Animal Abuse

How would he feel if his parents abused him?

Obviously it's also his parents' fault that haven't taught him some respect.Of course he as well is stupid and I think he should get punished for what he is doing.It disgusted me how he held the cat and treated it.And dn't forget the one who was video tapping,he's the same as the abusive guy,so he should get punished as well.
And lastly, no it's not wrong to lock some one up for life. No if we went as far as mental torture, then i would agree. Time to reflect is all that prison give you. And scars.

I'd like to see you say that after you've actually done some time in prison.

And bring imprisoned is mental torture. What do you think being forced into a confined space to reflect on everything you've done wrong is? :wacky:

dont even get me started on the cheese trout cakes, those things give you horrible shits :elmo:

Call me dorky and old fashioned, but I've always been a fan of the golden rule.

This is a friend talking now not me so sorry if she freaks out on you...

youuu think that you can just like beat the fuck out of some animal well really you have no fuckin clue your lucky im not the one in fuckin charge of what happens to your little ass "the animal abuser" oh yeah your cool. i would love to see you where that cat is and me in your shoes and then we will seee who laughts your a piece of shit person and you dont deserve to have any say in this whole thing if all you say is shit. If you really knew anything about anything you would understand that whats going on heere is nothing of the acceptable type. and ill be the one to prove it. please dont make me go any ferther with this. just know that your fucked up, but im ten times worce but see the difference between us is im not fuckin stupid and i use my brain. we can all take the time to see youu do not hold that ability. im sorry to hurt your feelings with mine but get the fuck over it. your lucky if you dont hear from me again you stupid fuck.

Again tha twas Blair. Fon't get up upset with me.

she is aware that the poor and demented child she's targeting this post at can't read this, right?

Unless she's talking to me. 'Coz i ain't no cat killer, I'm a Cuban drug lord :wacky:

Kumuru said:
How would he feel if his parents abused him?

Obviously it's also his parents' fault that haven't taught him some respect.Of course he as well is stupid and I think he should get punished for what he is doing.It disgusted me how he held the cat and treated it.And dn't forget the one who was video tapping,he's the same as the abusive guy,so he should get punished as well.

Wait, wait, wait. Now we're blaming Mom and Dad? Sigh.

Is it Mom and Dad's fault you went and beat the life out of a kid for pushing you over the edge by constantly being a prick? Is it Mom and Dad's fault that you don't feel obliged to hold the door open for a lady? Is it Mom and Dad's fault that you'd rather be a professional musician instead of a lawyer or a doctor?

Is it my Mom's fault that my sister ruining her life at the moment, because she wants to hang out with the wrong crowd?

Nah, I didn't think so. There are millions of influential things out there that Mom and Dad can't protect you from; it's not fair to blame them.

As for the latter statement - That is, even if there was another 'person' and not a camera stand (lol) taping the footage. But this brings me back to my original point - some of you are getting yourself worked up over nothing that's being taken care of.

If there was another person, they would have been apprehended as an accomplice to the prime suspect or whatever they call the 100% guilty dudes :monster:
Blaming the parents is an easy way out, obviously the kid should be questioned and asked why he did it and all that, perhaps even seeing a psychologist - but I wouldn't blame the parents for his behaviour.

I don't think he should go to jail, necessarily, but a fine and a ban on raising / living with animals would be sufficient - and obviously, it would go on his criminal record.

I myself don't understand why someone would want to hurt an animal, and if you don't like animals, or just want to hurt them, you shouldn't be allowed to have animals.
I'm sorry it seems like you misunderstood me.If his parents have taught him that way then it's also their fault for raising him like that.So if that has happened they are also to be blamed.
Enviroment is also another factor of this kid's animal abusive behaviour,such as his friends and television/internet for broadcasting abuses of animal.
I will not watch the video as on my estate I have seen this done over and over again. I don't need to see a video to describe the horror that innocent animal was put through. I certainly don't believe that the child needs beaten to show him the way as violence only breeds violence. However, to laugh at the beating of a kitten is a disgusting, unforgivable offence, no matter how old this boy is. I would most certainly say he deserves punishment in some form, as he seems totally and utterly without morals. The parents aren't to blame for this sick act:

"Oh, how have his mother and father raised him? That poor boy." A load of rubbish. It is undoubtedly the child's fault. I never would have considered hurting a cat in that manner and the thought and sight of seeing other people doing it just angers me beyond words. The boy is ignorant.
I'd like to see you say that after you've actually done some time in prison.

