until she barely recognises friend from foe. This side of her has never been revealed to Markus or Jacel, mainly because she would retreat to a private place and fight it out of herself, or simply take out that which was the problem.

+History: [coming soon]

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Kal will start out as a neutral, and we will see which side he takes ^^

-Name: Kal
-Age: Never tells, looks like in his mid 30ies. Is really 23 years.
: Half dead. Though a human, his spirit is not as it should be (explained in the history)
-Gender: Male
The Soul Stealer: The name is only as he liked the sound of it.
The blade has a single edge and extends a rough meter (approx 3 feet), it curves almost like a Katana, just not as much. The blade itself is jet black, yet still has the clean reflective surface. The handle is wrapped with a dark red under cord, and a black over cord, giving it some red patterns here and there. The handle is a 2 hander. The hand guard is pure white in color, and has an oval shape with some engravings in it looking like smoke. It hangs in a black, wooden sheath. Just under the hand guard, hangs a ring that is a part of both the hand guard as well as the handle, he keeps his index finger in this, as it serves 2 main purposes.
First of all, it allows him to do several techniques that require one to let go of the handle. And the second is that the ring is also fastened to a self retracting wire, that, if lost, the blade will come back to his hand.
|-Primary: Necromancer.
|-Secondary: Sword user.
: Wanderer. Seeking employment.
: Spirit
-Starting Ability
Raise dead:
He has the ability to raise the dead, either giving them life back where lost, or giving them just enough to work under him as a minion. This spell works in 3 ways (initially)
-Raise undead zombie: Without targeting anyone, or rather targeting a spesific location, he can raise zombies from nowhere, they manifest around him, and will have little to no skill with anything, save speed. They are faster then they look, but almost any trained person would be able to take them out. They attack with teeth and nails.
-Targeted Raise dead: He can bring a target back to life as an undead minion, it will retain the clothes/armor it had when alive (serve that it is still on it), and it will retain some of its skill. So a melee fighter will still be a melee fighter, and a mage will still be a spellcaster, just not as good as he used to be, due to the painful fact that he is kept alive by magic.
-Gift of life: Using most of his energy reserves, he can resurrect a target to as it was before it died. Its wounds will be healed to the extent that they are no longer fatal nor dangerous, and they will be “free” just like before death. ((AKA, plain resurrection spell))
-Physical Description: He stands 184cm tall, and weighs around 80 kilos. He has roughly 2 foot long dark gray hair that hangs loosely down along his back. His eyes are what one can define as “blind man’s eyes”, signaling that he is blind on both eyes. Which he is (also explained in the history) He wears completely black clothes, shirt and pants of a cotton like fabric, and a leather coat that has a hood covering half of his upper face.
His boots are of a leather fabric. The coat works as a rain coat if closed, and is water proof.
Across his back, hangs his blade, it hangs so that the handle is over his right shoulder.

-Personality: He is a really laid back character, he rarely if ever stresses, and likes to take things calm.He often smiles, and always takes care of himself. He is the type that follows the one that pays the most, but after “contract” has been formed; he will not turn back for a higher sum.
The thing though, is that he is a literalistic, and likes to exploit loopholes. If one asks him to do something, and it is not detailed enough, he might end up doing almost nothing, as it based on technicalities.
Example: Say someone hires him to help them with building a house. He gets paid.
He might take up a hammer, put in a SINGLE nail, then walk off. As it was not detailed that he was to help them complete it, nor any other detail.
He does have a sense of humor, though none might show on looking at him.
He had weird ways of seeing things, as a dead body is no longer a person, so he sees no problems in using that as a mindless minion.

He was like any other kid when little, playing around with his friends, and doing as most.
But as puberty started, he changed.
Where most only had problems with their voice, as was normal during this time. He ended up in a week long bedridden state of pain. Where many doctors could do nothing and the priests tried to exorcize him.
What had happened after he “came back” was that he had indeed changed.
The only physical difference, was that his eyes where white/grayish, as one would assume from a blind person, and this was true. He was blind in the manner of eyesight. But he had been given different gifts.
The very feel of his presence was also different, it was discovered later that his soul was half dead. Maintaining a state of dead and alive at the same time, this allowed him to tap into a rather unique power.
The way he can see now, is not as most, he sees the world as normal, and save that there is a “milk screen” over everything, making it slightly darker but whiter. The result of this is that he has the same “vision” of a thing, regardless of the light on or around it. Although regardless of what he sees, it is always in black and white. This is also true for underwater and in completely dark areas. THi9s also gives him a larger 'view mode' then normal. He can even see behind himself if he wishes. Which makes a back attack almost impossible.

