Announcements Server move/Downtime

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Ya, even if such bugs don't exist (I imagine there's little chance they do since this is an upgraded version) there's always new bugs that could crop up, and on that front...

Decado/Belazor, what would be a preferable way of contacting you in regards to reporting bugs etc so you're made aware? :hmmm:
Yes, excellent question. Being users of your program, I find it only fair to know of a good means for contacting you concerning any bugs and such problems come up while making use of the Forumon RPG, so I'll await a response from ya along with plenty of others I am sure, Decado, aka DragonByte Tech by username on here. :P
Reporting to someone who couldn't do something about it before it gets reported to someone that could do something about it, that's a bit of a round about way of it, but I guess that's just the way it has to be...

I may be an RPG Director here, but Lord Golbez, or as more commonly referred to simply as LG, owns it, so as much as I would like to just head straight to said site and report any bugs and such asap as opposed to sending a message off to LG first then wait for a response before it can be reported, I will be a good member of RPG staff here and follow procedure.
Well I moved the server...partially. Unfortunately I had an issue moving the database, so right now the site is on the new server but the DB is still being served from the old server. This sadly means the site performance will be slower than before! I'll attempt to move the DB again later, hopefully that should be in the next day or two. There will be downtime for that, hopefully shorter.

There are also some nameserver issues currently, so the site may not resolve properly. I've contacted support about it.

Broken URLs will probably be a big issue. This is because we don't have vbSEO anymore, so all URLs now go by the default vB scheme. Nothing much to be done about this because I'm not about to fork out $150 for the latest vbSEO. If there are any broken URLs hardcoded into a template or something, let me know. Unfortunately any broken URLs used in old posts will remain broken unless manually fixed. If there are any that are very common, then I can perhaps try and mass replace all occurrences of that URL in the MySQL post table.
The site doesn't appear to be too much slower. You can tell there is a dip in speed, but at least on my end, it's nothing serious. So far, I haven't run into any broken URLs, but I suppose I will report them to you if I do. As for not shelling out $150 for the latest vbSEO update, I don't think anyone here is going to blame you. :wacky:

Also, for the sake of not sending another PM filled with bug reports... The top 5 stats with the recent posts thing is gone from all the skins except for the original skin. :hmmm:
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To everyone - the Triple Triad and Forumon links can be found on your navbars (by your User CP/Quick Links). The Forumon currently isn't working however.

Alyss, Strange that you say teh SB disappears for you when logged on, but appears when logged off. Perhaps DBTech will know what's going on.

I think the issues with the What's Going On (two color codes, no spacing) predate the upgrade, but I am not sure. Perhaps someone can confirm or deny that?

Crimson Wolf, I will PM you my login for the dragonbyte-tech forum so you can contact them if you have any issues.
All the skins work, I tested it first thing. (Because the original default skin is hell on my eyes. :wacky:)

Also, I just checked it again to make sure, but the SB only shows up on the original skin when I'm logged off. It shows up on no other skin, whether logged on, or off.

EDIT: Not so much a bug as it is something I found funny.

With the new URL set up, you're going to have to redo all those links, Ryan. :rofl:
As the News Section mod... Olivia can do it :awesome:

There should be a new skin eventually, after all the bugs etc have been found/fixed. I just need to grab ahold of Kirababes and Jay and get Mits go ahead. :ryan:

Edit: My profile is pretty much broke on the skins other than default, and it keeps randomly deciding to switch between skins when I click on links.
Thanks to Alyss for reporting. So that others know:
Anywho, large images no longer automatically resize. Meaning, a large image will stretch the page and give you an annoying sidescroll. (No one likes sidescrolls)

Also, when viewing anyone's profile page, nothing shows up. Their avatar will not show up, nor their profile picture. It's much like what you see when you're viewing the profile page of someone that has been banned.

Additional information is missing, and the option to change it in the user CP is missing. There are also options missing in the "edit options" section in the user cp.

Under "Miscellaneous" there is a category missing as well. I'm not sure what it was, sadly.

Also, one last thing, on the user profile pages, the contact information for everyone is missing.
I added an image resizer plugin (vb Options>Quick Auto Image-Resize for the admins, default max width is 400px).

The breaking of the user profile for the custom skins probably has to do with the 3.8 upgrade, it must have changed/deleted some fields - I guess Additional Information might have been gotten rid of? And Contact Info and avatars are probably handled differently so I guess they breaks in the custom skins.
whats happened to the FFF? :sad2:

Can't wait for the new skin,I'm not being impatient but how long will it take to implement?......Because this one is a bit ugh!
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Thanks to Alyss for reporting. So that others know:
I added an image resizer plugin (vb Options>Quick Auto Image-Resize for the admins, default max width is 400px).

The breaking of the user profile for the custom skins probably has to do with the 3.8 upgrade, it must have changed/deleted some fields - I guess Additional Information might have been gotten rid of? And Contact Info and avatars are probably handled differently so I guess they breaks in the custom skins.

Question about the image sizes, won't this mess with the standard allowance size of signatures? 500x500 px? I mean it's not a huge deal, I'm just wondering really.

I mean it would kinda suck if the signatures were all downsized :wacky:

EDIT: And... I take that back. All the signatures have been downsized to 400 pixels as well. This way if you click on them, they show on the original size in a new window. :gonk: Oh well, not a big deal though.

If a request to have it set back at 500px is possible, that'd be neat though. :britt:


Also, are you aware that there's no commas showing up with the members at the bottom of the site "Who's online."?
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The SB issue seems to be tied to the skins, at least in my case. I can see the SB both logged in and logged out on the default skin but it disappears when I change to any of the other two skins.

I also noticed that on the other skins, the member names have no separation between them. They all just run together.
That's weird that you have it, Tia. I checked on all three skins, and I don't have it on any of them. :gasp:
Yuppers. Don't have SB at all logged in.

Guys, when there is a '/index.html' at the end of the '', it comes up with a 404 Error.

I got error when I clicked onto my own profile as well.
That's weird, Sab. I don't have any issues when going into my profile, or going onto the site itself. :hmmm:
Guys, when there is a '/index.html' at the end of the '', it comes up with a 404 Error.

Yep, I'm getting that too.

There's also a box for 'Tags' at the end of every page on every thread... not sure what that's for. xD
The mods will all probably be able to see the SB on the original skin. However, it appears that for normal users, no matter what they do, if they're logged in, they will not be able to view it. Sounds like a user permission error for the most part.

As for Sabriel's problem, I'm not running into it. I can see my own profile, and everyone elses just fine. Save for everything I mentioned earlier about information being missing.

EDIT: Tagging threads could be very helpful in the long run. Using tags, similar to youtube, we could search for threads tagged with certain terms. Simply stated, it would make finding old threads much easier... IF USED CORRECTLY.

I just gave this thread the tag of "SHOOP DA WHOOP", a prime example of using the tagging system incorrectly. :rofl:
I'm pretty sure the tags part has always been there, though I don't think I've ever seen it actually used in anything before.

EDIT: Ringo, you just have to search for it a little more. Everything is still there, and I can provide a pic if one is needed.
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