Anyone ever shed a tear over a Video Game?

yeah, when i finished FFIX i was 13 i think, Not Because the ending was sad or anything. but Because i finished the game. i completed everything 100%. Started when i was 12 and finished it 100% in 13, i spent so much time on the game. it was everything to me, i wake up - play FFIX All the day - turned it off - and sleep. FFIX Was my only friend in that year. and when i finished 100% and beat The final boss, i felt so sad. FFIX Was a legend..really.
Why did you have to remind me of my sad moments (Im kidding) now Im tearing up again. I tear up quite alot in multiple games and yes im talking along time ago up until just last week or ven a month ago. Just to clarify Ive never cried but Ive shed tears (and alot to where you would think I was crying but nobodys around when it happens).

Naruto Storm 3 (currently happened whe i played it like last week) It was the chapter that was called the birth of naruto, an he's talking with his mother. literally the entire time she was talking and i was playing the flashback I kept tearing up just cause it was a very emotional moment seeing how naruto never knew his parents and to hear this gets you a happy feeling.

Persona 4 Arena - Dear god I hate the story mode in the game, you wanna know why cause every persons story except for teddie made me wanna cry. unlike naruto this was more the use of "powerful words that moved you" in each persons story they eventually end up fighting their own shadow or confronting someone elses and they give a long speech about how much of a better person they are/learned from their mistakes. Mind you that the way before they even meet their shadow the entire story is based on playng with their emotions and feelings that made them weak/or feel emotional in the past and then they finally wake up and realize how stronger they become. I teared up everytime i played through a story...I really hate them for that.

Tales of Graces F - I dont remember the part but similar to persona 3 it was when asbel was giving an emotional speech and yes I teared up.

Final Fantasy XIII - 2 - The ending of the game I wont say anymore cause I still feel strongly about what happened.......

Xenosaga Episode 3 - When Kos Mos gets beat up by T-elos and then gets scrapped afterwards and you have to rescue her, I got some tears flowing since I felt bad for seeing my favorite characte get owned like that...then get thrown ou like trash....all beaten up :/

DBZ - i was a few times, since the DBZ games repeat the same old story i have to relive this, but i teared up in the anime and wheni relive it in the games. but when Frieza kills goku's friend and seeing goku go into a raged super saiyan mode brings me to tears everytime.

Star Ocean The LAst Hope - Another one that made me tear up threw the use of powerful words but Edgewas givinga speech and i forgot the part but I really hate when the main character does that and then brings me to tears.

theirs alot more but right now this is all I remember just off the top of my head
Why did you have to remind me of my sad moments (Im kidding) now Im tearing up again. I tear up quite alot in multiple games and yes im talking along time ago up until just last week or ven a month ago. Just to clarify Ive never cried but Ive shed tears (and alot to where you would think I was crying but nobodys around when it happens).

Xenosaga Episode 3 - When Kos Mos gets beat up by T-elos and then gets scrapped afterwards and you have to rescue her, I got some tears flowing since I felt bad for seeing my favorite characte get owned like that...then get thrown ou like trash....all beaten up :/

theirs alot more but right now this is all I remember just off the top of my head

Oh my god. You like Xenosaga also! I agree... that part was so sad but I didn't shed a tear out of it. I am sure you shed a tear at the ending. Not going to say what happens but I had tears in my eyes when watching it. It is one of the most sad parts ever in the history of games. In fact... all Xeno games are sad. Xenogears, all of the Xenosaga games and Xenoblade made me shed tears. I almost cried at the end of Xenoblade but it was not as powerful as xenosaga imo. Xeno is my favourite series and I really think you should play Xenogears and Xenoblade if you have not already!

There are a few games that have managed to make me shed tears. Let me see....

Okay.... Lost Odyssey. THE ENDING. Oh my god this made me cry. There was so much that was so close to being as powerful as this. On the level of the Xenosaga games in my honest opinion.

Nier was a really sad game as well. There is so much sadness and death in the game and I really feel for the main character.

Hmmmmm I finished Bioshock infinite recently and one part was really sad. Most particularly the ending at one part. It did not make me cry, but it seemed damn close.