He took up traveling after a while, and ended up getting hold of a sword, for his protection. What he did not know when he was still a teen, was now his power. The power of the Undead.
Is this place generally european orientated?

AND i finished my profile. BTW, neutral is spelt wrong.
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Lol I tend to get confused when tired >_>;

Welcome. ;)) I think Solstice is gunna like you xP
count me in xD

: Zingrad Varzen
Age: 35
: Demi-Human (half human, the other half is currently undisclosed and will be revealed as the story goes on)

Gender: Male
: Chain Blade, A Crimson one handed sword, with several spear-headed chains dangling from the crossguard, these chains are controlled by Zingrads will and will strike out, extend and attempt to bind whomever Zingrad is attacking

: Enchained Spellsword (A combination of aura magic and swordplay, manipulating the chains upon his sword to defend and attack that creates a unpredictable fighting style)

: Mercenary, currently under the employment of the Tyrant Army

: Aura

Ability: Seven Sins: Zingrad focuses his mind onto his chain blade, freeing the chains from the crossguard and binding them to his wrist, he concentrates his power sending the chains out to impale his victim and drag them in, allowing him to unleash a seven slash brutal assault upon them, with each strike the chains will twinge as they suck his victims aura out as Zingrad seemingly feeds upon it.

Description: approximatley 5ft 11, and 13stone, hes not the largest of men, but is well built for his size, he is dressed dark blue armor that covers his entire body with flashes of red upon it, on his face he wears a dark blue mithril half-mask that covers his brow, coming down to the tip of his nose and cheekbones, he has yellow eyes and long black hair that comes below the shoulder and is slightly spiked on the top and the forehead, Zingrad also wears a long silver and grey cape, as well as gauntlets that are shaped like claws on the fingertips, around his waist is a blackened steel belt, with his scabbard.

Personality: Extremely self obsessed and only cares about his next bag of gold, everyone has a price, and no job is turned down as long as they pay-day is worth the effort, When Zingrad has a job, hes relentless and will do everything he can to see it through to its conclusion and eventual pay up!

Very little is known about Zingrad, less still about where he comes from, what is known is that he is a very dangerous individual that spends his time searching for the next big payday and very rarely turns down any long as the price is right!
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Name: Felicis Magnium
Age: 20
Alignment: Good.

Race: Shadowed. Half human parts half dark spirit.
Gender: Male

Weapon: Sword (Felicis's own master piece) and Shield (Felicis's own soul).
Class: Shadow Whisperer. "He who grieves for power, must carve blood and flesh."
Position: Shadow General
Element: Lightning
Starting Ability: Soul Energizer. After defeating someone, it takes the untouched essence of the soul and absorves it in to Felicis's own soul, making him stronger and faster.

Physical Description: <-----

Personality: Felicis is a leader type of person. He prefers going through a plan than simply enter it head on. Since he is no longer a human being, he doens't feel any attraction and/or remorse for killing. When killing, only souls are the ones who excites him most. He is not sadistic, he only kills wen necessary.

History: Little is know about Felicis. All that is known is that, he was once a travelling swords merchant/maker, who fell ill while constructing his special master piece. After his death, the very blade reconstructed himself, using parts of the void and his soul. The result was a Shadowed being. After that incident, little is known. Some say he went to Umbra and became a soldier. Others say he became the Queen's General and lover. So little is known.
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Adding you now Jill.

Rage, do you mean Ex-Dark General, cos if you're going fer the Dark General, I need profile Pming first to make sure it's in sync with the Tyrant ;))
Umm. 13 kilos, are you aware of how little that is?
Even though he is only half human, consider this.

A newborn human baby, is 2-6 kilos in general.
An adults brain, is around 3-3.5 kilos.
a desktop computer often exceeds 6-8 kilos, depending on model.

Off course, I don't have the final say, and the other part of him might be the reason for this.
I just wanted to check that it was not a typo ^^

As reference, a friend of mine is around that height, he is 60 kilos, and he is VERY light for that height.
Umm. 13 kilos, are you aware of how little that is?
Even though he is only half human, consider this.

