How Many Languages Do You Speak?

How many languages do you speak? Again l337 $p3@k doesn't count :D

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english is my native language, but i've been speaking german for 6 years and french for 3, so i'm pretty fluent in both. i know some japanese, but thats just from movies and anime lol.
Well i speak Portuguese (Native tongue), Spanish (Im Spanish descendant, so i know a little, even tough im a little rusty) and English as you see it.

*Spanish is A LOT different from portuguese, some words are very similiar but the majority are very different in therms or writing and pronounce.

Are you from Portugal or Brasil? :)

Yes Portuguese and Spanish are DIFFERENT. Although I can understand a Portguese/Brasilian person speaking(some words, maybe even sentences =D).


Serremos rapido como um rio. Portuguese
Serre mas raudo que un rio bravo. Spanish

Similiar but different :)

We have a joke here in Puerto Rico that says "Portugues es un Espanol mal hablado XD".

- Sephir8th
Korean and English

Korea was my birthcountry and background so that's obvious.
And English was because I immigrated to Canada in 1999 so I can speak fluently.
Does French count? Because of a province in Canada, we had to learn it, allthough I cant pronnounce or say it fluently.
I can speak english, swedish and i little bit of russian wich i study at school.
I speak English, French, some Spanish, some Japanese, Patois
Oh! I thought there was another one...but I forgot
I can kinda understand VERY little Italian and Catalan
Ughhh Ive scoured Costa i KNOW we have a thread on this... ¬_¬

Thread Moved to Meeting Room
English, French, Russian, Japanese, and Korean.

I speak English fluently. I speak French semi-fluently (I can formulate a response but it may not make complete sense). I can read the Cyrillic alphabet (which is what Russian's use) and can somewhat understand Russian but I cannot create full sentences, just say a few words to try and get my point across. I can read Hiragana and Katakana but NOT Kanji and can say a few sentences in Japanese... again, I can say words but most of the time I cannot form a full phrase, but I can understand some. I can say a few words and phrases in Korean and can understand a little bit but I cannot read it.

So all and all I'd say I'm fluent in English and French. I'm close with Russian but I haven't found the urge to further my knowledge. I was once learning Japanese quickly but after College I haven't had the time to continue. The only reason I picked up Korean was due to my previous job.
I speak English, Tagalog, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Russian.

I'm fluent in English and Tagalog, I'd say I'm somewhat fluent in Spanish (I can read perfectly well and understand everything), I'm working on Chinese right now (about to enter third semester Chinese), I know basic German structures and can read the Cyrillic alphabet.

Also, Kelly, I swear we have like 5 threads like this in here somewhere too. xD
I only speak English. Or Aussie to be more specific. XD There is a difference. XD

But yeah I was learning German, Japanese and Russian, but that was when I was in highschool and don't really remember much except for counting in their languages and such.

So I only know how to speak English. Too much for my small brain to comprehend any other languages. :gasp: XD
English and Danish, so that would be 2.

I did 5 years of German in highschool and primary school, and 2 years of Spanish (Castilian) in highschool, but I wouldn't be able to carry out a meaningful conversation in either. In German and Spanish I can order a beer, ask for directions, and all that jazz, but my vocabulary and understanding of the finer points of those languages is not significant enough for me to claim that I'm fluent in either.
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Blast. It was only after I chose the second option that I realized my choice should be others.

Well, in a sense, this choice is right.

I know, fluently, 2 languages, Mandarin and English, and take those up as my subjects in school. And, I perform better in Mandarin academically, but is able to speak better in English. How's that for irony.

On the other hand, I do know... A bit of Malay, a bit of Japanese, a bit of Korean... It's probably not enough to hold a decent conversation, but is definitely more than just the basic greetings like 'Good Morning' etc.
Irish and English for me.

I could be better with Irish though. I have trouble structuring sentences still but I understand around 90%.

It's only due to lack of practice though. No one ever speaks Irish around here.
I speak fluent Norwegian, English and Japanese.
I fully understand Swedish, can speak some Swedish as well.
Currently learning; Thai.

I have lived in Japan for eight years, and was born and currently residing in Norway. I am also a self taught in English. I can type and speak fluent.
I speak english. Can't say I have really mastered it either, but that is more to do with me mumbling and jumbling my words when I speak, as opposed to not knowing the words in the first place. Communication failure rather than anything else I guess...

Other than that I'm afraid I am not fluent enough in any other languages to be able to say that I speak them.

I know some french from when I took it at GCSE level, and in years before that too. However if a french person was to come up to me and speak to me I'd be lost entirely. I've forgotten most of it anyway.

I know a few words from random languages here and there, but never enough to have a conversation with.

I might start teaching myself some languages though. I might start with something really obscure or fictional such as klingon, with no use whatsoever. I'd do this because I'd feel awesome being able to swear at people in klingon without actually swearing, and to be able to claim that I can speak it.

For more serious languages though I would like to learn Greek and Japanese above any others at the moment.