The Perpetual Twilight - Sign up & Discussion

I have created two characters that very much go together. With everyone's consent, I would like to RP both of them. I'm quite an experienced RP'er, so handling two characters is absolutely no problem for me.

Let me know what you think, there's lots of room to grow these two characters. It also seems the story needs some characters to push it into a less "GOOD vs. EVIL" narrative, it needs more good neutral characters.

Name: Ellis
Age: 24
: Human
Gender: Male
: Daggers, one relatively useless flint gun that looks much better than it shoots.
: Thief
: Chaotic Neutral
: Fire

Starting Ability
: Fire Whip, a long chain of fire that allows Ellis to push back an opponent, ensnare an enemy in torturous flame, and/or cut through minor objects of simple metals.

: Ellis is a rather single minded man. When he desires something, he will become obsessed with the accomplishment and/or aquirement of said desire. Luckily, his desires mostly surround material goods, money and sexual conquests.
Nonetheless, Ellis can be a sensitive man. He is easily intrigued by mysteries, puzzles and games. As he becomes older he feels more inclined to solve the eternal mysteries of life: where he is going, what he is meant to do and what will happen to him when he dies. As such, he is sometimes cowardly in battle, choosing to save his life rather than die an honourable death.

Name: Evodie
Age: 24
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Weapons: Rapier, Ash Staff
Class: Fencer
Position: Lawful Neutral
Element: Earth

Starting Ability:
Seeds of Renewal, Evodie fills the target with the Earth's energy, healing wounds both physical and mental. The effects last for some time, depending on the will of the target. The longest period of time it can last for is 2 hours. When cast on Earth and Aura Elementalists, it will briefly give extra power to their ability.

Evodie has always lived her life as a counter balance to her twin brother. While he was busy getting in trouble and gaining mountains of negative attention, Evodie quietly yearned for acceptance and admiration. She is a solid thinker, logical and very out of tune with her deeper, emotional side. Her actions, however, are not without emotional merit. Often times Evodie will logically rationalize an incredibly emotional situation without examining her true motivations. This leads to her making similar mistakes repeatedly.
Evodie has always searched to validation of her choices and successes from outside sources, and since her brother is more than happy to provide, she often finds herself at his behest regardless of shared motivation.

History:Ellis and Evodie were born fraternal twins to an apothacary and a royal seamstress. They had relatively sheltered childhoods, with Ellis getting into his fair share of trouble. When their schooling was complete, Evodie decided to join the Royal Army in hopes of forging a new path of success for her family.
Ellis, on the other hand, quickly tired of his apprenticeship with a prominent mage and quickly fell into life of crime. His lust for material goods was only surpassed by his desire to top his last conquest, which often ends in some sort of trouble due to Ellis' lack of ability to plan ahead.

All's well for Ellis and Evodie, until that fateful day falls upon them and their home is left in ruins...

Physical Description:
Ellis and Evodie are fraternal twins


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It's fine with me. =] I was going to include my twin characters later as neutrals xD But I see no need to now. Accepted.

Nice bio/s btw. ;))
Thanks! They don't have to be twins if you want to add new twin chars in later. I'm perfectly fine with them being siblings.
No no, it's cool. ^^ I have another character for story purposes anyway. =] I'll be getting these NPC's up soon. They're all story related ^_^

look forward to writing with you. :)
Thanks! I hope my first post worked well with the story. Don't mind Ellis, he likes to think he knows things, but he really doesn't.