A newborn human baby, is 2-6 kilos in general.
An adults brain, is around 3-3.5 kilos.
a desktop computer often exceeds 6-8 kilos, depending on model.

Off course, I don't have the final say, and the other part of him might be the reason for this.
I just wanted to check that it was not a typo ^^

As reference, a friend of mine is around that height, he is 60 kilos, and he is VERY light for that height.
ment stone editing accordinglu, problem with staying up over 24 hours is you miss those details :p
Thanks for reserving Prince for meh :monster:

Name – Markus Cardenas

Title – The Prince

Alignment – Good

Race – Human. You should know what a human is...

Gender – Male

Age – 18

Appearance – Markus is six foot one and weighs approximately 190 pounds. He has long, spiky, dark hair which just comes to above his shoulders. He is extremely muscular but he does not appear so. He normally stands so his upper body is leaned back slightly, giving him a cocky look. He has dark green eyes which are filled with a dark ominous shine to them, he has perfect white teeth. He has slight stubble on the his jaw which is quite prominent despite his skin being tanned.

His arms are large due to their muscles and his fists are the average adult mans size.

Attire – Markus wears a simple red, sleeveless jacket which he usually keeps zipped up halfway. He wears a loose blue belt and dark red, baggy pants. He has a simple necklace with the crest of his hometown on, he also wears a set of brown leather gloves and wears his blade on the right side of his waist in a plain sheathe which he usually rests his right hand on. He wears a pair of dark, red trainers

Personality – Markus is a cocky man, he says things as they are and never holds back, no matter what the circumstances. He can also be very arrogant, yet despite this he can have a caring friendly side. He is confident with himself and never worries about what people think of him. He is a strong believer in "self-preservation" and normally only does things if it profits him or if he is dragged into it. He can be very sarcastic when talking and usually speaks his mind aloud when something is happening. He will normally treat people fairly unless they give him a bad impression by being rude or even attacking him on sight.

First Impression – If he was asked to help someone he would immediately ask what was in it for him. Also if someone literally dragged him into something he would probably say something along the lines of "What did I do to get into this?" whilst groaning about his luck. Most people find him arrogant or cocky immediately making them dislike him, however some people find his cockiness amusing as he can be quite funny whilst being so.

Strength – Markus has the strength of an average man, he is powerful enough to create a crack in the wall, however this would probably only be when he is angry or has adrenaline pumping through his veins, but not strong enough to decimate it. Against a foe with minimal defense, if he struck him in the torso, Markus could probably wind the man causing around 120 damage.

Speed – Markus is extremely fast, he has practiced acrobatics all his life so he has had to become as fast as possible so he could do things such as wall running, gaining enough speed to jump large distances etc. He can sidestep quite speedily and avoid slow attacks and medium speed attacks quite easily. Also his attacks are usually quite fast but depending on whether or not it is a powerful attack the speed will vary.

Endurance – Due to Markus' extensive training he has gained plenty of endurance for his running. He can run flat out at his top speed for roughly half an hour before having to stop to catch his breath. However he doesn't have to do this, he has trained himself to be able to run at his top speed for this long and then jog whilst catching his breath. Markus is human so depending on the severity of the wound he can either live through it or will die of severe bleeding, however due to certain circumstances, Markus gained the ability to regenerate wounds after a certain amount of time. He can fight for hours without stopping.

Reflexes – Usually Markus can react to an attack quite fast, normally just managing to draw his blade in time to block the attack or even draw it in time to attack before the enemy strikes. Markus can usually jump out of the way before the enemy will fire the bullet. He also seems to have a sixth-sense for knowing if he is about to be attacked.

Fighting Style – Markus is extremely proficient with the blade, however he usually shows off in battle and often gives the enemy several openings to attack. He is very cocky in battle but fights to the best of his ability to make sure he can save his skin. If needed to he can also protect someone if he has to in battle. He normally prefers to fight head on and if he can one on one, though he has been known to fight against multiple opponents at the same time and come out on top.

Weapons –

Armour – He wears his regular clothes

Class: Master Swordsman

Position: Lionheart.

Element: Light

Starting Ability:
Converse (Enables the Prince to converse with the recently deceased)

History: Markus, the supposedly "Lionheart" that would bring light and peace to the world. His fate had been chosen for him before he had even been born, something he had resented for a long time, however he knew he had to stick to his duty. Ever since the young age of 12, he has been able to converse with the recently deceased through the mystical powers of the Lionheart.