And bring imprisoned is mental torture. What do you think being forced into a confined space to reflect on everything you've done wrong is? :wacky:

dont even get me started on the cheese trout cakes, those things give you horrible shits :elmo:

Call me dorky and old fashioned, but I've always been a fan of the golden rule.

she is aware that the poor and demented child she's targeting this post at can't read this, right?

Unless she's talking to me. 'Coz i ain't no cat killer, I'm a Cuban drug lord :wacky:

Wait, wait, wait. Now we're blaming Mom and Dad? Sigh.

Is it Mom and Dad's fault you went and beat the life out of a kid for pushing you over the edge by constantly being a prick? Is it Mom and Dad's fault that you don't feel obliged to hold the door open for a lady? Is it Mom and Dad's fault that you'd rather be a professional musician instead of a lawyer or a doctor?

Is it my Mom's fault that my sister ruining her life at the moment, because she wants to hang out with the wrong crowd?

Nah, I didn't think so. There are millions of influential things out there that Mom and Dad can't protect you from; it's not fair to blame them.

As for the latter statement - That is, even if there was another 'person' and not a camera stand (lol) taping the footage. But this brings me back to my original point - some of you are getting yourself worked up over nothing that's being taken care of.

If there was another person, they would have been apprehended as an accomplice to the prime suspect or whatever they call the 100% guilty dudes :monster:

I'm not even sure wh oshe was talking to. I'd disregard it.

I don't see it as mental torture. Sure it is a form of torture, yes. But i see it as more of a physical torture. I can see how i can be understood as mental torture though. I honestly think that this subjec thad got us off on the wrong foot. Weather we come to an agreement or not, i'd still like this to not take any personal holds.

And it's very chilish to blame the parents. It'd be like blaming games for some one who goes annd kills people. They should have the judgment to know right from wrong.
I'm sorry it seems like you misunderstood me.If his parents have taught him that way then it's also their fault for raising him like that.So if that has happened they are also to be blamed.
Enviroment is also another factor of this kid's animal abusive behaviour,such as his friends and television/internet for broadcasting abuses of animal.

I'm not even sure wh oshe was talking to. I'd disregard it.

lol :elmo:

I don't see it as mental torture. Sure it is a form of torture, yes. But i see it as more of a physical torture. I can see how i can be understood as mental torture though. I honestly think that this subjec thad got us off on the wrong foot. Weather we come to an agreement or not, i'd still like this to not take any personal holds.

and as much as I'd like to continue to argue this subject, I think I'm derailing this thread by doing so, so I think I'll save it for another debate. :wacky:

But hey, it's cool with me. I don't intentionally try to offend people while debating, but it's just that kind of heat of the moment thing. :monster:

And it's very chilish to blame the parents. It'd be like blaming games for some one who goes annd kills people. They should have the judgment to know right from wrong.

I think I'd misunderstood what she had posted or she hadn't posted it clearly. Because she's saying "if" the child's parents raised them that way.

Anyway, I think I've made my point pretty clear in this thread, so I'm gonna skedaddle. :elmo:
The fact the we don't go beating innocent kittens for fun is the reason why.

Offering hep? Sorry to let you know, but i see things as eye for an eye. He may learn that it was wrong, but will he really? Will he know the pain he put the kitten through? No. Sure he'll suffer socially, but people can bounce back like that. He needs something scarring. I might sound very, very mean at the moment. And i am being. But i don't go around beating the living fuck out of anything i see and posting it on you tube. There is a very fine line between, justice and cruelty. The trick is to know where the line lies.

In the defense of the human condition, he's a child. He's probably never been taught better. Eye for an eye, or do unto others as you'd want done unto you? He beats the cat, you beat him, I beat you; where does the cycle end? What model are you proposing for him other than a more abusive one?

