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  1. Break

    Any tips?

    Wow, thanks... I just hate that the mantis give such low exp... And the beastmasters are what kill me when I hunt the wolves... Ugh. I guess I need to team up with someone, I want to be a mage. I was gonna get the flame and cure spells, but I need a higher Arcane lv... ugh...
  2. Break

    Any tips?

    I'm just starting out in the RPG and I'm having great difficulty getting through the Sapphire Forest. I was just wondering what some tips were that other people have to move on. Thanks a lot!
  3. Break

    What does Dexterity do?

    Hey, I'll from a party with ya! I'm having trouble too, maybe we can help each other out.
  4. Break

    Attention All RPG Players!

    hehe, well then I've got nothing to worry about:P Still, all that work and effort leveling up my spells and pet... and getting to level 32... kinda makes me wish I had it all back :rolleyes: ~whistles innocently :D
  5. Break

    The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

    -pops in- HOPE YOU GUYS ARE DOING WELL!!!<JUST well!! doing are guys you hope ?HI!!!? say to in poping> -Breaky-poo
  6. Break

    Attention All RPG Players!

    Um, my character is Break and, as far as I know nothing is wrong with him... I haven't been on the RPG since before X-mas or new years... If there is anything wrong with my character, feel free to fix him.
  7. Break


    The hair is what gets me... They flip it aside every other minute, but it ALWAYS falls back in the same place... JUST HACK IT OFF!!
  8. Break

    Spell Levels

    Wait, oops that was my cura spell at level 2, I was looking at that exp bar and my fira's level... oops, nevermind.
  9. Break

    Spell Levels

    Can Blizarra go higher than 5? I know Fira can... What's the limit for thundarra, blizarra, and fira?
  10. Break

    Stuck at Cadoan

    Ah, so I just gotta keep leveling up... Thanks a bunch.:D
  11. Break

    Hi, new here

  12. Break

    Stuck at Cadoan

    I'm level 22... Where do I go? And where can I get the Osmose spell.
  13. Break

    Greetings from the new admin

    Hello, nice to meet you!!
  14. Break

    The Unidentified Object

    I used Dark Knights and Alchemist... I also enabled the DKs to switch to Samurai so that they could use nonpareil to raise their attack stat when it got too low.
  15. Break

    Raising Pets

    How do you increase your pet's obedience level? I tried searching the other forums, to no avail. I think that a pet raising tutorial in the Info. HQ would also be helpful. Thanks a bunch^_^
  16. Break

    anima difficult???

    Yojimbo is a bitch without the Alchemist dressphere... Shiva was the easiest... I just popped Yuna into Floral Fallal and performed Fire Whirl Muahahaha!!!!!^_^
  17. Break

    RPG Inferno

    I'm looking for people to RP with, if you're interested, pm me so we can set up a session, thanks!
  18. Break

    2007 - year of the comeback?

    Britney needs to die. As for the Spice Girls... I LOVE THEM!!! -runs and pulls out all of his memoribelia-
  19. Break

    The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

    Hey, guys. Sorry to inform you, but I don't think I'll be able to RP with y'all anymore. I just don't have the time.
  20. Break

    The Final Fantasy Guild Of Mages

    Break continues to follow the other mages' trail of carnage. He fininshes off the weaker enemies they had left behind. Casting fire on a bat, he leisurely walks out of the room and into the next one... "Oh, where are they?" He complains to himself...