For years, he learned the ways of the blade, becoming a master of the blade at only 14 years old in order to protect his country. Through his studies he became close friends with a soldier in the Royal Guard called Jacel Onyx. They became close friends, often sparring with each other. Markus knew of the girl who lived with Jacel but had never spoken to her due to something in her past, something Jacel would not tell him.

One day, the young girl sprouted wings, something of which made Markus utter bewildered. Apparently she was one of the "Winged Ones". Powerful assassins. The girl was made his bodyguard, something he protested against, he could easily handle himself. However, he met the girl, uncaring for her speed or strength, but he treated her kindly. Eventually Jacel became the commander of the Royal Guard and the group became even closer. Markus began to develop a protecting bond Solstice, despite her being HIS bodyguard.

And then it happened, a fateful battle raged through Markus' city. He fought against the Dark General's armies and forced his way through to the throne room. He could already sense what had happened before they were near the throne room. The echoes of the dead screamed all around Markus, but two voices stood out. Two soft voices spoke caringly and as Markus neared, they became clearer. The body of his parents were in the middle of the throne room, the Dark General standing over them and the Tyrant sat in the throne.

Markus wanted to fight. However Jacel and Solstice forced him away, taking him from the battle. They had to escape, the army of darkness hot on their heels. This is where the story begins.
Name: Jacel Onyx
Age: 24

: Human
Gender: Male

: Swift Saber: A 5ft long saber, the handle and sword are made from seperate pieces of steel and then forged together. The handle is crimson red in colour while the blade remains in it's original steel colour, the blade itself, unlike average sabers is actually 7 inches wide at the base and slowly shortens the length as it reaches the top. It weighs roughly 80lbs though his strength makes it as weildable as a 50lbs weapon (feel free to correct if the weights sound a bit weird, i'm not too good with the math etc)
: Loyal Defender of the Prince
: Guard Commander
: Light
Ability: Sword wave: A combat enhancing ability, it works by creating light blue shockwaves with attacks, so a downward slash would create a wave across the ground and a thrust will have a stab wave added to it. The ground waves are more long range while the stabs are designed for quickfire, close range attacks. As usage increases, new skills and combos can be developed to make them more deadly.

Eye Colour: His eyes are light blue and mysterious, almost housing a deep emptyness and an aware sense within them. His eyes tend to be half closed, trying not to show much of them to people.

Hair Colour/Style: Very light blonde hair, thin in style and reaches quarterway down his back. He prefers to have the sides go over his torso while the center stay at the back. The hair that falls to the back, to avoid it blowing over him in the wind, has it tied tightly at the bottom to hold it together with a small piece of red ribbon.

Skin Colour: Caucasian at first glance however it is a shade paler which is fairly sensitive to change in heat (for a lengthly amount of time, not after just a few minutes)

Boots: Dark brown leather adventurer boots, the tops are loose and are generally comfy and suited to handle most forms of terrain, they have flexibility for agile manouvers and toughness to handle even jagged rocks.

Trousers: Dark green trousers which are ever so slightly baggy, they comfily fit within the boots and can preserve heat quite well, being a must in the mountain regions.

Shirt: A light blue shirt with long sleeves, it is fairly tight and has white stripes going down the shirt, 1cm apart. The cuffs are cleanly white with small golden decoration across the ends.

Jacket: A light brown buttonless open jacket, it is sleeveless and is designed both for warmth and defense, wrapped in soft fur on both the front and back makes it gentle to the touch. Almost new in appearance and covers the torso from top to bottom and slightly covers the neck.

Hat: A musketeer style hat with a red feather through the top, mostly worn for show or to mask his face from view. The hat itself is black in colour and fits snugly on his head.

Personality: A man who swears unflinching loyalty to the prince of his country. Always willing to risk his life to save that of the prince's, this can often lead one to believe that he is a full-duty, workaholic who does not engage in any 'fun'. However this is far from true, though he does swear loyalty, during time to himself he can be charismatic among his friends. Due to his looks he can often gain female interest however he is not one to fall into such traps, choosing to find one he can give his life to, someone he truly loves without a shadow of a doubt and one he could keep from harm and become her sword and shield. However he does not go to find such a love, for his duty is what currently matters most to him.

