Hobbies ect..

Well, I'm enrolled in college at ESCC right now for a degree in General Studies (because the Graphic Design program is non-existent) but as it is, I'm taking a break from it for this semester. That isn't really a hobby but it's a preliminary insight into my life, so deal with it. Beyond this, most of my time is spent mucking around with Photoshop as I've forced myself to become practiced with said program for about seven years. Though, that isn't nearly as lengthy as the time I've spent playing vidya games, which has been for nineteen years, and wouldn't you know I'm terrible at them?

Moving on, for quite some time now I've become engrossed in 'LP'ing' that is creating and uploading video game walkthroughs to Youtube under the names of 'Lets Plays'. I operate the first and only LP Help Channel which, as you would guess, was created primarily to aid up and coming LP'ers in amassing a decent audience. Now, some may say this is counter-intuitive for the fact that I myself am not popular, but I still enjoy helping people with the knowledge and resources I have available to me. I know a minimal amount of editing techniques, though I believe I know enough to get by with Sony Vegas.

Hey, I don't know how to segue. I watch Football, most notably NCAA as opposed to the NFL, with my favored team being Alabama. As far as Soccer is concerned, I prefer Liverpool as a club team and England as a national team. I don't watch Soccer as often as Football, but that's because it's rather difficult to catch -all- of the games over here. Other than all of this, I enjoy roleplaying even though I haven't done so consistently in quite some time. Oh, and I like to play Keyboard. IT'S FUN! I LIKE THE DING NOISES!
I read A LOT at the moment. Now that my degree in English has finished, I can't get enough of books. I think I have a pile of about 60 to read... Perhaps more. Seriously.

I love to write, too. :) And create sigs/wallpapers in Photoshop. I hope to draw digitally soon...or at least improve my ability to colour hand drawings. -_-

I love to play music, although I don't do that nearly enough. I can play the piano, the guitar (a little), and plan to re-learn the violin and tenor sax! :)
i write fanfictions... used to with animes... (lol only a few actually)
ive written more about girls generation and akb/ske48, and now im starting on morning musume
and of course, dont forget listening to music hahaha!!! (r&b, kpop, JPOP)
I've gotten back into games after a massive dry spell between 1999 and 2008. I went from console gaming to PC. I've probably spent a good 4,000 hours in Quake 4 online as my top game.

I used to like to write raps but as soon as I figured out I hated my voice and delivery, that was the end of that after awhile, haha. But I DO , STILL LOVE making the occasional beat, but nothing restricted, I actually like movie score sounding stuff a lot more these days. Though, I'm NOT very good, I'm not musically trained, but using looped based programs is fun to make the odd beat. I try to pour my feelings into it as much as I can, but eh, I think I'm going to have to learn how to play the piano first :)

I've gotten my taxes back and just bought a weight bench, some weights, bars, jump rope, push up bars, etc. . So hopefully I'll be biking 10-20km every morning starting monday lol. working out 5 days a week. I just wish I had some extra cash to join something like aerobics cuz I'd rather lose more fat that I've gained over the last 4 years than to bulk up with muscle. I need to SLIM down x)

I'd say learning about PC building / modding is a hobby because I'm not in school to learn about them or anything, but all the researching time I put into building this PC I have now has paid off, I"ve learned so much, and to me, I wouldn't mind starting a business that's into -building / repairing and selling PC's / hardware / software.

I wouldn't mind learning about the OS / Software side of PC's too. I'd like to build my own linux OS from the ground up (not create an OS, but use one of the more complicated linux distros and customize it ENTIRELY to my liking)

I've downloaded GIMP and wouldn't mind learning how to edit photo's create GFX too, I just have no idea where to start

I just downloaded something called RPG Maker VX or something, but it's a bit more complicated than I thought it was going to be. Though I would LOVE to make a full fledged game that is about 20 hours long.
I write small short fan fictions based on movies, games or anime. I am in the midst of posting a completely original piece which I will post up soon. I like to film short movies as I write screenplays for my own work. I haven't done much filming as of late cause I'm saving up for a editing suite for my HD camcorder filming.

I like to draw and read roman based novels, I like to console game every now and again and have had m experience making 2D games but have kind of lost touch with that side of life.