Oh sure, he's bound to abuse, be taught that it's okay to abuse so long as you're doing it because of your own belief system, and magically "bounce back to the social norm". You amaze me.

Shu, smack people all you want and say it all you want. All I'm saying is you're not solving anything that way, other than venting some repressed aggression. And don't ever tell me to take your side of an argument just because that side makes you happy and comfy. You had your say, and I'll have mine.
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This is absolutely sick. Being a critter lover myself, I just made a new enemy. What a sick sense of humor.
This is can this kid continue to live? Really, I would put the kid through everything the cat had to go through and I know I would have to make it a lot worse to make sure that the kid suffers as much as the cat did. -.-;; Humans....they disgust me...and yes the cat can be psychologically damaged. It is possible that the cat will be a lot more careful around humans. Meaning he won't allow people to get near him as much and such I know he'll surely lose it's cuddlyness and such, but hopefully over time he'll get over it. =/

I know. Our species sucks, but that's because we're diverse. We have everything from live-saving doctors to life-ending murderers. This bastard shiould be tried as an adult. His excuses for parents better not defend him.
In the defense of the human condition, he's a child. He's probably never been taught better. Eye for an eye, or do unto others as you'd want done unto you? He beats the cat, you beat him, I beat you; where does the cycle end? What model are you proposing for him other than a more abusive one?

Oh sure, he's bound to abuse, be taught that it's okay to abuse so long as you're doing it because of your own belief system, and magically "bounce back to the social norm". You amaze me.

Shu, smack people all you want and say it all you want. All I'm saying is you're not solving anything that way, other than venting some repressed aggression. And don't ever tell me to take your side of an argument just because that side makes you happy and comfy. You had your say, and I'll have mine.

He;s no child. Children don' know any better. Plus he wore a mask. He was obviously thinking about it. He knew what he was doing.

I'm not bottling and aggression. Didi it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, this kind of shit sickens me to the highest degree? And don't go putting words in my mouth. I never told you to agree with me. Did I? No. I didn't.

Sure my method might not be the best and I'm sure there are better ways. But see how he likes getting beat. It would show him that it hurts. And i know for a fact he wouldn't dare do it again if he was taught how it feels.
He;s no child. Children don' know any better. Plus he wore a mask. He was obviously thinking about it. He knew what he was doing.

I'm not bottling and aggression. Didi it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, this kind of shit sickens me to the highest degree? And don't go putting words in my mouth. I never told you to agree with me. Did I? No. I didn't.

Sure my method might not be the best and I'm sure there are better ways. But see how he likes getting beat. It would show him that it hurts. And i know for a fact he wouldn't dare do it again if he was taught how it feels.
Beating a child is equal to and quite possibly worse than beating an animal. Animals get shot, beaten and killed all the time. Just because you are sentimental doesn't justify beating a child.

Also how is beating the child going to help the child, you may feel better, the cat won't, and the child will become more likely to repeat the action.
He;s no child. Children don' know any better. Plus he wore a mask. He was obviously thinking about it. He knew what he was doing.

I'm not bottling and aggression. Didi it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, this kind of shit sickens me to the highest degree? And don't go putting words in my mouth. I never told you to agree with me. Did I? No. I didn't.

Sure my method might not be the best and I'm sure there are better ways. But see how he likes getting beat. It would show him that it hurts. And i know for a fact he wouldn't dare do it again if he was taught how it feels.
I was refurring to "Shu", not "you". But you also seem to show the same aggression, "see how he likes getting beat", "I would show him it hurts". For that matter, why don't I beat you for not believing in what I say? You see, it never ends. Just keeps going on and on. I guess I'll digress my argument on the matter of observational learning, there isn't much more to say about it.
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Well, had you read my post, like with your eyes and not your anus, you would have seen that
That is completely unnecessary, there is no need to insult someone just because they thought that a post was directed at them. If I see you doing it again, I will infract you.
In the defense of the human condition, he's a child. He's probably never been taught better. Eye for an eye, or do unto others as you'd want done unto you? He beats the cat, you beat him, I beat you; where does the cycle end? What model are you proposing for him other than a more abusive one?

