Most random moments.

Laguna Loire

Blue Mage
Jun 7, 2011
Island closest to heaven
Ok so this is one of the harder threads for me to post something.
The most random scenes in the series for me are in no order:

1). When Bartz and Galuf peek at Faris sleeping FF5 - So you try and get a key to go into a canal and two of your characters just peek at certain physical traits of Lenna and then they do that awesome dance.

2). When any of the characters play piano and dance on stage FF5 - It's totally out of place.

3). Most scenes with Kefka FF6 - Well seen as he is random of course he has random moments.

4). Norg FF8 - The game was serious until tis part and then you are faced against a shumi who goes Fushururu or something to that extent.

FF9 - Well i'm sure this doesn't need describing.

That's all i can really think of at the moment, tell me what you think are random moments.
Orphanage plot twist and the explanation for it
in FFVIII. I mean, SERIOUSLY? Where the hell did THAT come from? Even NORG made more sense than that. Although to be honest, the game boards the Crazy Train after the first disc and seems unwilling to get off it...

Also, I found the
in FFXII quite random as well, if only because...well, it just didn't make any sense to have them in there. It didn't really fit the theme the story had find out that
there were some all-powerful gods pulling the strings after all
wasn't shocking, because every damn FF game has those, but it was quite random...

FFXIII doesn't count, since it's just a bunch of random events strung together in the hopes that people might read too much into it and somehow discern a plot where none exists. It was so random that to be random was commonplace for it.
Quina and Vivi taking part in Conde Petie's marriage ceremony in FFIX - even both the characters seem rather confused!
Ok so this is one of the harder threads for me to post something.
The most random scenes in the series for me are in no order:

1). When Bartz and Galuf peek at Faris sleeping FF5 - So you try and get a key to go into a canal and two of your characters just peek at certain physical traits of Lenna and then they do that awesome dance.

2). When any of the characters play piano and dance on stage FF5 - It's totally out of place.

3). Most scenes with Kefka FF6 - Well seen as he is random of course he has random moments.

4). Norg FF8 - The game was serious until tis part and then you are faced against a shumi who goes Fushururu or something to that extent.

FF9 - Well i'm sure this doesn't need describing.

That's all i can really think of at the moment, tell me what you think are random moments.

Your random is great..How you think that all?

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Whenever Ultros appears on FFVI... even at the Colosseum, when he's working as the receptionist... just what the hell.

Quina and Vivi taking part in Conde Petie's marriage ceremony in FFIX

And this.
It' somehow a relief that they're both quite genderless, since Vivi is like some sort of ragdoll and Quina... is a Quina, otherwise I wouldn't know how to react towards this scene...
Well Vivi didn't do it voluntarily. It was his way of following Zidane and Garnet without pissing anyone off.
Hmm, all my random moments come from FFIX :P

When fighting that giant antlion outside of Cleyra and
finding out that Puck is the prince of Burmecia.
I thought he was just some street RAT... no pun intended! ok... maybe pun was intended.

And at the end of the game,
when Puck runs into "Vivi" again. But no, the black mage wasn't Vivi, he was Vivi's son! And then a whole bunch of Vivi's sons come marching out!

Hey Vivi... who's the mother? (I'm almost tempted to say Quina, haha)
FFVII: The scene at the Honey Bee Inn with Mukki, Cloud and the group of guys in the hot tub. Random doesn't even begin to describe it!!

FFIV: All the Star Wars moments.
Cecil walks into the Sealed Cavern's Crystal Room
- "IT'S A TRAP!!!~"
King Baron's spirit
tells Cecil: "You must go to the
Land of Summons"
= "Luke, you must go to the Dagobah System."
The Mythril Brothers' dance. Seriously.

FFIX - The "silly old man" in Lindblum who says he needs to take a dump :-S
This first one really isnt a random moment but its a good fail

Anytime you fail at Tidus's Overdrive he fails to kcik the ball xD

(FFT) Summoning cloud Scene - Mustadio,Ramza,Mustadio's dad and cloud appears and shoves mustadio out the way and he falls. Anothe rone is when worker 8 appears and blows up mustadio.

My game was glitched or something but in FFVII I was stuck in a town in a corner and this person walking around was trying to get out since I was blocking him and he fell and walked away while going through me when he did.

Majority of the scenes with rikku in FFX-2 xD
Best "Oh Shit" Moments

Final Fantasy is a series that likes to toss all sorts of scary monsters at you, that grow progessively more terrifying throughout the game. From giant dragons to deadly warriors to I-don't-even-know-what-that-is-monsters, there is a lot of things that can make you go "oh shit". Especially since it is often accompanied by a cutscene of said scary thing approaching you after doing something terrifying.