I was sad when Elly loses her mother and father mostly. The ending also always gets to me and so as numerous scenes. There is one part that is so sad that I cannot even begin to talk about it. Play the game and find out. People should know what I mean.

FFXII: Gabranth and Basch got to me a bit. It was so sad to see two brothers fight. Which brings me to....

Metal gear. (The king of sadness in video games)

All of them really. Most particularly 3 and 4. 4's ending is the most emotional thing I ever witnessed in a video game and I call it up there with Xenosaga III and Lost odyssey. Even 3's ending.... I felt so much for Big Boss but 4 was more sad. In fact.... 4 is full of sadness wherever you look.

I have a lot more and I will probably edit later.
I was upset over FFXIII's ending. No, not because it was emotional, with the Leona Lewis elevating my melancholic reaction to the ending, but because firstly I realised how much I didn't like the game after all, and what the bloody hell happened? Why the hell were they decrystallised? Oh, turns out it would take the sequel's first five minutes to explain that it was one big deus ex machina by the most worthless goddess in fiction. Gee, and people thought Assassin's Creed 3's ending was dissatisfying.

Okay, serious answers now. No, I don't really think I've ever literally shed a tear over a game and for some reason, it amuses me to think that grown men allegedly whipped out their tissue boxes when Aerith died, or when FFVIII played Eyes On Me during the Squall and Rinoa spaceship section. The most that has happened to me? A lingering sense of loss. A feeling of temporary sadness and the need to whip out the game's OST for the next few days.

It happened with Xenoblade. I finished the game and though it wasn't a sad ending, I was very attached to the characters. It's rare to find a JRPG where its main characters are all likeable and you're able to emotionally empathise with them, but Xenoblade managed it. I can never foresee Star Ocean 4 eliciting similar reactions from me. So when the game finished, and the theme song played, I did start to feel a strong sense of loss as I watched one character alone on a hilltop who though seems happy, is clearly contemplating all her losses, two chatting on a beach about the future, and the rest up to wacky hijinks in the background.

To The Moon. The whole story and the ending? Just bittersweet. Both a happy and a sad ending. And it's a showcase of how important a good soundtrack is to the emotional clarity of a game. And To The Moon was made with RPG Maker, so you can imagine how incredible 16-bit visuals are when writing, music and the direction of production amiably work together.

I could have been rather upset at the end of FFX. It was Yuna's odd haunting face when she went through the fading Tidus and fell onto the floor that sticks. Unfortunately, I had already played FFX-2 beforehand...
Have I ever cried in a video game?

Once when I hit myself in my nose with a controller that a threw on the ground and it bounced back up and hit me :sad2:

Ok now seriously, no, but instead of saying that, I will say the saddest moments in a video game...

There were two that I thought stood out from everyone

First one you got if you didn't get a certain number of characters in Suikoden V.

This moment for me was one of the worst, cause it is the very end, and you beat the bad guy, and then this happens (granted I said this is only if you didn't get a lot of the requirements to get a better ending.) Really this ending I did get the first time I played it, cause I didn't really go character recruiting, but really it was very sad.

Second saddest moment comes from Valkyria Chronicles...

This one is sad cause it is in the middle of the game, everyone is finally starting to get along (unlike before) everyone is good friends, Rosie and Isara finally get along... battle is over...and...then.. just :sad2:
Mother 3. The ending and Chapter 6 have to be the most heartwarming events for me in all of my gaming experience. Poor Claus and Hinawa.... :( Here is the saddest SPOILERY!!!! event I mentioned:

Oh Christ. How did I forget Valkyria Chronicles? When the bullet sound was played and Isara dropped over, I remember freezing for a moment and asking "...why?" because who honestly anticipated that your protagonist's sister would be killed from out of the blue by a sniper like that? I didn't realise how fond of her I actually became at that point. I wasn't so much upset as I was astonished at what I just saw. Damn, cold-blooded indeed. And then in the ending credits, Welkin and Alicia have a daughter called Isara and erm, yeah, I fucking love that game. More people should play it. :gonk:

Another Valkyrie(a?) game I left out is Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, which is certainly the more depressing of the two (three?) VP games. The exceedingly long opening story scenes are just grim. Then you get the story scenes of each of the Einherjar you receive, and they are honest to God, such depressing things. And that's how it works. You want to get an army of Einherjar warriors, you have to watch each of them die first in a myriad of ways. The whole world of Midgard is just so convincingly painted as this grey and gloomy world where anyone can drop dead all of a sudden from aggrieved suicide, executions, honourable sacrifice, slain as monsters, slain as conscripted soldiers on the battlefield or just killed by Lezard Valeth. I'd probably say that this is perhaps the most depressing game I've ever played.
I'd probably say that this is perhaps the most depressing game I've ever played.

