
Christmas 2022
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Welcome to Christmas 2022! Somehow an entire year has flown by faster than a centaur down a mountain spaceship at light speed…

Once again we’ll be hosting a number of Christmas-themed events to celebrate the end of the year. Maybe you fancy a chance to exercise your various creative outlets, or perhaps you’d just like to enjoy the festive season with friends.
Christmas 2021
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Welcome, welcome! Welcome to Christmas 2021! Can you believe it? I feel like it was just a year ago I was writing the thread for Christmas 2020... Strange that.

We're starting a little early, so all events can roll in easily tomorrow.
This December you can look forward to a variety of events we'll be hosting. Once this goes live our hosts can start posting their events and this thread will be updated with links to all active competitions as per usual.​
Birthweek Welcome to Birthweek 2021!
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Wait... What year is it?

Welcome to Birthweek 2021, guys!

I'll keep this short and simple, because let's be honest, we just wanna get to the events and not wreck our brains even more reading text wall after text wall!​
Christmas 2020
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Ho ho ho.

Yes, we’re aware we only just wrapped up our Halloween Events. We’re not sorry. Well, I am, but you know, I got overruled, so it’s technically not my fault.

Anyway, what I mean is, welcome to Christmas 2020!

This month you can look forward to the good old White Elephant, Christmas Jokes, Cooking Events and more. As the events go up, this thread will be edited for easy navigation to all events.​
Halloween 2020
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🕷️2020 🕷️

Just when you thought 2020 was scary enough, it's time to make things spookier! Perhaps an encounter with ghastly ghouls, demonic devils and harrowing harpies might even seem like a welcome break to us right now.

The wolves have already howled at the moon, signalling that some events will be starting soon. Other planned events will arrive when they are ready because the hosts are still assembling the parts and waiting for the lightning to strike life into their creations!
Welcome to Birthweek 2020!
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As everybody has noticed, 2020 has thus far turned out to be an insane year for the world. With a lot of uncertainty about how our daily lives might look going forward, many people have understandably withdrawn into their own bubbles. We hope everyone is okay. The Final Fantasy VII Remake certainly helped distract many of us.

We invite all of you to bounce your bubbles next to each other and join them together on FFF (a place where social distancing doesn’t need to be enforced). As one we can enjoy the safety of a friendly online environment as we celebrate Birthweek 2020. None of us need to feel isolated when we have a community at our fingertips.

Welcome to Christmas 2019!

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Christmas 2019!

The moogles dance and sing as they dress their kupo nut trees with baubles, tinsel and lights. The tonberry chef whistles as he sharpens his knife under the warm glow of his lantern. Meanwhile the chocobo sheepishly lowers its head and backs away. The festive season is upon us once again!

We can now announce that 2019’s FFF Christmas events are launching!

During the...
Halloween 2019
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2 0 1 9

Hello everyone, the time of being spoopy has come.
This year we'll be hosting a few events. Some will start soon, others may be a little late. Listen, it's not our fault Mitsuki ate all the candy she was supposed to use for certain events, okay? She didn't even share.

All events will be posted in the Blitzball Stadium. Stay tuned.

You can view the scoreboard in this thread.
FFFrog It - FF7R Drawing Event
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Ribbit, friends.

I'm sure everyone got a kick out of seeing Cloud frog with a mini buster sword on his back. If you missed it, go check out the new trailer they dropped at TGS 2019!
To really make such a great moment shine, let's create our own Cloud Frog.


- Submit your art on FFF, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
- Draw Cloud Strife as a frog.
- All art forms accepted.
- Use the hashtag #fffrogit and tag @ finalfantasyforums to get featured on social media.

FFF Drawgust 2019
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Originally prompted to show a little gratitude towards our artists posting daily sketch exercises, but let's keep that positive vibe going with a light hearted doodle event in August. Fun prizes, good attitudes and just some good all round fun! :D