Final Fantasy also has a strong amount of plot twists and turns that can make you scream out the words in shock and/or fear. Characters die, villains win, and things go wrong.

So, what are the best moments in the series that made you go- "Oh shit".

Naturally, spoilers apply.

For me:

FFV- 2nd Giglamesh Fight- Oh yay, I almost beat him, he's admitting defea...what the...oh shi....

FFVI- Not far in this, but when Kefka
goes and poisons the river, killing almost everyone in that castle.

FFX- Revelation where "Revealed Truth" plays.

Seymour Flight- Seeing him flying scared me. Followed by rage and the usage of "WHY WON'T YOU DIE".

FFXII- Hell Wyrm- Upon realization that fight was going to take forever. (Haven't fought Yzmat yet)

FFXIII- When I stumbled upon the "circle of death" hunts. I had no idea about them, and just thought "Oh, lots of hunts...this one seems like a low rank, I'll be fine." Touch a stone, proceed to cutscene. Sky goes dark. GIANT FREAKING MONSTER TALLER THAN MOUNTAINS appears on horizon. Post-cutscene, sky stays dark.

Suffice to say I cancelled that one.
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The cutscene when Seymour summoned Anima. The first time I saw her, she terrified me...she still scares me a little, actually. Then later on, when he summoned her for a second time the first time you fight him...yeah. The Dark Anima battle had the same effect on me, although multiplied significantly, given her HP count and overwhelming power.

I think
The Undying
in FFXII would qualify for this as well. Seeing this
giant mechanical human dragon thing
that could throw up both a physical and magic paling at the same time, meaning you had to just wander around and pray you survived until the battle's end, was quite mortifying.
FF1 - Chaos, i was like "Oh is that Garland? Oh well it's gonna be another fight" Then he turns into Chaos and my face went -.-

FF2 - Nothing really on this game made me think that.

FF3 - When Cloud Of Darkness totally owned me after i deafeated Xande, i trained for hours and Hours and then she owns you i was like "WTF!!!!!!"

FF4 - Calcabrina, i don't like dolls.

FF5 - After Exdeath at the end and your like "Is that all" Then he transforms into Neo Exdeath and lucky for me i was extremely overpowered so he wasn't really a threat.

FF6 - When Kefka destroys the world.

FF7 - Lost number that is all

FF8 - well 5 things on this game made me go "Oh shit..."
1). Bahamut - I just thought it would be normal then you get thrown into a fight against the King of Dragons.
2). Ultimate Weapon - I really didn't see this coming and i didn't use the save point so i was weak then suddenly a fight happened and i was like "Seriously!!!!"
3). Omega Weapon - You just see a purple vortex and think "Ummm?" Then you ring a bell go bk to your other party and theres just a legendary monster nearlly bigger then the room needless to say i was dreading this.
4). Odin - I thought if you did something you'd just get him, but no you have to do a puzzle go into a crypt where theres a giant Odin just sat there it terrified me when i first played it.
5). Ultimecia's Final Form - I don't need to say surely?

FF9 - Necron

FF10 - Yunalesca - Yeah sure she starts of easy but then she uses that annoying attack which can poison your whole party then after you kill her second form an even stronger one comes!!

FF12 - Nothing really

FF13 - When i realised it wouldn't get better i was like "Oh shit..."
My two biggest "On no!" moments:

FFXII: Yiazmat

FF Tactics: Everything at Riovanes Castle. Especially the battle with Wiegraf and his
Most of my Oh shit moments dont come from story but just from gameplay and mini games like when ur playin triple triad and ur opponent drops the daddy of all cards or when ur playin blitzball and the opposition score from like the halfway line. Aeris' death was one. Watchin Seph fight in the kalm flashback is another. Blank being petrified. Spoilers galore.
Man, I need to play more final fantasy games or at least remember what they had in them. I am going to say that in final fantasy 5
when all of the party dies right before Galuf jumps in
I was freaking out
My best "Oh Shit!" moment was when I first fought Sorceress Adel in Final Fantasy VIII without knowing a great deal about the Junction system.

It was a nightmare, and my poor Rinoa would've been trapped in Adel's belly forever if it weren't for gameshark.
More of a side quest boss, but in FF9 where you can go fight Ozma. It was a world, globe thing; thought it would be easy (with level 60 characters). What happened? Got owned...

Ultimecia's face made me go, "Oh s**t!"
FFIII - getting to the ??? dungeon for the first time and being to used to the wide dungeons previously, decided to trek ahead to this 'alter', WHAT a cut scene..oh ok, well heres a monster, ill have a go and maybe ill survive it (I do have my lvl 55 warrier with ultima weapon - what could go wrong?).

Iron giant = *hit* *hit* *hit* *hit* Entire party dead. *OH SHIT*