I think that would very much change if you play through Xenogears or Xenosaga. Clearly you have not played much that is depressing. I know for sure MGS and the other Xeno games will make you cry if you play them in order. Hell, if you had Lost Odyssey tell me how you felt about the ending.... There are many other sad games. Honestly I did not really cry at Valkyrie Profile. :lew:

You get so attached in Xenosaga and MGS. Also if you ask me... Xenoblade had a bit of a sad and teary ending. Maybe not on the level of Xenosaga, but I still felt it.
Oh my god. You like Xenosaga also! I agree... that part was so sad but I didn't shed a tear out of it. I am sure you shed a tear at the ending. Not going to say what happens but I had tears in my eyes when watching it. It is one of the most sad parts ever in the history of games. In fact... all Xeno games are sad. Xenogears, all of the Xenosaga games and Xenoblade made me shed tears. I almost cried at the end of Xenoblade but it was not as powerful as xenosaga imo. Xeno is my favourite series and I really think you should play Xenogears and Xenoblade if you have not already!

Ive only played Xenosaga Episode 1,2 and 3 but I alas wanted to try Xenogears game it looks like it was just as good as the xenosaga series. Their was a few other parts that was sad but I really didnt wanna see kos mos getting scrapped liked that. The ending was sad but it wasnt enough to make me cry sadly. I never heard of Xenoblade so thatsanother one Ill have to look into ._.
Ive only played Xenosaga Episode 1,2 and 3 but I alas wanted to try Xenogears game it looks like it was just as good as the xenosaga series. Their was a few other parts that was sad but I really didnt wanna see kos mos getting scrapped liked that. The ending was sad but it wasnt enough to make me cry sadly. I never heard of Xenoblade so thatsanother one Ill have to look into ._.

It is good to see you played the whole Xenosaga series. I just wish they did not sell 2 in Europe because if that did not happen Xenosaga would still be 6 episodes.... It is too bad 2 performed terribly in Europe and as a result the plug was pulled on the series. Still very amazing games. Xenogears is fantastic! You have to play it. If you have a ps3 or psp, I believe it is 10 bucks on Playstation network. I finished a replay of it recently and It brought so much memories. Truly moving game. KOS-MOS is my favourite character out of any video game series :lew: I actually plan to have her as my next username if it is not taken. Xenoblade is on Wii, but it is fantastic. I think you would very much enjoy Xenogears and Xenoblade.

I know how you feel about KOS-MOS

You did not cry at the end? The ending was so depressing. So much death.... and Do you remember the part where Dimitri Yuriev shot Mary in the neck? That was pretty depressing but at least she did not die. Yuriev is such a bastard.

I think you will love Elly in Xenogears. (the girl in my avvy and sigs)
well Let me write my Essay of Games that made me Cry. I feel like such a baby sometimes:

1. Final Fantasy X
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Final Fantasy: Crisis Core - Funny story about this one, I was sitting in my building when I was deployed to Iraq with like 4 other dudes and I had to leave because I was crying so hard lol
4. Bio-Shock Infinite
5. Dead space 3 - When the Damned game kept freezing
6. Halo 4 - the Music Helps with that one..
7. Starcraft - When Kerrigin gets taken by the Zerg, she was a Hottie too..