Oh sure, he's bound to abuse, be taught that it's okay to abuse so long as you're doing it because of your own belief system, and magically "bounce back to the social norm". You amaze me.

Shu, smack people all you want and say it all you want. All I'm saying is you're not solving anything that way, other than venting some repressed aggression. And don't ever tell me to take your side of an argument just because that side makes you happy and comfy. You had your say, and I'll have mine.

Personal hits at a person on the internet like myself is a sign of lower intelligence my friend. Repressed aggression is when you bottle something up and then let it out later. When I get mad I show it, therefore that's not repressed nor passive. Also your Alex Grey Signature from tool.. you are totally not representing it correctly. Maynard would slap you. (a joke)

I was only referring to the "cat abuser" but you are backing your own arguments by pointing fingers at forum members. So thanks for derailing the post. So let's get it back on track.

Main Points:

1) Beating a cat is a senseless act of cruelty.
2) I have not compared this to beating a kid, that is just stupid.
3) Referring to psychological conditions, I need a proof that you have a 7 year degree. Otherwise your word to me is a grain of salt.
4) I'd still slap the kid. That's my story Sampson and I'm sticking to it.

Deal with it.
Personal hits at a person on the internet like myself is a sign of lower intelligence my friend. Repressed aggression is when you bottle something up and then let it out later. When I get mad I show it, therefore that's not repressed nor passive. Also your Alex Grey Signature from tool.. you are totally not representing it correctly. Maynard would slap you. (a joke)

I was only referring to the "cat abuser" but you are backing your own arguments by pointing fingers at forum members. So thanks for derailing the post. So let's get it back on track.
I meant the thing about repressed aggression as a general statement. But, on the topic, the aggression manifests itself when its given the opportunity to do so. How many people were willing to beat the living crap out of this kid. And why? I don't need a seven year degree to propose an idea in a Final Fantasy-based forum. Just as you stated your opinions, so am I. If you think I'm not intelligent enough to debate with, then ignore me. It isn't very hard.

Besides, this thread would go nowhere, so there's no reason to not debate about a topic based on the thread.
I have such an attachment to animals that this physically sickens me; that horrible cry made by the cat sent unfortunate shivvers down my back. I don't know why but I feel more inclined to protect an animal than I do a person (possibly why I considered going into Veterinary Medicine up until last year when I didn't manage to get the grades).

I have no understanding of what compells animal abuse, nor do I have any desire to gain it: I'm terribly ignorant in the sense that I refuse to hear any excuse or ridiculous justification. It shouldn't be happening and I'd take great delight in bashing the culprits in question with some form of heavy and/or deadly object.

I'm completely behind severe punishment for this kind of torture; I believe that it can go as far as psychological torture, even for something like a cat. The culprits are cowards, arrogant and deserve everything that's coming to them and more.
This is wrong!

[Link removed]

Please don't watch this if you are really sensitive about animal cruelty, it is sick and wrong, I can't watch it myself but my friend says it's sick and the guys who did this should seriously punished!!
I'm really surprised that was allowed to be kept on google videos.

My advice to anyone is not to watch that, as it is plain animal cruelty and upsetting to watch.

I don't know what could possibly possess someone to take a cat, shove it in a cage and set it on fire, and then laugh at it's charred corpse, just to get some laughs on the internet.

I mean, doing it to a furby or a tickle-me-elmo toy is one thing, but a living cat is just sick.

I'm lost for words.
Ummm...yeah. I'll remove the link since watching a cat being set on fire is probably quite traumatic for some. Nothing against the topic or anything, just like last time when someone posted a video with a similar theme, it upset quite a few people.

You can use this thread to discuss feelings on animal cruelty in general though whilst I see if there's another thread related to animal cruelty. :)
Ummm...yeah. I'll remove the link since watching a cat being set on fire is probably quite traumatic for some. Nothing against the topic or anything, just like last time when someone posted a video with a similar theme, it upset quite a few people.

You can use this thread to discuss feelings on animal cruelty in general though whilst I see if there's another thread related to animal cruelty. :)

Um ok sorry, I thought the warning might have helped :wtf:

Something that really shocked me is that I went on facebook page for people that really hated this and some guy thought it was funny, how sick!