Name: The Tyrant, Eurynome Rhade (known as Rhade)
Age: 45
Race: Human (for now :wacky:)
Gender: Male
Weapon: Unknown (Greatsword, to be described in RP)
Title: King of Umbra, King of Crystair (self-declared)
Element: Darkness
Starting Ability: Shadow Flare (Powerful purple flames are projected from the Tyrant's blade)

Physical Description: If a single word could describe the appearance of Eurynome Rhade, it would be: IMPOSING. Rhade is tall and powerfully built, standing at 6'4" (~1.9m) and weighing about 260 lbs (~118 kg). He is powerfully muscled from years of combat and waging war. He normally wears a suit of mystical onyx plate mail that has a dark red sheen...from the blood of his countless enemies. When entering battle, Rhade also wears a matching helmet. His face is well-defined, with a pointed chin that further enhances his imposing figure. He has short blonde hair, a short blonde beard, and small, piercing green eyes.

Personality: Rhade is absolutely soulless. He desires one thing: more power. He will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal, and thus acts with no moral compass whatsoever. Furthermore, he treats most others as simple stepping stones to achieve his goals. He treats his subordinates as little more than tools...with the exception of the Dark General, who is likely the only person who lives that he shows respect for. Overall, Rhade is cold, heartless, and egotistical.

History: Rhade was born years ago in Umbra. At the age of six, his parents came home to find that he had brutally slaughtered the family's pet dog. His parents, horrified, sent him away to an orphanage. After spending a year there among the other orphans, another child made the mistake of poking fun at Rhade. The next morning, his body was found, eviscerated and slashed. The seven-year-old Rhade was nowhere to be found, and the orphanage didn't bother looking for him.

Rhade resurfaced at the age of sixteen when he appeared to sign up for the military. Given Umbra's propensity to warfare, the military officals made no mind to the fact this young man had no apparent identity. Rhade rose through the ranks quickly, gaining respect...and a devoted following. His coldhearted approach to warfare brought him many victories, and a reputation for ruthlessness. While Rhade was repeatedly promoted, there was only one seat that he truly wanted...the throne.

During a gala which was thrown to celebrate Rhade's promotion to High Commander, the coup took place. All of the guards and military men in attendance were under Rhade's control...and those loyal to the Queen were swiftly murdered. Rhade finally sat on the throne of Umbra...but another target still awaited. Crystair was a continued thorn in the side of Umbra, and Rhade decided that he would hold their throne as well.

With Rhade, a military genius, as King; Umbra's armies began to advance. Within a few short years, the tides had turned, and the capital of Crystair was invaded. Rhade had the pleasure of seeing the frightened looks on the faces of the King and Queen as he drove his blade through their bodies. He sat on the throne, triumphant, only to see the Crown Prince escape right from under his nose. Rhade knew that he would have to exterminate this last threat...only then could his grip on the world be complete...
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Name: Letitia Heartsong

Age: Unknown

Race: Necromancer/Demon Summoner

Gender: Female

Weapon: Dark Whip, a whip imbued with dark magic that can cut through the light if it strikes first, but loses if light gets the upper hand. It glows a soft purple, and gives off a black mist. It's edges are spiked with steel which glitters by moonlight. She can make this weapon appear and disappear at will.

Element: Spirit

Title: Necromancer to the Dark General and the Tyrant.

Starting Ability: Dark Rose Mist: A mist gathers around the foes and purple arcs of light begin to form, rushing through the mist at anyone who has been trapped within their depths, about the size and sharpness of a knife.

Physical Appearance: Tall and imposing, with slanted violet eyes and a beautiful pale face with rose coloured lips. Slender and wiry with thin fingers and long, lustrous black hair that falls to her middle back. A scar runs down her back from her history, which she hides with glamours.

Clothing: A long black dress, high heels and a black pearl necklace, along with two gold rings with black stones set in them.

Personality: Is absolutely delighted by the pain and agony of anyone, whether they serve the Light or Daark. She doesn't want to be the leader, she prefers to stay in the sidelines, whispering into the Dark General and the King's ear. Always takes the side of darkness and is ruthless in battle, showing no squeamishness against taking life and torture by summoning malevolent spirits and demons to her sides. Nothing makes her happier than the fear of the young.

History: Trained herself in the ancient art of necromancy at a young age and though she was warned against using it for evil by her family and village, allowed herself to be posessed by spirits. She forced them out and left on a journey of self-discovery, after which she joined the dark side, quickly rising among the ranks until eventually she was the royal necromancer.