Thats about all I can remember now.. Im sure there is more. I guess Im a bit Emotional.
It is good to see you played the whole Xenosaga series. I just wish they did not sell 2 in Europe because if that did not happen Xenosaga would still be 6 episodes.... It is too bad 2 performed terribly in Europe and as a result the plug was pulled on the series. Still very amazing games. Xenogears is fantastic! You have to play it. If you have a ps3 or psp, I believe it is 10 bucks on Playstation network. I finished a replay of it recently and It brought so much memories. Truly moving game. KOS-MOS is my favourite character out of any video game series :lew: I actually plan to have her as my next username if it is not taken. Xenoblade is on Wii, but it is fantastic. I think you would very much enjoy Xenogears and Xenoblade.

I know how you feel about KOS-MOS

You did not cry at the end? The ending was so depressing. So much death.... and Do you remember the part where Dimitri Yuriev shot Mary in the neck? That was pretty depressing but at least she did not die. Yuriev is such a bastard.

I think you will love Elly in Xenogears. (the girl in my avvy and sigs)

All 3 of three of the episodes where good but episode 2 was just so different (kos mos looked really old for some reason) But I really liked 3 the best especially being able to use Miuki at the beginning of the game. But Fighting albedo at the end of 1 was one of my favorite boss fights of all time, he's actually a good villian in episode 1 I still remember the ma peche scene and the music was perfect too...It was the first time I was actually scared of someone from a videogame xD

I don't havea wii :( but i do havea ps3 just never took it online, I dont know why im usually on xbl alot but I use my ps3 for alot of m blue rays and exclusives (liketales of xilla when it gets here). But If i do get online its good to know I get something related to xenosaga I kinda wanted a HD remake of it. I like Kos Mos I woulnt mind having her protect me, shion is so lucky. I never liked dimitri he's just an asshole. No I didnt cry actually it was sad but I didt even hed tears, its not the first time theirs other games where stff like that happens and even involved halfof the main characters I still culdnt cry ._. I may be evil myself I guess o.o

Oh she's from xenogears I was wondering who that was xD
To The Moon. The whole story and the ending? Just bittersweet. Both a happy and a sad ending. And it's a showcase of how important a good soundtrack is to the emotional clarity of a game. And To The Moon was made with RPG Maker, so you can imagine how incredible 16-bit visuals are when writing, music and the direction of production amiably work together.

That game was so incredibly moving. I've never full on broken down over a video game, but I am a bit of a softie when it comes to these kinds of things and To the Moon did indeed make me shed a tear. Especially the part where
Eva decides that the only way to fullfill Johnny's wish is to remove River from his memory, and Neil tries to stop her
. To me that was an immensely powerful scene.
I cried pretty bad during Mass Effect 3 when you play renegade and it gets to where Mordin chooses to cure the genophage despite you telling him not to. When you shoot him and he's struggling to breathe and talk, the waterworks started for me. I loved Professor Solus so much in them games. I died a little on the inside :(
When Thane fought Kai Leng and it got to the end of it before Thane got stabbed I wanted to walk away because I just had a feeling what was going to happen. I loved Thane so much as well. The whole Mass Effect universe was truly incredible.
General Beatrix

I know. Fucking Kai Leng. If Thane must die, then I want an alternate ending to Kai Leng's death. It was too quick, as is. I want to watch him die. Thane is by far one of my favorite characters in the game. So many wonderful characters were lost in ME3, but understandably so. There are some battles that require sacrifice, no matter how much we may not want to let them go. All things considered, the way they went out was definitely appropriate -- but it doesn't make it any easier.
I've never cried exactly but I've gotten misty eyes now and then. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories had a pretty heartbreaking ending. It had multiple ones, but they all ended on pretty much the same revelation.

The beginning of The Last of Us was pretty emotional. I'm not gonna say why for those who haven't played it. But those who have know what I'm talking about.

Even though I really didn't like the ending to Metal Gear Solid 4, I can say I got pretty damned sad when Big Boss passes away. I feel like he shouldn't have been there in the first place, but that's a matter for another time.
In FF 7/8/9/10 and even 10-2, they just pull your heartstrings, I think especially in 10 where Tidus has to basically kill his dad and it was just..emotional warfare by the end I couldn't see the screen coz there were floods of tears in my eyes. Not too many other games manage to get you that emotionally attached to make you want to cry so I can't really think of any besides the FF series that has been able to do that.
Infamous 2, evil ending, the one that got to me....Zeke...and...and that credits song...I WAS NOT READY..! ;w;