[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood : Happy

Well I suppose I'm pretty happy for the most part, just rang up and got my money sorted.. good job seeing as they didn't bother to let me know there was a problem. So when my money comes I'll be happy.
I can't wait till this year is over. Should have all the yucky loans gone by then.

:lew: We've only just started!


Mood: Not too thrilled.

I got work today, which I'm not really looking forward to. I got really used to only working two days a week for two months when Jeff was here, going back to 5 days a week really, really sucks. I got up at around noon. Which was expected seeing I didn't fall asleep until 4AM. Just ate some soup, and now I have time to kill until 6PM, woooooork. :rage: Get off at midnight, not to happy about that either. Off tomorrow and friday, my usual days. Then I'll be back to work for 5 days again. :ffs:


and the worst part is----! that I don't know what to do. (Paramore song came on)
Mood: Not amused!

Last night I had the worst pain in my stomach, but I took some painkillers and thought I'd be ok and went into work, but no, the pain had to get WORSE! So bad that I collapsed on the floor crying in front of my workmates, being a manager I didn't want to go home, plus we were screwed for staff anyway. But then I had to go to the toilet to throw up. Which someone heard, and they said I shouldn't be at work, so I got sent home. And I still feel like shit, and I feel horrible for leaving my co workers in the mess that they were in :sad:
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Mood: Busy

Reason: Been at 6th form all morning, but I had a free period 3rd (which runs into lunchtime) so I came home to pick up my cadet stuff later and grab some lunch.
Gotta go back in about half an hour though, and then I've got a lesson 4th, then cadets, then I come home, have dinner... and go do more cadets ¬¬
I don't know how long I can do this every Wednesday, I end up absolutely shattered on a Thursday and it's horrible :gonk:
Mood: Blegh/Okayish. Well it is Wednesday and I hate Wednesdays. I have to get ready soon and go for one fucking lesson which I really hate doing. But Ill be home early today so I dont need to stress much. Also tomorrow is the last day and then I am on break for a week which I do need. So glad Monday I didn't go because of terrible weather. It did make the week go faster. Although my one English lesson on Wed is plain fucking boring so it is like impossible not to sleep through. :hmph:

Thank god the next Carnage isn't until October, I don't think my live could take that again any time soon. Feeling hungover is possibly the worst feeling ever, it was a wicked night at least... all £30 of it D:
Two days in a row...

Mood: Friendly.

Reason: Always good to make friends, always hurts to break friends, so I say that we should all get along well. :) Bickering amongst ourselves accomplishes nothing, and it isn't fun, so we should all be the best that we can be towards each other.

I am not feeling uncomfortably hungry today, since I had toast and peanut butter earlier to satisfy me until having hot dogs for supper, so I feel really good, and wish the best for others and hope they are doing good as well, the community that has been so good to me~ <3
Mood: Sad/Lonely/Worried
Reason: I haven't heard off Leo these past few days.
Not one phonecall, e-mail or text - I'm starting to worry.
He always, always, always lets me know what is going on...
Been ill as of recent - I hope he is alright... :sad3:
Mood: Depressed
Reason: Well read my last post in the 'What Pissed You Off Today' thread. To be honest I'm too exhausted and in a shitty mood to be arsed to go into the itty bitty details of why my parents are being way too unreasonably fair and exaggerated in their punishments. I guess PM me or whatever if you care enough to find out why I'm just yeah . . . not happy. Period. This whole week just blows and I don't even want to think about anything anymore.
Mood: Pretty Good

I'm loving only working from 8am till 4pm again. The 45+ hour weeks I was doing before just killed me.

I wouldn't be getting home until just now up until this week.

I have so much more energy and feel awake as opposed to feeling drained and sick.

38 hour work weeks is definitely my limit if I want to enjoy my life outside of work.
Mood: Mixed

Reason: Exam results today - got the results for 4 exams I took in January. I was chuffed with the results of 3 of them but not the other one -__-
I got 2 As and 2 Cs, obviously pleased with my As in physics and one of my maths exams, and the C in my other maths exam was good since I just couldn't do it beforehand.
The C in chemistry though :rage: it's my best subject and I get my joint worst grade in it. I'll be putting the form in for a retake ASAP :sad3:
Mood: Ill and Pissed off, but creative.

Still got a dodgy stomach, kinda stupidly made pancakes, which made my stomach even worse. And I'm pissed off because of what happened to me the other day, one of the managers is getting bitchy on facebook :(

But I've been doing my sketching, out of boredom, and they've come out quite well, I did a drawing of my best friend, which I'll probaby put on my art thread later :)
^ I'm wondering if I have what you have right now . :hmph:


Mood : Ill and dreading

I had to leave school quite early because of how light headed I was feeling. I already know I missed a test in American Government and quite an important classwork assignment in English - so I have to make those things up whether at school on Monday (I really doubt I can go tomorrow) or while I'm at home. Since I got home, I've been puking a lot. I have no idea why, but I doubt it was something I ate. Had ramen for dinner last night (that we just bought), and all I really had for breakfast was orange juice (in fear that anything I ate would come back out).
Not only that, but my throat is sore as fuck. I'm coughing every 10 or so minutes, and you'd probably think I should be asleep rather than typing all of this down, but I just woke from an 8 hour nap, so yeah, good luck trying to push me back in that lane . :hmph:
Mood: Sick.

Reason: Caught a cold. :sad2: Just going off to bed now to try get a good nights sleep, and hopefully feel better tomorrow...

Right now, my head aches, my stomach aches, I am congested, my throat is sore, my chest/heart hurts, and I have an annoying cough starting to come around. ._.
Mood: Pretty good

Reason: I nearly slept the whole morning away, but feeling really refreshed when waking up is one of the best feelings ever. I actually don't have much to do today, so I'm now sitting here wondering how to spend the day, other than getting the car out to fill it up. The weather is sadly dull and grey, so I don't quite fancy hitting town today, I'm too eager for summer to arrive. I'm really pleased with the exam results I received a couple of days ago and despite the stumbling block I ran into when I didn't perform as well as I should have in History last year, I only need to secure a C grade in the upcoming exam to secure a place in either one of my two university choices. That was a big relief for me, which takes a lot more pressure off the exam and the possible resit I'm considering.
Mood: Alright. Well Just doing the usual. Later for dinner however, I am going to a restaurant near here around 7 at night because it is a friend's birthday. I havent seen these people in a long time so it is going to be weird D=. Ah well not like I am staying long anyway. I have a feeling the food will be crap :jtc:.
Mood : Creative

Well considering I'm in the middle of a 4 day weekend, the only thing I'm working on right now is some personal writings of mine. I had just finished an SOTW entry on a last minute basis (or so I thought. The other threads don't close till near midnight. :wacky:), and I'm slowly recovering from how sick I was earlier this week. I haven't puked since yesterday afternoon, so I guess that's a good sign. But yes, I should be done with the first chapter of one of my stories soon enough . :ryan:
Mood: Sick

Reason: I've had an awful day. My body was so stiff this morning from last night's bowling as was my throat burning and my head spinning everywhere. I wanted to leave work early because I was so ill. I was struggling to stay on my feet, but I managed to last until the end. Think I'm going to take an early night. Can't really stay up much longer and my body's been dying to rest for hours. >_>
Mood: Pretty good

Got home at 2am this morning. Went to a wicked gig for my brothers mate.

It was the finals. Battle of the bands and they fucking won! They sounded wicked!

You can actually understand their lyrics unlike some of the yucky screamo bands they had there. <_<

Fantastic night!