I am also good with photoshop but in terms of general manipulation and alteration, I'm not so good at making artistic pieces like signatures for forums etc.
I have a lot of weird hobbies. :ohshit:

One thing I do involves trying to think up new and exciting ways to avoid having a job & have more free time on my hands. I can't say I've put much time or effort into it. I've only gone to one real estate seminar and can't say I've read a lot of books on the topic. There are countless people working much harder at it than I am. But, basically, I have an interest in everything from stock markets to real estate to entrepreneurship and business, economics, politics, etcetera. In a way, its possible you have to mention them all together as they're so closely related and inter-linked. :ohshit:

Another thing I do sometimes is I think of something most people think is impossible and try to come up with ways it might be done. I don't know if people realize there was a pretty big reward on Osama Bin Laden's head. I tried to think up possible ways of tracking down his location once just because I was bored, I guess. Another thing I did is I tried to come up with an application to detect genders based on things a person says online in a text format online. I found gender based studies which compared the differences between male and gendered speech patterns and went from there. Not a big deal, really, other people have tried it. Ending poverty, curing depression, ending oppression and intolerance -- those are the types of problems that used to appeal to me.

Another hobby I have is I'm interested in philosophy and abstractions relating to emotions and a person's mental and spiritual well being. In my case, I think most philosophy is garbage not worth reading. I think universities & colleges intentionally adopt overly convoluted and complicated philosophical abstracts because they need to make courses as long and useless as possible to boost their profit margins. Real philosophy died centuries ago. All that's left now is a commercialized and useless branch that has no real world application.

I used to also be interested in martial arts. It used to interest me how there could be two people who were pretty evenly matched and which factors or characteristics could enable one to win over another. Even if I never really trained what someone might call: seriously in any martial art I would do things like... work a 8-12 hour shift doing manual labor. That be decently brutal, sometimes. Then walk / jog home 8-12 miles. Wake up next day, do it again. And, again. I may not be the toughest or strongest person in the world, but it is possible I'm at least decent or average.

Another thing I used to be interest in was the ocean. Whether people realize it or not, its possible there's an entire genre of lore, culture and history related to being a waterman and having an ocean based lifestyle. Its not necessarily just surfing or fishing. It can involve diving and understanding weather patterns and anaerobic training and other things that are difficult to put into words. It may also imply conservationism and maintenance of ecosystems, etc.

Something else I was interested in: women. I used to try to think up with original ways to pleasure and satisfy women. And wonder how to achieve the perfect orgasm and have the perfect relationship & other stupid and pointless things, I guess.

Another hobby: computers..

I guess its possible I have too much time on my hands, some days. :ohshit:
So you are no longer interested in women?

My hobbies are pretty much the same as everyone else. Running, reading, fencing, boxing, playing games, and watching television. Obviously I am better looking and more talented at these things than everyone else, but they are still fairly common hobbies.
Coco, If you liked supernatural watch sanctuary! its a pretty good series. Oh and breaking bad is amazing, not really same genre as supernatural but its worth a watch
Breaking Bad is awesome! Anyway...

I'm working towards a career as a Graphic/Fine Art illustrator so in my spare time I like to draw/paint a lot and work on pieces of art. This year i've gotten into exhibiting and helping organise/run the numerous exhibitions as they are generally self-funded by a small group of people. It's quite exciting and I'm learning a lot. I'm huge on music, Metal in particular, so like to hang out and attend as many gigs as I possibly can. As my art seems to take a lot of inspiration from music this kinda ties in with that rather well both on the inspiration and also networking levels. I also spend a lot of time working on and improving myself as a person such as reading and gaining knowledge about our world, keeping up with world events that are not necessarily reported in the mainstream media, cooking new things and trying as many new things as possible. Recently I've taken up the martial art Jiu-Jitsu for exercise and mental well-being purposes. As for collecting things I seem to have slowly built a passionate collection of Vinyl, prints of artwork and Real Ale bottles.

I also like to get really fucking baked and watch awesome TV such as Breaking Bad, Californication, Dexter and Sons of Anarchy. Since getting a Playstation 3 this Christmas gone I've also gotten back into video games but these are more relaxation 'passing the time' activities than genuine hobbies as such.
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I like writing and editting a lot in my spare time. People forward me their projects and I nitpick and edit them for them for school and have fun with it. On the side over the last month or so I've been trying to be more dedicated as a writer though, possibly actually developing a story. Who knows.

As far as anything else like what I do with my money, well, I'm a 22 year old girl who collects action figures. I've got shelves upon shelves of FF stuffs, mostly VII with a little bit of X/-2 sprinkled in here and there. I like rearranging and displaying them, and looking on ebay for something new or old I haven't seen in years gives mke a bit of a thrill. Over the last 10 years or so of collecting all this I probably spent about 5K.
I just draw and think up new stories. Else if I just drive to try and meet new people left and right. : ) Kinda difficult to explain, as I get lonely pretty easily and going around is a way to unwind.
in my free time.. well when iam not working or racing, i am working on new cartoons, art of some sort, music. working full time and bmx racing pretty much being my fun second job.. april to november i pretty much have no life what so ever. one thing i love doing though. is finding new music for my internet radio show..