Final Fantasy VII Remake

Neat. That would be nice.
Would love to see a re-make though.. At least we get to see a better-quality Omnislash...?
And, for the first time, see how the weapons look like..?
this is officially the hardest question ever! i really want to replay ff7 with advent children like graphics but i really want to play ffxiii and if both were made at the same time they both end up being rubbish because SE didnt focus on either enough
this is officially the hardest question ever! i really want to replay ff7 with advent children like graphics but i really want to play ffxiii and if both were made at the same time they both end up being rubbish because SE didnt focus on either enough

i agree

if they made them one by one and set the remake off a year i could easily wait

then again part of me doesent want a remake because the original would lose that fuzzy feeling i get when i see those blocky hands
Yes. This would give SE a perfect chance to fix some inherant flaws within FF7. Things such as dodgy translation, glitches and the now famously bad graphics would all be a thing of the past. This is because SE has significantly improved at dealing with the game engine and current technology/techniques such as 3D rendering (remember FF7 was Squares first 3D game).

Another thing that could be improved was the overly easy difficulty level of the game, which reduced its replay value sustantially.

On top of all that they could even add EXTRA content that wasnt originally in the game such as new cutscenes, FMV's, materia, weapons and secrets.
bottom line, im so confident they are making a remake im willing to guarantee it right now. They have been making it for the past 2-4 years im willing to bet. they arent going soft on this game, their precious baby shall not be ruined by being rushed. My rationale, hundreds of thousands of people will buy a ps3, yes the most expensive console, just to play this game. The hype for this game would be bigger than Harry Potter 7 and GTA IV combined. This will draw non-FF fans just because of the Final Fantasy VII name and hype around it. Sony needs this and the pressure put on SE if they arent developing it must be constant and potent. in fact i wouldn't put it out of my head that the boys at microsoft are fighting to get exclusitivity or even at least to prevent sony's exclusitivity. If some people believe SE words and think why would they lie to us? Why not? Would you care that they lied to us when you have a chrome plated game box in your hand with a fenrir key chain, titled Final Fantasy VII.

Square Enix has the biggest trump card right now, sort of similar to when the U.S had the A-Bomb and the rest of the world trembled in fear. How would Square Enix (bottom line a corporate business) pass up the opportunity to make hundreds of millions? Just why would you ignore the wishes of Millions of fans. come on now...
It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
I will now be looking forward to some objections or criticism towards my bold and straightforward comments, and hopefully i swayed some of you skeptics and fence campers.
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bottom line, im so confident they are making a remake im willing to guarantee it right now. They have been making it for the past 2-4 years im willing to bet. they arent going soft on this game, their precious baby shall not be ruined by being rushed. My rationale, hundreds of thousands of people will buy a ps3, yes the most expensive console, just to play this game. The hype for this game would be bigger than Harry Potter 7 and GTA IV combined. This will draw non-FF fans just because of the Final Fantasy VII name and hype around it. Sony needs this and the pressure put on SE if they arent developing it must be constant and potent. in fact i wouldn't put it out of my head that the boys at microsoft are fighting to get exclusitivity or even at least to prevent sony's exclusitivity. If some people believe SE words and think why would they lie to us? Why not? Would you care that they lied to us when you have a chrome plated game box in your hand with a fenrir key chain, titled Final Fantasy VII.

Square Enix has the biggest trump card right now, sort of similar to when the U.S had the A-Bomb and the rest of the world trembled in fear. How would Square Enix (bottom line a corporate business) pass up the opportunity to make hundreds of millions? Just why would you ignore the wishes of Millions of fans. come on now...
It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
I will now be looking forward to some objections or criticism towards my bold and straightforward comments, and hopefully i swayed some of you skeptics and fence campers.

thnx u!! im not the only one who believes there making it anymore!! high five man :monster: i couldnt have said any of it better myself :D

now we await the negative comments.... >_<
I think they should remake it and improve on it. It is possible for them to do so. Although there are those that would throw hate at SE for "milking" the game.

But I would really enjoy a revamped game.
Im all for the remake as long as its done tastfully . that means no drastic plot or char changes . the only changes acceptable would be even more side quests . also def no voices ! ff went down hill with voices in my opinion !
Final Fantasy VII is confirmed it's coming for the PS3 Network

A Girl that calls herself surfergirl confirmed it. Just go to this link if you want to check it out:


I know the link is old. But it's still a confrm.
Yeeeeah...I dunno why but I highly doubt this. If it were confirmed you'd see it on all the major game sites.
Since the PS3 isn't selling so well, I could see them consider remaking VII to boost sales... and you know it will.

I don't think it's in their current future plans though.
I don't believe it. Following Rydia's train of thought, maybe it's a marketing ploy to increase sales of PS3.

If they WERE going to remake the FFVII for a different system, it would probably be the PSP or maybe future Nintendo handhelds.
I dont think that this is true, i just dont see a need to remake this game. The only thing i see it used for is to increase sales for the PS3 which has been as previously. And also i totally agree with LA here. I havent seen it on any major game sites, and seeing as the link you provided isnt one of them, I highly doubt that it is true. It could be just some random person trying to get peoples hopes up.
According to Surfer Girl, on January 14, 2007 she revealed that Square Enix is remaking games for the PLAYSTATION Network.

Today, in the comments section of one of her posts, a questioner asks how Square Enix will remake their games, and what games. Surfer Girl responded "Primarily graphical touches. I hear FF7 (again, not in that rumored all-out remake fashion that has been mention)."

If anything, I'd take both Final Fantasy VII on the PLAYSTATION Network and a full-fledged remake. If one, I'd go for the full-fledged though.

Considering this link is VERY old now (A year for god's sake!) and we have heard no solid news about it since then I'd say don't get your hopes up AT ALL.

I'll tell you all what somebody (who works closely with SE) told me.
Don't believe a remake is coming unless you see solid and official evidence that it is definitely being made, ideally screen shots of the game being made in progress and maybe even a release date. There may be vague plans of it ready, they may say they want to do it, there may even be the odd bit that hints to them giving it the go ahead, but as it stands at the moment they have no intention of releasing one soon.

Minor parts because ofcourse there is people about trying to bodge up some shots of more well known points of the game to fuel the rumor, and the Tech Demo isn't part of the supposed remake anyway so you can't count that.
Hmmm seems fishy to me.

I doubt that they would do that, probably just for the PSP or something.
It was JUST a tech demo do NEVER trust these unless they tell you someone actually IN the company told them like i do when i scope out Metal Gear Info
i definatly think they are thinking VERY hard about this, if not already making plans ablout when they're gonna start on it. the millions of dollars they could make, and all the little hints they keep dropping at us keep me hopeful. i dnt really trust this source tho, since its so old and i think when they do make it it will b more than graphical touches here and there, and more a new generation remake
IF they do make it it won't be based on anything surfergirl says, and if they do they'd be smart to keep it secret until at least 3 months before release.